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Results 26371-26380 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Genl Green directed me on his departure, to tarry on this side the river, & assist in protecting the inhabitants from the depredations of the enemy. We have been active in executing the Generals directions, & have visited the shore from this town, down to Sweedsborough, daily. The enemy still possess Billingsport, they have a garrison of four hundred men in that fort, & two nine pounders. Good...
Your Excellency’s letter of this date requesting my Sentiments on “the Adviseability of a Winters Campaign; and the practicability of an Attack upon Philadelphia with the Aid of a Considerable Body of Militia to be Assembled at an appointed Time and Place.” I have duely Considered, and in Answer to the first Question am of Opinion—that in order to Undertake a Winters Campaign the Troops should...
AD : Cornell University Library In a Letter from Philadelphia, giving an Account of the Battle at Brandywine, between the Armies of Generals Washington and Howe, is the following Passage. “A great Number of French Officers were in the Action. The Marquis de la Fayette, that most accomplish’d Youth, behaved with a Bravery equal to his noble Birth and amiable Character. The Polish Count Pulawski...
26374Order of Battle, 4–5 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The order of Battle is to be agreeable to the above Plan Morgan’s rifle Corps is to form upon the left of the Maryland Militia and Webbs Regiment upon the right of the Pensa Militia—these Corps and the Militia (who are to act in Detachment, and not in a solid or compact body) are to skirmish with, and harrass the Enemy as much as possible, taking especial care to gain their flanks & rear....
D : American Philosophical Society Jonathan Loring Austin had ridden post haste from Nantes with his dispatches. On Thursday morning, December 4, he paused in Versailles for an hour’s sightseeing, and then at 11:30 A.M. he arrived in Passy. Rumor had preceded him, or so the story goes, and the commissioners were waiting in the courtyard. “Before he had time to alight Dr. Franklin addressed...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We have the Honour to acquaint your Excellency that we have just receiv’d an Express from Boston, in 30 Days, with Advice of the total Reduction of the Force under General Burgoyne, himself and his whole Army having surrendered themselves Prisoners. General Gates was about to send Reinforcements to Gen. Washington, who was near Philadelphia...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I am sorry that the Miscarriage of my Letter to you has occasion’d you so much repeated Trouble in writing. I therein inform’d you that I had no Authority from the Congress to entertain Officers for their Service, excepting a few Engineers and Officers of the Artillery, who are long since gone: That all others who have passed to America have gone of...
AL (draft): Library of Congress The Bearer of this, Mr. Holcker, is a Gentleman of excellent Character, of great Credit in this Country, and one of my particular Friends. He can give you good Information of the State of Public Affairs here. I beg leave therefore to recommend him to your Acquaintance, and to all the Civilities you usually show to Strangers of Merit, of which you will find him...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed you have copies of letters which I had the honor of writing you from Portsmouth the latter of which could not have reached your hands as I understand that the mail was destroyed. I sailed from Portsmouth the 1st. Ulto. and arrived safe in this River in the Ranger the 2d. Current having taken two brigtines from Malaga laden with Fruit for London. I...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I have at present to inform you of the arrival of the Frigate Ranger Capt. Jones with the Duplicates of the Dispatches I sent you by Mr. Austin. This Ship left portsmouth the 1st of November but brings not a syllable in addition to what we have had, and as Capt. Jones tells me that his Dispatches were on board before Mr. Austin sailed, I conclude that the...