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Results 26371-26400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Genl Green directed me on his departure, to tarry on this side the river, & assist in protecting...
Your Excellency’s letter of this date requesting my Sentiments on “the Adviseability of a Winters...
AD : Cornell University Library In a Letter from Philadelphia, giving an Account of the Battle at...
26374Order of Battle, 4–5 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The order of Battle is to be agreeable to the above Plan Morgan’s rifle Corps is to form upon the...
D : American Philosophical Society Jonathan Loring Austin had ridden post haste from Nantes with...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We have the Honour to acquaint your...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I am sorry that the Miscarriage of my Letter to you...
AL (draft): Library of Congress The Bearer of this, Mr. Holcker, is a Gentleman of excellent...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have copies of letters which I had the honor of...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I have at present to inform you of the arrival of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur votre fils vient de nous apprendre les admirables...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These Lines will be conveyed to you by the Elector...
26383General Orders, 4 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The troops are constantly to have one day’s provisions on hand, ready cooked—The officers are to...
In regard to the Advisability of a Winters Campaign, I answer —In keeping the Field, the...
I Have Just Recd Information which I Beleive to be the Best Can be Obtaind that the British Army...
I am this moment informed that a Ship is arrived at portsmouth with a valuable Cargo of Ordnance...
If posting the army in a position similar to that I advised in my last letter, be to form a...
Your Excellencys Favour of yesterday I received concerning the Adviseability of a winter...
Your Excellency was pleasd to desire the Opinion of your General Officers on “The Adviseability...
The bad State of our Army at present, destitute of Clothing and many other Necessaries the...
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 4 Dec. 1777. GW wrote to Peters on 14 Dec. that “Your...
In answer to the question Recevd by note from your Excellency yesterday —a winters Campain I am...
your excelancey by your letter of yesterday Requested my sentements on two points. first the...
I made a report to your Excellency immediately on receiving intellegence of Mr Zulinski’s affair....
Tho’ the Consideration of a Winters Campaign, & Practicability of an Attack on Philada have been...
I recd Your Excellencys letter of Yesterday. I well remember the proposition made. I then thaught...
It will be unnecessary to point out the sufferings of the Continental Troops, from their various...
Agreable to your Excellenceys Directions I have Considered upon the Advisability of making a...
I am not for a Winters Campaign in the Open field—the Distressed and naked State of your Troops...
I have from the first moment it was Suggested to your Excellency, “that an attack on Philadelphia...