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Results 26381-26390 of 184,431 sorted by author
At the request of several Gentlemen of Newfield, I address you in behalf of Samuel and Aaron Hawley Junr, for an appointment as Officers in the Navy & Artillery—Samel Hawley has been breed to the Seas from his Youth, he is about thirty four years of age, has for several years commanded a Ship, is an active, smart resolute Man, and from information and what I know of him myself, I think he is...
Fairfield [Conn.] 19 April 1776 . Requests GW’s directions regarding Benjamin Gale, who, by General Lee’s order, “was taken up as a Tory” and “has been confined to my Goal, till within a Day or two, when I recd the inclosed resolution of N. York Congress: He is now out upon his Parole of honor. You will observe that the resolve of Congress is directed to the Chairman of our Committee, who...
A young man—a Stranger—an Emigrant, ventures to intrude himself upon the notice of the President of the United States; and full of apprehension that my conduct may appear like youthful presumption; I deem it safer to throw myself upon your Clemency than to Offer any appology for my temerity. Peculiar infelicity obliged me to exile myself from my native country, and being now in a Strange land...
Agreable to the Instructions received of Getting waggons to Transport Provisions from Ringwood to the Fort I have done every thing in my power to have as many as Judged our Quota here by favourable means Was Oblidged to Grant a Press Warrent the Constable return’d this morning with The Warrent & Names of Twelve who he had warn’d & every man Said he would Not Go unless there was Some other way...
An account of your late happy escape, with life, from the merciless hands of M r Browere taking your Bust, having appear’d in the New York Evening Post; from which account I am now fully confirmed in the opinion that a scientific Teacher of the art of Perspective and Drawing would be considered an acquisition in your University, as it concludes with these words—“I understand that M r Jefferson...
The Lord God in the richness of his mercey hath arisin in the majisty of his power to visit & revisit the children of men for the purpose of purifying by the opperation of his own Love, their rational souls—and thereby prepare them to be happy, supremely happy, in the enjoyment of the Divine presence admitting that all external objects should to give joy or consolation—Whilst my mind (in the...
The first disciples of Jesus-Christ did not hesitate at times to ascert that the Love of Christ—the invisable yet sencible influence of redeaming love was the cause of theire preaching and writing—And if the maxim be true that that which has been may be again—I presume you will not view me as boasting when I observe that my mind has felt the influence of something this morning—that I beleaved...
I should have acknowledged the Receipt of your esteemed favor before this time—but I have Just returned from a Journey to the Southern part of this State —The Governor as President of the Board of Trustees of our University , has given Notice for a general meeting on the 28 th of this month, for the purpose of taking under their consideration the subject of your letter —It is certainly a...
I was informed by Mrs. Eppes , that you wished an annual supply of Scoupernong Wine,—I am in the habit of purchasing for the use of my own family, and will with much pleasure undertake the Commission, as it will be no additional trouble.— Be good enough to inform me, whether it would be more convenient for you that the wine be sent to Petersburg , Richmond , or to M r John W. Eppes ’s, as I...
I have purchased for you, a barrel of Wine two years old.—I think it much better than the barrel I sent M r Eppes —I shall forward it by the first opportunity to Richmond —I hope it may not be adulterated, as the Waggonners sometimes take the liberty of playing tricks with articles of this kind, confided to their care,— It will not be necessary to give M r Gibson any instructions about a draft...