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Results 26371-26380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
You will receive by this conveyance the proper communications from the Dept. of State. You will see in them, the ground now avowed for the B. Orders in Council. It must render them co-durable with the war; for nothing but a termination of it will re-open the continental market to British products. Nor is it probable that peace will do it in its former extent. The pretension which requires the...
I have read your message, with great attention & pleasure. It is clear, candid, firm & dignified, & cannot fail of convincing G Britain, that your object is just, your demands are reasonable, & that you will support them at all events. In this resolution, you will unite the eastern part of the nation; except british subjects, traders & partizans, who in case of a conflict, would soon...
Perceiving by your Message at the opening of the present Session of Congress that you entertain the same favourable Sentiments relative to military Seminaries, which you expressed to me last February, I feel emboldened to transmit a Copy of the form of a Bill drawn in consequence of a Council of Field Officers of my Corps, which I called for the purpose. The Bill, except in one Section, is...
I received in season your obliging favour of the 27th of October, but an unusual combination of calamities have prevented an acknowledgment of it till this time. You need not be concerned my good Friend about Timothy’s attack on my moral character. Nobody here believes him. His own most devoted Fools, I beg pardon, I mean even the Artizans who have employed him as their devoted Fool do not...
I have not words, my dear Aunt, to express my gratitude for your kind and consoling letter of the 25th. ulto.—It was, as I wished, minute and particular respecting the last moments of my dear and venerable parents. Mr. Norton’s letters having been directed to George town remain’d there some days, so that your letter was contain’d the first information I received of the death of my mother,...
I have received your several favors of February 8 April 19 June 3 and August 17, all of them in triplicates or duplicates. I need not say how agreeable it would have been to me, and I am persuaded satisfactory to the public, if your inclination and circumstances had favored the new allotment of your Services. Being ignorant of the obstacle arising from the particular state of your family, and...
Your letter of June 10 was duly delivered. I feel a pleasure in being able to say, that the information conveyed to you with respect to an unfriendly language towards you, having been held by Mr. Pinkney, is not confirmed by any thing heretofore known to me. He certainly has lodged no complaint with me, nor have I ever heard that he has censured you to others. If the reports to you therefore...
In addressing you, I am at a loss to know whether I might address you by the endearing appellation I could one of your predecessors, were he living; but be that as it may, I have ventured to arrest your attention by forwarding you the 7th No. of The Freemason’s Magazine. I do not wish you to throw away your precious moments in delving through 80 pages of a periodical publication, nor shall I...
15 November 1811, New Haven. Mentions that “last summer” he understood from Barlow that JM had been informed of his desire for an appointment that would afford “a comfortable support.” Knowing how often the president is pressed by applicants, he proposes to give no further trouble on this occasion beyond soliciting the consulate in London if the vacancy is not already filled. RC ( DNA : RG 59,...
Your favor of Oct. 14. was duly recieved, and with it mr Bowditch’s observations on the comet, for which I pray you to accept my thanks, and to be so good as to present them to mr Bowditch also. I am much pleased to find that we have so able a person engaged in observing the path of this great phaenomenon; and hope that from his observations & those of others of our philosophical citizens on...