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Presuming that you may not as yet have seen a little tract, by Doctor Buchanan , on “Christian Researches in Asia ,” lately republished in Boston ; and not doubting that you would find it highly interesting, I have taken the liberty of sending you a copy, of which I most respectfully request your acceptance. Some time ago, inclosed I believe in A Nautical Almanack for the year 1813, I returned...
Your favor of Sep. 23. came to hand in due time, and I thank you for the Nautical almanac it covered for the year 1813. I learn with pleasure that the Philosophical society has concluded to take into consideration the subject of a fixed standard of measures weights and coins; and you ask my ideas on it; insulated as my situation is, I am sure I can offer nothing but what will occur to the...
I write this letter separate, because you may perhaps think something in the other of the same date, worth communicating to the Committee. I accept willingly mr Voigt’s offer to make me a timepeice, & with the kind of pendulum he proposes. I wish it to be as good as hands can make it, in every thing useful; but no unnecessary labour to be spent on mere ornament. a plain, but neat mahogany case...
The journal proceeds—1783, Monday, May 5th.—Dined with my family at comte Sarsefields. The dukes de la Vauguion and de la Rochefaucault, Mr. Jay, &c. were of the party. 1783, Tuesday, May 6.—Dined at Mr. Jay’s. Lt. General Mullville, who is here to solicit for the inhabitants of Tobago the continuance of their assembly and trials by jury, was there. 1783, Wednesday, May 7.—Dined at Mr....
I recieved your Letter by the last Mail inclosing one for your daughter, who left me last week, to our great regreet. I expostulate with her for making her visit So short She Said She had been five weeks with us. I could Scarcly credit it, untill I looked back, and then So many events had during that period rapidly Succeeded each other, that I had not calculated how the time had passed It was...
I cannot with-hold the expression of my delight at the tone & manner of yr. message (I wish I could call it speech). It reminds us of Washington & I ardently hope will be the precursor of union at home & respect abroad. I wish you had touched the emperor’s improper delay on the fulfilment of the promise which produced yr. proclamation. Certainly he has committed a breach of faith in modo. But...
8 November 1811. Conveys information that two pipes of the wine ordered by JM have been shipped, as JM requested, from Baltimore to JM’s agent in Fredericksburg. Three pipes of wine, as well as that ordered for Mrs. Washington, have been shipped to him, and he will immediately send them to JM’s house unless directed otherwise. Encloses a paper showing the duties, freight, and other charges on...
Cloathing purchased for George and John Adams 3 peices Blew Nankeen at 2 dollars pr piece 6 1 peice yellow 1 25 2 yd Gingham .63 1 yd vesting 1 42 4 yds check 1 69 5 doz pearl Buttons 1 50 3 yd cotton Cloth 75
I now lay before Congress, two letters to the Department of State, one from the present Plenipotentiary of France, the other from his predecessor; which were not included among the documents accompanying my Message of the fifth instant; the translation of them being not then compleated. RC and enclosures, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1; and DNA : RG 46, Legislative...
I have duly received your much esteemed favor of the 4 th , for which, if any words were adequate, I would thank you:—From your experience, and from every other consideration which ought to influence govern me, I should have taken the liberty of asking the favor of your advice; but feared I had already taken up too much of your time: upon this subject therefore, I will occupy no more. I have...