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Results 26371-26400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Lieutenant-colonel Alexander Hamilton was next produced on the part of the Prosecution, and sworn. Q. Please to declare what you know respecting Mr. Smith, the Prisoner, declaring that he had been on board the Vulture , sloop-of-war, belonging to the enemy, and fetching a person on shore from that vessel? A. I was present when Mr. Smith, the Prisoner, made his Confession before the gentlemen...
Tappan [ New York ] October 4, 1780 . Criticizes proposed Congressional plan for raising a permanent army. Is concerned that slightest success “will lull us into security.” States that “the history of the war is a history of false hopes and temporary expedients.” Fears this winter “will open a still more embarassing scene.” Reports that interview at Hartford produced nothing conclusive. Df ,...
I am directed by The General to inform you in confidence, that the army will march from its present ground as soon as the weather permits. You will make your arrangements accordingly. When the weather clears, if you will call at Head Quarters, you will be informed of the particular disposition. I am D Sir   Yr. Obed ser ALS , MS Division, New York Public Library. Pickering had succeeded Major...
I have told you and I told you truly that I love you too much. You engross my thoughts too entirely to allow me to think anything else. You not only employ my mind all day, but you intrude on my sleep. I meet you in every dream and when I wake I cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness. ’Tis a pretty story indeed that I am to be thus monopolized by a little nut brown maid...
The General is very anxious to hear from you and that your corps should join the army. Your men must have suffered exceedingly yesterday and last night, and your baggage is here. Be with us as soon as you can; but send the express back immediately with an account of your success. Yrs. Affectionately ADfS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Lafayette was on a reconnaissance in the...
Tappan [ New York ] October 8, 1780 . Sends instructions for defense of Dobbs Ferry. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] October 9, 1780 . States that the idea of a tour of Europe with Franklin after the war would be tempting if domestic affairs were not so urgent. Asserts that the American military and political situation is such that the country can only be saved by either peace or money from America’s allies. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Albany [ New York ] October 10, 1780 . Is still confined to his room with gout. Reports that British forces “were collected at St Johns to make separate attacks on the Grants, Saratoga and the Mohawk river.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 10, 1780 . Regrets “that this campaign has not been productive of such important advantages as we had reason to flatter ourselves.” Is “not sanguine about any enterprise, which is connected with maritime dispositions.” Approves detention of Colonel Christopher Greene’s regiment. Sends news of execution of Major John André. Df , in writing of H, George...
Contents of Letter to Congress Approves the reduction to 50 regiments. Proposes as the basis of the reduction a half pay establishment for life, or making the half pay for seven years whole pay, to be paid one half in a year after the conclusion of peace, the other half in two years after that. Regiments to consist of one Colonel where the old colonels are continued or one Lt Col Commandant...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] October 11, 1780 . Approves of resolution for the Army establishment with certain reservations. Recommends either half-pay for life or full pay for seven years for all officers. Approves the number of regiments planned, but recommends an increase in the number of men and officers in each regiment. Makes suggestions concerning the cavalry and artillery. Believes...
[1]   Since my return from Hartford, my Dear Laurens, my mind has been too little at ease to permit me to write to you sooner. It has been wholly occupied by the affecting and tragic consequences of Arnold’s treason. My feelings were never put to so severe a trial. You will no doubt have heard the principal facts before this reaches you; but there are particulars, to which my situation gave me...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 11, 1780. On October 13, 1780, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Schuyler : “Two days since I wrote to you my dear girl.” Letter not found. ]
In my absence from Camp, the Commissary of prisoners has no doubt informed you, that your Brothers were not at New York. I am sorry you were so long kept in suspense about an explanation which without a determined disposition to blunder ought to have been long since obtained. I find, my Dear Sir, on the experiment in several ways, that I cannot regularly procure the New York papers in exchange...
I was much obliged to you My dear Sir for the Letter which you did me the favor to write me since your return to Boston. I am sorry to find that the same Spirit of Indifference to public Affairs prevails. It is necessary we should rouse and begin to do our business in earnest or we shall play a losing Game. It is impossible the Contest can be much longer Supported on the present footing. We...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 12, 1780. On October 19, 1780, Philip Schuyler wrote to Hamilton , “Your favor of the 12 Inst. I had the pleasure to receive last night.” Letter not found. ]
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 12, 1780 . Agrees that Rochambeau should ask to have his “present park” doubled. Will send particulars about British embarkation as soon as they are ascertained. Df , in writings of Richard Varick and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I would not have you imagine Miss that I write to you so often either to gratify your wishes or to please your vanity; but merely to indulge myself and to comply with that restless propensity of my mind, which will not allow me to be happy when I am not doing something in which you are concerned. This may seem a very idle disposition in a philosopher and a soldier; but I can plead illustrious...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 13, 1780 . Informs Congress that Baron von Steuben is going to Philadelphia “to obtain some determination on his department.” Reiterates recommendation that Congress assist von Steuben. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 13, 1780 . Acknowledges receipt of Rendon’s letters. Wishes Rendon success in proposed expedition. Will forward details of the British expedition as soon as they are received. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Rendon replaced Juan de Miralles as Spanish agent in America.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 14, 1780 . Approves of Rochambeau’s plans for winter quarters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I think I informed you a day or two since of an embarkation; it has not yet sailed but is ready waiting for a fair wind; and is supposed to consist of about 3000 men. The Grenadiers and light infantry compose a part of it and there is some cavalry; this denotes an expedition to some part of the Continent, perhaps to establish a post in Virginia, perhaps to make a descent in North Carolina and...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 15, 1780 . Sends letters concerning proposal for a “Resident Commissary of Prisoners.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] October 16, 1780 . Complains about severity with which Charles, Earl Cornwallis, and Francis Rawdon-Hastings punish inhabitants who assist British deserters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquis of Hastings.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] October 16, 1780 . Regrets that Lamb’s presence at court cannot be dispensed with. LS , in writing of H, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
Mr. Garanger has returned from ⟨Philadelphia⟩ with a resolve of Congress ⟨that it⟩ cannot employ him. ⟨He⟩ writes me it was because ⟨there was⟩ no testimonial ⟨from the⟩ General or from you. ⟨I assume⟩ the Committee did not transmit your letter. I confess there seems to me something hard in this Gentleman’s case, to be rejected after having taken so much pains and lost so much time to put...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 17, 1780. On November 12, 1780, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton , “Both your favors of the 17th & 22nd. ult I had the pleasure to receive.” Letter of October 17 not found. ]
Since my last to you, I have had the pleasure of receiving two letters from you. I am sorry to find we do not seem to agree on the proper remedies to our disorder, at least in the practicability of applying those which are proper. Convinced, as I am, of the absolute insufficiency of our present system to our safety, if I do not despair of the Republic, it is more the effect of Constitution...
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] October 18, 1780 . Discusses Greene’s new command in the South. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 18, 1780 . Acknowledges Heath’s assumption of the command at West Point. Approves of measures Heath has taken. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.