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Results 26371-26420 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I receiv’d your Honour’s favour by Mr Ward, who arrivd here last Night just as two Indians from...
The 25th Ult. by an Express from Colo. Fry I receiv’d the News of your Honour’s arrival at...
To The Governor. Honble Sir. [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 24th 1757. Your favour of the 19th instant was...
Since writing my Letter of Yesterday’s date the inclosd came to hand by which your honr will be...
The bearer hereof, Monsieur Druillong, with Monsieur LaForce and two Cadets I beg leave to...
Your letter of the 10th came to hand the 15th. In consequence whereof I dispatched orders...
I make use of this as a less troublesome, the most effectual, and (I think) most expeditious...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 23 May 1756. On 27 May 1756 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Your...
The enclosed is a return of the Subaltern Officers and Cadets in the Virginia Regiment, set down...
In mine from Hallifax I promised your Honour a particular detail of my remarks and observations,...
Last night by return of the express who went to Captn Montour I receivd the Inclosd from Mr...
I arrived at this place in less than three hour’s after I wrote you from Colo. Baylors, and some...
Your favour of the 2d instant came safe to hand: and Jenkins’s sickness has prevented my...
At this place, on my way to Williamsburgh, I received your Honor’s letter of the 18th instant:...
I received your favours of the 19th 20th and 21st ultimo; and wrote immediately to the commanding...
When I wrote your Honor from Alexandria, I expected to have been at or near Fort Cumberland by...
I this day received the enclosed from Capt. Dagworthy: The Indians mentioned therein are likewise...
To The Governor. Honble Sir. [Fort Loudoun] Novem. 5th 1757 Duty to my country and His Majesty’s...
Since closing my packet for your Honor of this date, I have received by Express, from Fort...
This encloses several letters, and the minutes of a Council of War, which was held upon the...
I arrived here yesterday and think it advisable to dispatch an Express (notwithstanding I hear...
Your favours of the 13th & 18th ultimo, with the commissions, Warrants, and money, I have...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I received from Captn McKenzie. Since my last, the different...
If the Vessel your Honour hir’d of Colo. Eyre has not left York, or Mr Carlyle’s Norfolk and...
I arrived here last night, and find things in the peaceable state I left them on this Quarter;...
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octobr 5th 1757. Both of your Honors letters of...
I was in hope that by Garrisoning the Forts with part of the Militia, we should have been able to...
It gave me infinite concern to find in yours by Governour Innis, that any representations should...
I send this to acquaint You with an unhappy Affair that I am told has lately happened at the...
The Indians are so dissatisfied at Mr Atkins’ delay, that I am obliged to send this Express to...
I am heartily concerned, that the officers have such real cause to complain of the Committee’s...
As I think it my indispensible duty to inform you particularly of my proceedings, and to give the...
This day, within five miles of the Carolina line, as I was proceeding to the southermost Fort in...
Your favour of the 13th by Mr Boyd, I have received. The Draughts from Lunenburg are arrived, to...
A letter which I received from Capt. Mercer, upon my return to Alexandria, informs me, that 95...
Your letter of Aug. 29. reached me on the 18th. of Feb it inclosed a duplicate of that written...
In taking leave, my dear Count, of the country which united our residence, and which procured me...
Monsieur Jefferson a eté tres affligé de n’avoir pas eté rendre ses devoirs a Monsieur le comte...
Je viens de recevoir, mon chere Monsieur, l’honneur de votre lettre du 24. Juillet. La peine avec...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 22d Instant. inclosing the Packet of Mr....
Copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours (without date) but enclosing three...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your obliging favour of the 12th. Instant inclosing the...
I have the honor to inform you that I have resigned the office of Secretary of state, and that...
Fishkill [ New York ] October 2, 1778 . Orders shoes, stockings, and blankets for Army. Df , in...
You will be pleased to direct the removal of the sick from the hospitals at Sommerset to the huts...
MS Minute Book: Library Company of Philadelphia The Library Company of Philadelphia was...
You were so obliging as to cause it to be intimated that the payment of the loan of two hundred...
Minute of Matters which appear to require the attention of the Directors of the Society for...
[ Philadelphia, May–June, 1794. The minutes for the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures...
I certify that Mr. Mort and Mr. Hall who have been engaged on behalf of the Society for...