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Results 26391-26400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
13 November 1811. “I lay before Congress the Result of the census lately taken of the Inhabitants of the United States, with a letter from the Secretary of State relative thereto.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 12A-E3). RC 1 p. In the hand of Edward Coles, signed by JM. For surviving enclosure, see n. 1. JM enclosed a letter he had received from James Monroe, dated...
Your favor of the 31 st Ulto came to hand in due course— Two Days ago I was fortunate enough to find a Vessel bound from this place Direct to Richmond on which I have put your Stove, pipes &c the bill of lading is sent on to your Corrospondents Gibson & Jefferson Richmond I have put the whole in cases but not Exactly as you requested, I have put the Intire Stove in case, without taking it...
M r M c kinney tells me I misunderstood him when I considered a part of the flour formerly shipped as destined to pay me a quarter’s rent: but he yesterday sent off Johnson’s boat with 50. barrels to be delivered to you on my account. it will probably arrive before this letter. be pleased to recieve and sell it for the best price you can, as I do not know the state of the market, I fix no...
For several months I did not think the Baltimore printers “ family anecdote ” of consequence enough to send home, but in May I forwarded it, & my B r Lord Ellenborough says that “ Fox never did or would have used the expressions quoted as his,—it was not his manner of acting” — I am induced to intrude with this, out of justice to so worthy a man, & not to convince you that the Federal...
I have in my possession a Spa in Chay at The Suit of Randolp h s e xe cutiors againest Randolph and others—among the Parties you are named as a defendant and I have other Business to call me another way you I am told are nothing more Than a nominal Party. will you Give me leave to returne It Executed as to yourself. If So be pleased to take the Trouble to Drope me a line I have enc l osed you...
Alas! What a difference between your last, and former letters!—Instead of being charmed with the effusions of your vigorous highly cultivated Understanding and sportive imagination, your letter of the 2nd of Novr contains nothing but accounts of “graves & tombs” and “dust converted into paper,” and of “sorrows written with rainy eyes upon the bosom of the earth.”—It affected me in the most...
The excellent Sermon you sent, me was indeed “a cordial to my Heart—” I thank Mr Whitney for the justice he has done to departed excellence, & for his sympathetick remembrace of me, & the absent Relatives—It was my ardent wish to have been present at the mournful Obsequies, but it was not to be—Mr Peabody’s Indisposition, & a number of contingencies prevented—I have been laying plans in my own...
I took the liberty of addressing you, ⅌ last Mail, in the event of the death of Judge Matthews, which was at that time, reported here to be a fact, but which report I am happy to inform you has been Since Contradicted. I am with great & usual respect yrs RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Williams to JM, 2 Nov. 1811 ( PJM-PS Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Presidential...
Monday, 11 November 1811. Invites Revenga to dine next Friday at 4 P.M. Requests a reply. Printed copy ( Cristóbal L. Mendoza, ed., Las primeras misiones diplomaticas de Venezuela [2 vols.; Caracas, 1962], 2:68). In Spanish. For an account of the dinner, see Manuel Pérez Vila, José Rafael Revenga (1786–1852) (Caracas, 1953), pp. 16–17.
11 November 1811, Louisville, Kentucky. Reminds JM of letters of recommendation he presented in April in seeking a territorial judgeship or secretarial position. Requests now the Louisiana judgeship vacated by the death of Otho Shrader and promises to discharge the duties of the position faithfully. “I have married the Daughter of an old Friend of yours Colo. Greenup late Gove[r]nor of this...