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Results 26371-26380 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I receiv’d your Honour’s favour by Mr Ward, who arrivd here last Night just as two Indians from the Ohio Did—Which Indian’s contradict the Report of the French having receivd reinforcements, thô they agree that 800 Men are very shortly expected: those that are there, are busily employd in Erecting the Fort which they have remov’d to the point I recommended for the Countrys use, whose Walls...
The 25th Ult. by an Express from Colo. Fry I receiv’d the News of your Honour’s arrival at Winchester and desire of seeing the Half King and other Chiefs of the 6 Nations —I have by Sundry Speeches and messages invited him Monacatoocha &ca to meet me and have reason to expect he is on his Road as he only purposd to settle his People to planting at a place choose on Monongehele Yaughyaughgane...
To The Governor. Honble Sir. [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 24th 1757. Your favour of the 19th instant was delivered to me this evening. The raising a company of Rangers, or augmenting our strength in some other manner, is so far necessary, that without it, the remaining inhabitants of this (once fertile and populous valley) will scarcely be detained at their dwellings ’till the Spring. And, if there...
Since writing my Letter of Yesterday’s date the inclosd came to hand by which your honr will be informd of a very unlucky affair. I immediately consulted Colo. Innis and such Officers of my own Regiment as were at this place on the necessary steps to be taken: they unanimously advisd that I shoud remain here with the 50 Recruits that are in Town for the defence of the place till the Militia...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur Druillong, with Monsieur LaForce and two Cadets I beg leave to recommend to your Honour’s particular Notice as Prisoner’s of War, and Officer’s whom I had the Honour of taking. I have assur’d them they will meet with all the Respect and favour due to their Charactr and Personal merit: and I hope they will do me the justice to acquaint your Honour that I neglected no...
Your letter of the 10th came to hand the 15th. In consequence whereof I dispatched orders immediately to all the Garrisons on the Branch to evacuate their Forts, and repair to Pearsalls, where they wou’d meet the Flour &c. from this place; & to escort it to Fort Cumberland. I expect the provisions purchased for the support of these Forts, and now laying in bulk, will be wasted and destroyed,...
I make use of this as a less troublesome, the most effectual, and (I think) most expeditious method of recommending certain matters relative to the Regiment, &c. to your Honors notice—and to begin: The act of Assembly which subjected the Virginia troops to Martial Law, is now expired: and when in force, was altogether ineffectual for the purpose. It is I think quite obvious, that we can...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 23 May 1756. On 27 May 1756 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Your two Letters of the 23rd I recd last Night.” Only one of the two has been found.
The enclosed is a return of the Subaltern Officers and Cadets in the Virginia Regiment, set down according to their seniority. I think it proper to send this to your Honor that you may be enabled to fill up the Commissions below, if you prefer, it, rather than sending blank ones to the officers who have resigned their commissions at different times, of which your Honor has been informed. Since...
In mine from Hallifax I promised your Honour a particular detail of my remarks and observations, upon the situation of our Frontiers, when I arrived at this place. Altho’ I was pretty explicit in my former, I can not avoid recapitulating part of the subject now : as my duty, and its importance for redress, are strong motives. From Fort-Trial, on Smith’s river, I returned to Fort-William, on...