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Results 26381-26430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur votre fils vient de nous apprendre les admirables nouvélles de l’amérique nous lui avons tous sauté au col, et nous voulions allér sur le champ, vous témoignér la joye inéxprimable que nous cause cet événement: il nous a dit que vous étiés fort occupé et que nous pourrions vous gésnér; nous réspéctons vos affaires; mais mon chér papa, mon coeur est...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These Lines will be conveyed to you by the Elector Palatine’s secretary of the ambassy, Mr. David, who setts out for Paris to morrow, and will, I hope, come safe to Hand. What has been the Fate of my 3. last Letters from my House, at Rockhau, near Bienne in Switzerland, written September 21t. and 26. and another the 9th. of last Month, I don’t know. If...
26383General Orders, 4 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The troops are constantly to have one day’s provisions on hand, ready cooked—The officers are to pay particular attention to this, and consider it as a standing rule, that if they are suddenly called to arms the men may not be distressed. Major General The Marquis La Fayette is to take the command of the division lately commanded by General Stephen. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
In regard to the Advisability of a Winters Campaign, I answer —In keeping the Field, the hardships on both officers and privates are manifestly great, nor is there an alternative presenting your Excy with less inconvenience, at best you have but a choice of difficulties of which Hutting in the field is in my Opinion the least of the two, and most in Character for the Army. The only Semblance...
I Have Just Recd Information which I Beleive to be the Best Can be Obtaind that the British Army had Last Night Packd up all their Baggage & each Man four Days Provision Coock’d; their Horses hitchd to their Artillery & every Appearance of marching out Immediately But something happening which is Not accounted for the orders were Countermanded; the Reason Assignd to me is they Expect our army...
I am this moment informed that a Ship is arrived at portsmouth with a valuable Cargo of Ordnance & ordnance Stores for the use of the United States. as soon as we are fully ascertained of it measures shall be taken to secure, and forward them to the Arsenals. A large Quantity of Lead is on the Road, which with upwards of one Hundred Thousand Musket Cartridges, will be forwarded from...
If posting the army in a position similar to that I advised in my last letter, be to form a winters campaign, the measure in my opinion is not only adviseable, but absolutely necessary, as the more I think on the subject the more I am convinced that retiring into winter quarters and leaving the country uncovered will be followed with the ruin of our friends, give ease and plenty to our...
Your Excellencys Favour of yesterday I received concerning the Adviseability of a winter Campaign, and the practicability of an attack upon Philada with the Aid of a considerable body of Militia asembled at an apointed time and place. I do ashure Your Excellency I think the object a verry desireable one could it be put properly into execution and without tacking a winter Campaign to it, which...
Your Excellency was pleasd to desire the Opinion of your General Officers on “The Adviseability of a Winters Campaign, & practicability of an Attack upon Philadelphia, with the Aid of a considerable Body of Militia to be Assembled at an appointed Time & place” —I must Confess that to me this Question seems so much interwoven, with the Question Your Excellency was pleasd to put a few days ago,...
The bad State of our Army at present, destitute of Clothing and many other Necessaries the Necessity of its being reunited this Winter that we may be superior to Mr How in the Spring induces me to give my Opinion in favour of going to Winter Quarters. The Attack on Philadelphia, from the best Knowledge I can obtain of the Strength of their Works I must think wou’d fail, the Consequences of...
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 4 Dec. 1777. GW wrote to Peters on 14 Dec. that “Your several favs. of the 28th Novem. and 4th and 5th instants came duly to hand.”
In answer to the question Recevd by note from your Excellency yesterday —a winters Campain I am Sure it will be attended with the Graet loss of our numbers as to the Militia troops their is but little Dependence upon them in Case you make an Asolt upon Philidha besides if the Rivers Should be froze over the Enemy Doubless will Contract lines & make their Situation nearly as Strong as it is...
your excelancey by your letter of yesterday Requested my sentements on two points. first the advisabelity of a winter Campaign secondly the Practicability of an Attact upon Philadelphia —Ass to the first of these points my Sentiments is that a winter campaign is Practable—I confess the verey thought of a winter Campaign in our Sercumstances appeers dredfull But it is liek meny other Evels,...
I made a report to your Excellency immediately on receiving intellegence of Mr Zulinski’s affair. The same dragoon who was witness to what happened I sent with my Report, with respect to Mr Zulinski’s behaviour on the occasion. It was not as Mr Moylan has represented. The encounter was accidental. Neither had Mr Zulinski any other design than to retaliate on Col. Moylan in the same manner that...
Tho’ the Consideration of a Winters Campaign, & Practicability of an Attack on Philada have been so lately proposed, every Gentleman who extended his Views beyond the present Hour, must have turnd his Thoughts upon these Subjects so as to be able to form something more than a sudden Opinion. There cannot be any Person, Sir, either on a publick or private Account, upon whom the Motives for a...
I recd Your Excellencys letter of Yesterday. I well remember the proposition made. I then thaught there was a probability of Success in Such an attempt, but after Your Excellency returnd from Reconoitring the Enemy’s Lines and hearing Your oppinion with regard To their Strength, I lost every Idea of a Winters Campaign. I must confess I never Promised my self any Certainty of Success In it. But...
It will be unnecessary to point out the sufferings of the Continental Troops, from their various hard Duty, & distresses for want of Cloathing, particularly in the Articles of Blankets, Shoes, Stokings, the most essential part to enable them to encounter the severity of a Winter Campaign, and the improbability of procuring those necessary Supplies, without which our prospect of success in an...
Agreable to your Excellenceys Directions I have Considered upon the Advisability of making a winters Campaign and the practicability of making an Attack upon Philadelphia with the aid of a Body of Militia to be Called in for that purpose. Though The Attacking & carrying Philadelphia is an object much to be wished yet as the attempt carries with it an Idea of a winters Campaign I must give my...
I am not for a Winters Campaign in the Open field—the Distressed and naked State of your Troops will not admit of it. But if taking post at Willmington & the Villages in it’s Vicinity—or Hutting at the Distance of about Twenty Miles West of Phila. (which will not only support the Honor & Reputation of Your Army in the eyes of the Enemy—and the States of Europe —but will give Confidence to...
I have from the first moment it was Suggested to your Excellency, “that an attack on Philadelphia this winter with the aid of Militia was practicable and promised success,” kept in mind the desirable Object; have compaired and viewed it in every light, and on every ground I could place it, and after Mature consideration on the matter cannot promise a single Advantage that would justifie the...
I did not recieve your Excellency’s Letter till my return from Head quarters last Evening, or I should have comply’d with your requisition sooner. I have before given my reasons for being against exposeing this army to a Winters Campaign in their present condition. I would add to them the present Temper of the Soldiery, who I am convinced are very generly against it. The practicability of an...
The Committee appointed have according to order prepared what they think may be proper to be offered at the conference which is to be desired with the Senate on the subject matter of their amendments to a resolution of the house of delegates for paying to Thomas Johnson the sum of £15-5-6. The house of delegates has desired this conference in order to preserve that harmony and friendly...
French translation: Public Record Office Lord Stormont, when he sent this translation to London with a dispatch of December 6, described the recipient as Franklin’s intimate friend. We are inclined to think that friend was the Chevalier de Kéralio who has not yet appeared in our volumes but whom Franklin had certainly met either through John MacMahon at the Ecole Militaire, or the dowager...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress Once the news of Saratoga arrived, the French government lost no time. This polite note arranged a meeting the next day, which revealed that a turning point had come in Franco-American relations. Gérard began the interview by telling the commissioners that Maurepas and Vergennes had sent him to congratulate them and to ask for any...
AL : National Archives I had the honor of writing to you yesterday by post under cover by Mr. Williams. I inclosed copies of two letters which I wrote you previous to my departure from Portsmouth, together with a plan which I drew up at Philadelphia on the Regulation and Equipment of our infant Navy. I now inclose you a letter which I had the honor to receive in charge from the Secret...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés, Monsieur, que la Personne du monde qui vous est le plus attachée vous dise combien elle partage la satisfaction que vous eprouvés dans ce moment cy. J’aurois bien desirés me joindre à mes parents pour vous faire mon compliment. Recevés le Monsieur et mes regrets de ne pouvoir Vous reiterrer moy même les sentimens que je vous ay voué pour toujours...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En attendant que j’aille vous faire mon sincere compliment sur vos succes, ce que je compte faire demain, Mon cher Maitre, voicy une Ode que je suis chargé de vous presenter, et ensuite l’auteur, qui est M. Courtney Melmoth Ami du Dr. Lettsom. Notation: Du Bourg sans datte Identified by the hand as well as by the “cher Maitre.” We assume that he wrote...
ALS : Harvard University Library I take the liberty of inclosing two introductory letters Addressed to you in behalf of my Lieutenant, who since his embarkation into the service in July last under my Command hath behaved with becoming dilligence and Attention to duty. Should I have the honor of being called to Paris or should any Alteration immediatly take Place in my Command I shall have an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pray be so good to lett me know whether or no you have received authentical News last Tuesday from america or any news at all talking of a battle between Genel. Washington and Genl. Howe. A Gentleman told me yesterday that a friend of his homme digne de foi told him that being at Passy two Days ago he was by you when you received News from america of a...
26410General Orders, 5 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
By the inclosed Return Your Excellency will be made Acquainted with the strength of the Garrison at this place. Genl Hand ordered me to send the Deserters from the Different Corps at Camp down by Capt. Saml Miller of the 8th Pensl. Regt, which I Accordingly have done, Excepting those of the 13th Virga Regt and some who were sick. I shoud have sent the whole of them But at the time of Capt....
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 5 Dec. 1777. GW wrote to Peters on 14 Dec. that “Your several favs. of the 28th Novem. and 4th and 5th instants came duly to hand.”
The Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Orange Hum[b]ly Sheweth That your Petitioners having nothing so much at heart as the Liberty and Independance of their Country are Extreamly Anxious to See every regulation take place that may be Conducive to their Final Establishment. That convinced of the Expediency at all times and the indispensible Necessity at Present of improving our...
Coll. Doane informs me, that he hath engaged you, in the Cause of his Brig antin e, and his property found in her, at the time of her Capture; And as Mr. Paine was not fully engaged at the time you was, he does not attend the Tryal (which is to be on the 16th. of this Month at Portsmouth). I herewith Inclose you a Brief of facts (without many perticular circumstances) which may give you a...
You must expect for the Future, to find in me, Situated as I am by a blissfull Fireside, surrounded by a Wife and a Parcell of chattering Boys and Girls, only a Dealer in Small Politicks. I find the Same Perplexities here, that We felt at York Town— a general Inclination among the People to barter, and as general an Aversion to dealing in Paper Money of any Denomination. Guineas half Jo’s and...
Your kind Favours of 14 and 18 Novr. I received together, this Evening. I thank you, for your obliging Remembrance of me, and for your entertaining Anecdotes. Is there not Ground of Suspicion, that the Standards, Trophys, and other things, are concealed among, the Officers Baggage? But by the Convention Burgoignes Honour is to be relyed on, that nothing improper Shall be So concealed. A broken...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je recois, Messieurs, une Lettre de Messieurs Bérard freres de Lorient qui me confirme que vous leur avez donné des ordres positifs et réitérés de vendre la cargaison de l’amphitrite et de n’en remettre les fonds qu’à vous seuls. Ma situation souffrante ne me permet pas d’entrer dans de grands détails, mais cette cargaison m’appartient et je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have kept the Duplicates of the Dispatches to this Time in Expectation of a private Hand, that failing I am now obliged to send a Man on purpose, but in the least expensive way. If you have no further commands for him please to discharge him directly; he is not to return Post unless you order him so to do. The minister lately sent orders to stop the Lion,...
ALS or LS : American Philosophical Society Having made an agreement with Mr. John King in behalf of the Common Wealth of Wirginia for a quantity of Salt to be deliver’d in James River, per our Ship the Algonquin, as you’ll be pleased to See by the inclosed Contract, this Ship is quite ready Since a fortnight to put in Sea, only expecting a fair Wind, having for Pilote for the American Cost Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think there is no person, to whom I might apply to for Redress, Like as a person that is not acting not only for the Good of the publick, but also for the Good of the Common welth. I am Sorrow to trouble you nor neither Should I, had not my present Situation Required it. I am Sorrow to have occation of writing to you, in Respect to the marchant, with whom...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I deliver’d to you on Sunday Last the Letter of messrs. Delagoanere & Co. of Corunna I observed to you that they were very uneasy on account of one of your Letters which was missing because they Supposed it might have been intercepted. You approved of their idea of having your answers transmitted to them under my cover that they could go Safe and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Both my duty and present situation oblige me to take the liberty of writing to you; Had I been treated as any man of my station should Expect here at Dunkirk, I could have been of some Service to the Cause long since. Moreover there is no greater Sign of our Departure at present than was ten days Ago as the wind still continues in the same point, besides...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your Favour of the 30th Ultimo and am glad the Bill is accepted. I imagine the Words added are not of much consequence, if the Customs here are as they are in England. I have in consequence given an order to Bilboa to supply Babson taking care however not to exceed what the Balance in my hands may be. I shall be able to judge of M....
26424General Orders, 6 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commissary General says he has put six day’s provisions into the hands of the division and brigade Commissaries; if therefore the troops want provisions, it must be the fault of the latter; and this want will be attended with such pernicious consequences, that no excuse will be admitted in behalf of any Commissary who fails supplying his division or brigade, but a severe example will be...
Inclosed I have the Honor to transmit you an Accot of Necessarys sent off in nine Waggons, for the Virginia Regiments in continental Service. The goods have been deliver’d Colo. Finnie the Quarter Master, & he has put them under the Escort of Leiutent Mennis & a party of Soldiers, who I trust will deliver them safely. It is my Wish that the Troops of Virginia shall have them. I also send a...
I yesterday received an order from the Board of War to apply to your Excellency for some officers for the Regiment of Invalid, where they are much wanted as I cannot keep the men under proper discipline for want of officers which they well know. I have the honour to inclose Mr Nourses letter. Permit me to assure you that I am with respect Your Excellencies Most humle & obedt Servt Lieut....
The inclosed Copy of a Letter whose Original I Shall have the honor to present to your Excellency, will instruct you of the motives that brought me over to this Land. I shall add only to it that the Object of my greatest Ambition is to render your Country all the Services in my Power, and to deserve the title of a Citizen of America by fighting for the Cause of your Liberty. If the...
26428General Orders, 7 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The Enemy are mooveing across the Old York road, about a m⟨ile bel⟩ow this Place, at Jinkin Town & continuing on to our Lift. it appears to be a large Body—there Horse was up here about two hours ago, & I believe Capt. Craig is taken—his Men is gone off & there is no reconoitring Party here at present. I shall tarry here if you have any Commands. Your most Obedt Servt ALS , DLC:GW . This...
Permit me to congratulate your Excellency on the safe arrival of the Ship Flamond at Portsmouth in 75 days passage from Marseilles having on board for the service of the United States, besides a General Officer, 48 peices of brass Cannon 4 pdrs with Carriages compleat. 19 nine Inch Morters, 2500 Bombs 9 Inch. 2000–4 pd Ball. a number of intrenching Tools, 3000 Fusees, 1110 of another Quality...