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Results 26391-26400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I arrived here yesterday and think it advisable to dispatch an Express (notwithstanding I hear two or three are already sent down) to inform you of the unhappy situation of Affairs on this Quarter. The Enemy have returned in greater numbers; committed several murders not far from Winchester; and even are so daring as to attack our Forts in open day; as your Honor may see by the enclosed...
Your favours of the 13th & 18th ultimo, with the commissions, Warrants, and money, I have received. The Indian accompts I have so often mentioned, and which your Honor says you do not understand, are expences which have accrued on account of provisions, as they have marched from place to place (for they will not eat salt-meat; but kill fresh wherever it is to be found) Liquor, unavoidably to...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I received from Captn McKenzie. Since my last, the different parties I detached in quest of the Enemy (who committed the late depradations in this neighbourhood) are returned; after having prosecuted the most probable measures, and exerted their utmost efforts in vain, in endeavouring to come up with, and prevent the enemys escape: nor is it in any degree...
If the Vessel your Honour hir’d of Colo. Eyre has not left York, or Mr Carlyle’s Norfolk and Hampton We should be glad to have as many Tints sent up as can be spard, for there is no proper Linnen to make them of here and would be difficult to get done if there was[.] We also are much in want of Cutlasses, Halbards, Officer’s half Pikes, Drum’s &ca which I am inform’d are in the Magazine that...
I arrived here last night, and find things in the peaceable state I left them on this Quarter; and therefore set out tomorrow for Augusta. As Mr Walker has declined, it is absolutely necessary to have a Commissary immediately appointed, who should have express orders where, and for what number of men, to lay in Provisions; and should be furnished with cash before he sets out, as every thing...
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octobr 5th 1757. Both of your Honors letters of the 24th ultimo I received by Jenkins: and as I can not now send a proper monthly return of the Regiment for want of the remarks of the officers at the outposts, I enclose your Honor an exact return, however of our effective strength, and how disposed of, which will at present answer the end...
I was in hope that by Garrisoning the Forts with part of the Militia, we should have been able to have mustered a greater number of Soldiers to work upon the Forts that are to be built: But I am under the greatest apprehensions, that all who are now up will desert: They go off in twenties—and all threaten to return, if they are not relieved in a very short time, or discharged. Many...
It gave me infinite concern to find in yours by Governour Innis, that any representations should inflame the Assembly against the Virginia Regiment; or give cause to suspect the morality and good Behaviour of the Officers. How far any of the individuals may have deserved such invidious reflections, I will not take upon me to determine; but this I am certain of; and can call my conscience, and...
I send this to acquaint You with an unhappy Affair that I am told has lately happened at the Mouth of Conegochiege within this Province; I have my information only from Report, but by what I can learn there was a Party of Colonel Washington’s Regiment posted somewhere in Virga opposite the place abovementioned; Lieutenant Gordon who commanded it on some Account or other came over into Maryland...
The Indians are so dissatisfied at Mr Atkins’ delay, that I am obliged to send this Express to beg the favor of your Honor to hurry him up immediately, or to give Orders in what manner the Present shou’d be disposed of, which arrived here two days ago from Mr Donald. If one or the other of these is not done, and in a very short time too; it will not be in my power to prevent their going off...