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Results 26401-26410 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am heartily concerned, that the officers have such real cause to complain of the Committee’s resolves; and still more to find my inclinations prone to second their just grievances. I have endeavoured, as far as I was able, to see in the best light I could the trifling advantages that may accrue; yet nothing prevents their throwing down their commissions, (with gratitude and thanks to your...
As I think it my indispensible duty to inform you particularly of my proceedings, and to give the most plain and authentic acct from time to time of our situation, I must acquaint your Honour that immediately after giving the necessary Orders at Fredericksburg and dispatching expresses to hurry the Recruits from Alexandria, I rid post to this place passing by Lord Fairfax’s who was not at...
This day, within five miles of the Carolina line, as I was proceeding to the southermost Fort in Halifax; I met Major Lewis on his return from the Cherokees, with seven men, and three women only of that nation. The causes of this unhappy disappointment, I have desired him to communicate, that your Honor may take measures accordingly. This account is sent by Express, to give the earliest...
Your favour of the 13th by Mr Boyd, I have received. The Draughts from Lunenburg are arrived, to the number of 16; which does not replace the Soldiers that have deserted since my last. So prevalent is this infamous practice yet. The Draughts, when they were divided among the eight companies in July, completed them to 86 rank and file, and there remained over and above 40 workmen, which I...
A letter which I received from Capt. Mercer, upon my return to Alexandria, informs me, that 95 Cutawba’s, beside 25 that are gone to Williamsburgh, are now in Winchester, waiting orders how to conduct themselves —That, according to custom they are in want of matchcoats, shirts, leggings, and all other necessaries. I shou’d be glad to receive your Honors particular directions with respect to...
Your letter of Aug. 29. reached me on the 18th. of Feb it inclosed a duplicate of that written from Brunswick five years before, but which I never recieved, or had notice of, but by this duplicate. be assured, my friend, that I was incapable of such negligence towards you as a failure to answer it would have implied. it would illy have accorded with those sentiments of friendship I entertained...
In taking leave, my dear Count, of the country which united our residence, and which procured me the happiness of your society, I cannot omit to express to yourself and Madame la comtesse Diodati my most affectionate Adieux. I had left you with very different expectations, and were it not that I am told I may be more useful here, I would have used the liberty allowed me of returning there...
Monsieur Jefferson a eté tres affligé de n’avoir pas eté rendre ses devoirs a Monsieur le comte et Madame la Comtesse Diodati: mais ç’a eté causé par une autre affliction qui a manqué d’etre bien grave. Son enfant, qui a eu la fievre depuis deux mois (avec une courte intermission seulement) l’a eu très dangereusement les dernieres semaines. Depuis trois ou quatre jours pourtant un mieux s’est...
Je viens de recevoir, mon chere Monsieur, l’honneur de votre lettre du 24. Juillet. La peine avec laquelle je m’exprime en Francois feroit que ma reponse seroit bien courte s’il ne m’etoit pas permis de repondre que dans cette langue. Mais je sçais qu’avec quelque connoissance de la langue Angloise vous meme, vous aurez une aide tres suffisante dans Madame la comtesse que j’ose prier d’ajouter...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 22d Instant. inclosing the Packet of Mr. Butlers and Mr. Galwey’s Papers with the receipt for those sent to Mr. Clonard, and am extreamly oblig’d by your Care in sending them. As to the Trunks of Clothes, as they are advertised for sale, it seems to be best that the Person who desires to have them, and to whom I have sent the...