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Results 26381-26390 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
j’ai eu l’honneur de vous ecrire le 21 du mois dernier une lettre qui vous parviendra en meme tems que celle-cy. j’espere qu’elle vous aura montré combien je Suis reconnoissant de vos bontés, et combien je Suis heureux de l’indulgence avec la quelle vous avez acceuilli mon petit ecrit Sur Montesquieu . elle vous aura meme prouvé que cette indulgence me donne une bien grande confiance, puisque...
I duly recieved your letter of Oct. 24. on the publication of an Ephemeris. I have long thought it desirable that something of that kind should be published in the US holding a middle station between the Nautical, & the common popular almanacs. it would certainly be acceptable to a numerous & respectable description of our fellow citizens, who, without undertaking the higher astronomical...
I have just received, on my return from Boston, this Evening, your favour of the 10th: instant, and cannot but express my regret that you have found it necessary, for your own vindication, to enter into so ample an explanation of the difficulties you have recently encountered. I am very desirous of avoiding any personal interference in the disputes of individuals, with whom I have no immediate...
I did not need your last token of love to remind me of my duty to one who is unwearied in exertions of friendship towards me. My mind dwells much on my dear absent Friends & it is with truth I can say that you & yours have a large share of my contemplations. By my own woful experience I can & do most sensibly feel for you under your bereavments. The society of a good Brother & Sister is...
The Constitution is at length arrived, and Mr: Russell informs me that she is to return to France before she will proceed to America; which will not probably be till some time in the Month of Janry. My Plan of embarking in her is by this means disconcerted; and the detail of Communication, that I was desirous of making personally, delayed. I am now strongly persuaded to defer my departure till...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Gelston, & his thanks for his statement of the tonnage of steamboats now actually employed. he has no doubt that this invention will materially improve the condition of our country. he avails himself of this occasion of assuring mr Gelston of his constant esteem & respect. RC ( NNGL , on deposit NHi ); dateline at foot of text; lacks address cover....
The President of William and Mary college having lately sent me the result of your observations of the solar eclipse of Sept r 17 th at Monticello , I have calculated the longitude from Greenwich , using the first and last contacts, which will always give a near approximation to the truth, if the apparent times and latitude of the place have been correctly ascertained. I have taken great pains...
We have safely recieved the cask of timothy seed, as also the very excellent parcel of butter which you have been so kind as to send us; for which be pleased to accept my thanks, or perhaps I should more properly request you to tender them with my respects to mrs Stuart . You have, days since, seen the most excellent, rational & dignified message of the present president , & the documents...
I communicate to Congress, copies of a correspondence between the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, and the Secretary of State, relative to the aggression committed by a British Ship of War on the United States Frigate Chesapeake; by which it will be seen that that subject of difference, between the two Countries, is terminated by an offer of reparation which...
We the undersigned Cheifs and warriors of the Mawwa Chipowa Potawawtomie and Wyandots Nations, living within the United States of America upon the waters of the Lakes and vicinity, On behalf of Ourselves and Nations, request Our Father the President of the United States listen to Our desires. It is well known to Our Father the President that we your red Brethern cannot make known our mind and...