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Results 26371-26380 of 184,431 sorted by author
10 November 1810, Newport, Rhode Island. “In compliance with the request of a number of the gentlemen of the Bar of this State, we have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed resolutions.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Robbins”). RC 1 p. Enclosure (2 pp.) is a set of resolutions recommending Asher Robbins for the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of...
THESE wait on your Excellency, to inform, that while Col. Hazen’s regiment remained at Coos, Lieut. Crowley, an officer of the train, meeting with my son, a young lad, of the age of fourteen years, persuaded him to inlist into his company; with some difficulty I obtained his release from that inlistment: But the young lad having his mind inflamed, by many fair promises and airy encouragements,...
I am encouraged to address this letter to you, not only from the great & amiable Character which the Universe allows you, but also from your being acquainted with the transaction concerning which I take the liberty to trouble you. You may recollect a Correspondence which Mrs Bomford had the honor of holding with you about sixteen Years ago, in consequence of some kindnesses she shewed to a Mrs...
Excuse this intrusion. In addressing this scrol to you, And my presumption in aspiring to a situation which from my obscurity and abilities—I can scarcely hope for—I trust you will excuse this liberty— I asure you I am actuated by the dictates of an honest heart, deaply impres’d with a sense of your eminent Virtues and Patriotism— I wrote a letter about a year ago of nearly the same purports...
As a tribute of respect to your merits as a Friend of the People, & a promoter of the useful arts, I beg your acceptance of a Patent Saddle the construction of which I hope you will be pleased with, it is sent on by the stage this day directed to the care of Mr. Barnes. I am Sir Respectfully yours. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson vice President of the United States Washington”;...
I received your highly esteemed favor of the 12 Inst which demands my greateful acknowledgments. It is impossible not to admit the propriety of your reasons for not accepting the Saddle as a present Thay did not however occur to me in time or I Should not given you the trouble of Stating them I have thearefore made out the bill at thirty five Dollars & presented it to Mr Richards who...
It becomes necessary that the Letter which I received from Judge Peters, and which I sent to you for your Perusal, should now be exhibited. I request the Favor of you to return it by the next Post. I have the honor to be Yr. obedt Servt. ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). In the left margin, there is an "X" mark beside the line beginning "sent to you for your Perusal..." and an "X"...
I shall be oblig’d to you if you will permit Lt. Reynolds who will be the Bearer of this to recruit 100 Men out of your Camp. As it is for the publick Good, and some Advantage to the Men themselves, I hope he will meet with your protection. I never got an answer to two letters which I wrote to the Person, about whom, we corresponded, when you were at New York, nor any kind of acknowledgement...
Letter not found: from Thaddeus Burr, 27 July 1789. Burr wrote to GW 1 Jan. 1791: “I find by perusing a Copy of a letter addressed to you the 27th July 1789 . . .”
The duty we owe our Country dictates that we ought to inform you; that the Supply of Provisions, which the Enemy recieve from this Town, and the Towns west of us is great, and become alarming; And not withstanding every effort in our power has been used to prevent it, within the bounds of this Town, we find, that we are unable to put a stop to the pernicious commerce, unless we can be...