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Results 26401-26410 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have taken the liberty of addressing you, to request that you will recommend a system of female education, best adapted to the present state of our society. Such a plan as is compatable with the pecuniary circumstances of females, that will enable them to acquire a liberal and accomplished education. Should you find it convenient to furnish a plan of education, I must trouble you farther to...
The Sacrifices made to defend Norfolk with Militia are of a Nature & to an extent requiring the most Serious consideration from the Gen’l Gov’t; I am satisfied you cannot know the Sufferings to which Individuals & families are exposed by that policy, & the Serious Diminution of the Physical strength of virginia; to Say nothing of the effect produced on the Spirit, of the people, & their...
By a resolution of this House an adjournment will take place on the 23d. I am personally extremely anxious to get home, every consideration conspires to render me impatient, but I think from the prospect which the last intelligence from Europe presents us, much good might result from the arrival of the J. A. There are also several questions of great national Moment which would probably be...
I take the liberty of naming the Lynchburg Star as a fit paper for the publication of the Laws of the UStates. Its character is decidedly Republican, Situation central, & circulation extensive in the western parts of the State; If these circumstances were not Sufficient to recommend the Star, I would add, that the Editor, is a man of Talents, & means to devote himself to the diffusion of...
An unwillingness to trespass on your time has hitherto prevented any communication from me, But as the period for closing the Session of Assembly approaches, I have determind to request that my attendance at Washington may be dispensed with until the Spring; It would perhaps be unpleasant to Mr C. at this particular time to leave Wtn, after remaining with anxious expectation to hear the Trial...
I wrote Mrs Burwell to send my horses to meet me at Monticello , under an expectation I should reach your house on thursday—the unexpected delay of the Tax bills compels me to remain longer, may I beg the favor of you to detain my Servant until I can leave this place, which I propose doing in a Hack— we have been much commotion for a week past—the whole City is under arms & on militia duty at...
Permit me to offer you my most sincere congratulations upon the restoration of peace upon terms, & under circumstances peculiarly honorable to this Country; I do it as well on account of the Nation, as yourself. They are happily relieved from much Suffering, restored to the enjoyment of their rights, exalted in the estimation of the world, and confirmed in the Stability of their Government;...
19 February 1813. “I perceive it is the intention of the Govt to raise 1000 men of the 20,000 for the state of Virginia. Without being authorised I will suggest Thomas M. Randolph for a Colonel. I think he would make a most Zealous, & valuable officer.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Docketed by JM. Thomas Mann Randolph (1768–1828) was the son of Thomas Mann Randolph and Anne Cary Randolph and the...
A visit to the Springs for the benefit of my family delay’d the Receipt of your letter until a few days past; otherwise I should have given you an answer sooner; The quarry to which you allude is in the County of Franklin on the Pigg River , about 45 miles from New London , the Road is generally hilly but firm, such as the waggoners are accustomed to carry from 3. to 4000—in the summer, & Fall...
Directions for using the Carding Engine Make the feeding frame fast in front of the Engine, by means of the irons and screw rod, and so placed that the cards on the main Cylinder will just pass the fluted Rollers without touching them.—The upper fluted Roller is kept down on the under one by two wires ( ) hooked ovev over the pivots of it at the ends, & under two small iron levers ( ) one end...