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Results 26381-26410 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Since my last I have been favor’d with yours of the 31st Ultimo, and the 2d & 6th Instant. The Letter respecting Deserters shall be laid before the General Assembly at the next Session on the First Monday in March who I doubt not will take the most proper Measure to discourage Desertion. My last to you will explain the Motives by which the General Assembly were governed in ordering the Brigade...
Your Excellencys Favour, of the 12th Inst. and the News papers from Mr McHenery came safe to hand. Mr Woolfen says that a Corporal and 4 men will be sufficient to relieve those he would wish to send back to Camp, but he begs they may be what he calls safe hands, Americans. If those could be safe Hands got it might be as well to relieve the whole of them, except a Jerman Sergt that he has; and...
It is extremely painful to me, to trouble your Excellency, with a Second application for Office, after the unfortunate fate of my first; Conscious that my disappointment, did not proceed from an Opinion of my incapacity a demerit; I am encouraged once more to present myself for employment. I cannot Consider myself destitute of a Claim on my Country for an Office, having served in the Army at...
Jeffn.—ansr. his of 6.—as to land—Catlett &c.—shall employ Price & consult with Mr G. Jeffn.—hope he will also give his directions when at Monti.—as to [Britony]—Durrets lease—Mr Barnes I shall stop at Semmes’s—letter to be still kept for me—shall leave this in a few days & only stop at [Mt. Vernon]—anxious to get into winter quarters before the cold sets in—as to the vessel going to France, I...
§ From Joseph Dean and Others. 17 May 1814, Alexandria. “The Citizens of the Town & County of Alexandria represent that they are frequently subjected to considerable inconvenience for want of a sufficient number of Justices of the Peace. It is presumed no objection can arise to the appointment of such a number as to render Justice not only accessable but convenient to every section of the...
The security for the office of Receiver must not be nominal. If M. Maury is not worth 10,000 dollars, I will be under the necessity of requiring further security. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Paris, 27 March 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 361–364). In this letter, received by Congress on 31 July and read on 1 Aug., John Adams wrote that war “is now generally considered as a Contest of Finances; so that the Nation which can the longest find Money to carry on the War, can generally hold out the longest.” Adams believed that Great Britain, because of its heavy taxation since 1774, had...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 15 June 1777. In his letter to Putnam of 17 June , GW says that “I have been favoured with yours of the 15th & 16th Instant.”
J’ai reçu la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 6. de ce mois. Je Vous supplie de vouloir bien faire continuer le service dont Vous avés chargé M. le Gal Forman et les communications qui se font à notre Escadre par la chaine d’Exprès que Vous avés etablie jusqu’à ce que M. le Mis de Vaudreuil ait fait voile de Boston pour sa destination future. Je ne puis trop...
26390[Diary entry: 3 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
3. At home all day alone.
This has been one of the most distressing years I have ever experienced, but although I have met with the loss of two of my most valueable servants, I feel happy, when I reflect that my wife and Children are spared; At one time, Sir, I had Eight of my family on the bed of sickness, and with a fever (if fatal) would have terminated there existence in a short time, but the great skill, and...
The June packet is to sail tomorrow. as I know you must be anxious for constant intelligence, at this critical & important period, I will not let her sail without writing to you, tho it is a hazard whether she will go safe, for our very coasts are infested with French Privateers, who insult us in our own Waters. every exertion is making to get our Frigates to sea. we have some 20 Gun vessels...
Education, which you brought into View in one of your Letters; is a subject so vast, and the systems of Writers are, So various and so contradictory: that human Life is too short to examine it: and a Man must die before he can learn to bring up his Children. The Phylosophers, Divines, Politicians and Pædagogues, who have published their Theories and Practices, in this apartment are without...
I have received your letter of the 16th of Septemr. on the 27th of the same month, and am much obliged for your answers to my several questions, and for the consent you have given respecting the sales of vessels of which may be condemned. If measures had not been taken the Sloop Betsy would not have sold so high as she did. I told the Council for the Ushers, that their case having been fairly...
[ Annapolis, 4 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. E. State of Congr.—Rise of tobo. in Engld.—Martin.” Not found.]
On the 21st. Inst. at 4 P M I got alongside of the united States frigate The New york Captain Barron and recd. your letter of The 27th. of July with a P. S. of The 22d. of august with the 30 Thousand dollars in order to make a Cash payment to this regency in Lieu of Stores. It blew fresh We landed at the marine of Algiers at 7 P M with the money where all remained that night. In the morning at...
Jai lhonneur de vous faire Part de mon arrivée avec mon fils qui est dans L’armée de Monsieur Le Compte De larrochambeau, nous Sommes dans Le moment d’attaquer nos ennemis, donnés moy La Satisfaction d’etre à même de pouvoir vous témoigner ainsy qu’au Congré & à ma Patrie, L’occasion en Qualité d’encien officier Général Sous vos ordres de Soutenir & La Gloire de Lamerique & D’un officier Connu...
I crave your permission for to offer You this mark of my respect, which, at once displays my confidence, and congratulates your Excellency on being chosen President of the American Congress.—Who ever is acquainted with your vigorous, and efficacious exertions in the Support of your Country, during its hard struggle for Independence, must applaud the choice, and still admire in your invariable...
I hope my Letter to you of the 18 th September, of which I also sent a Duplicate, has come safe to hand, for it contained important Matter— namely a Copy of a Letter from Marbois to the Count de Vergennes against our sharing in the Fishery This Court advised and persuaded us to treat with Oswald under his first Commission, I positively refused Aranda will not or can not exchange powers with...
Yesterday I had part of our regiment together and they turned out 46 men as volunteers for a scouting party for 1 month and several more are expected to enlist very soon. those that turned out, did immediately proceed to choose their officers, viz. Mr Peter R. Fell for their Capt. & Joste Zabriskie for their 1st Lieut., John Van Allen 2nd Lieut. and James S. Bogart Ensign. their choosing so...
Ayant eût l’honneur de servir sous les Ordres de Votre Excellence, au Siége d’York toon, en qualité de sous Lieutenant des Chasseurs au Régiment de Gatinois, permettés que j’ose exposer à vos yeux l’infortune dans laqu’elle me plonge les malheurs de St Dominque où j’étois employé comme Capitaine d’une Compagnie dans ce Corps, qui a merité par la prise d’une Redoute au Siège de cette place, le...
I am happy to see you here , to take you by the hand, & to renew the assurances of our friendship. the journey which you have taken is long: but if it leads to a right understanding of what either of us may have misunderstood it will be useful for all. for, living in the same land, it is best for us all that we should live together in peace, friendship and good neighborhood. I have taken into...
I beg leave to call recall your attention to my letter of the 10th inst mentioning the resignation of Lt. Blake acting Pay & Qr. Mas to the detachment at Wilmington under Major Cass and proposing Lt. Jacob Wilson as a substitute. I understand from Major Cass that the bounty money deposited in the hands of the different recruiting officers has been withdrawn by order of the PM General—This puts...
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your kind favors of the 4 th Septem r. and partake in the happiness of your being “at length settled in a regular Train, both of public & private Life”— While the Nation, of which I am a Citizen, will receive the greatest benefit from your labors in the former line—permit me to hope that the remembrance of an old friend may, now & then, afford...
Une petite absence de chez moi durant la plus grande partie de la journée d’hier, a retardé les incluses; J’espere que leur retard est sans conséquence. Elles sont arrivées toutes deux d’Amsterdam, et notamment le cachet de l’une dans l’état ou vous le verrez. J’ai une Lettre de Mr. Carmichael, qui me dit entre autres —“I wish Mr. Adams all the success he can desire. You will please to inform...
Letter not found: from Charles Carter (of Ludlow), 21 Dec. 1787. On 20 Jan. 1788 GW wrote Carter that his “favor of the 21st of last month” had come to hand.
Amidst the great & important concerns of public life, it is hardly possible to suppose, that you can attend to an Object so obscure as I am—but distress will look for aid, where it is most likely to be procured, & the great goodness of your heart, I trust, will secure me against the presumption of so bold an application. To make Complaents is Childish; & to trouble you with them highly...
2640816th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. West, came out, and brought to Mr. Adams, two letters from Mr. Jackson. Jonathan Jackson to JA , 25 Feb. ( Adams Papers ); the other letter has not been found and is not mentioned in JA ’s reply of 18 March ( LbC , Adams Papers ).
All well here and in expectation of seeing you on Sunday next. Dr. Taylor has enjoined my judgments against him for delay. The pretext is that I have refused to execute a deed to him for Elkhill . But I never was so mistaken if I did not by his direction reacknolege the former deed before the clerks of the General court in Richmond on the 4th. of June 1794. or within a very few days after...
I have yours of the 22d. ulto., communicating the purport of a letter to you, from H Lee, at Nashville, of augt. 24. with an extract from him, of a letter to him from Genl. Armstrong, respecting his provisional order to genl. Jackson, of July 18. 1814., to take possession of Louisiana, on certain conditions, as to the presum’d cause, of the delay, in the transmission of that letter, and the...