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Results 26361-26370 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Having seen your Observations upon the late solar Eclipse, I took the Liberty to transmit a Copy of them to M r W. Lambert , in Washington , & to request him to favour me with a Calculation of the Longitude of Monticello founded upon them. I now transmit his Paper , & hope it will prove agreable to you. The Facility & Accuracy of M r L. in astronomical Calculation is very remarkable. This I...
I had the honor of receiving your letter dated on the 4 th of may , some time back and delayed making an acknowledgement until I could do it fully to my own Satisfaction. I find to my regret that you do not retain as particular a recollection of the transactions of the Government of Virginia as I had hoped, this indeed is not surprising considering the numerous and important offices which you...
I was exploring the Jersey mountains in search of a farm when your favor of the 15 th Oct. was forwarded here, agreeably to directions left with my agent at Philadelphia , as to my letters. I did not succeed in my search but hope to be more successful next year.— Let me now express all my thanks for your kindness as to Ind. Camp —I am indeed truly obliged by it, & prefer much the plan of...
In consequence of a wish expressed by your father in the last letter recd. from him, I mention to you, that a public vessel will sail in a few days from N. York for France, and that any letters you may wish to forward to him, will be taken charge of by the Bearer of dispatches to Mr. Barlow, if previously lodged with the Collector of that Port. No time therefore is to be lost in sending...
Your favor of July 4. was duly delivered, together with the two interesting manuscripts on Education & Finance, and the Books addressed to your son & others. The latter were disposed of according to your wishes. For the copy you were so good as to allot to myself, I return my thanks; and still more for your valuable ideas on those interesting subjects. I have run over the Manuscript on...
We have just finished the foreg[o]ing talk to our Brothers it is our wish that you may see it also that you may Know our minds. Fathers. We have one request to make: our Annuity comes by the way of Detroit to Fort Wayne for us, and we find it a great distance for our women to go for them, it is our wish if it could be possible in future to have them sent down the Ohio, and delivered to us by...
In order to defray immediate demands on the fund for furnishing the Presidents house, I solicit You to grant me a warrant for 300$ on account. My account up to your departure from the city has been settled at the Treasury, and for the monies since received I have the requisite Vouchers and shall transmit them to the treasury before the end of the quarter. Among the accounts now payable is 100$...
18 November 1811. Presents a copy of his Compendium , “a thing of more curiosity , than merit.” Expresses his “high regard for [JM’s] amiable Character (for every great man is not a good man).” RC ( NN ). 1 p. Dateline and signature clipped. Docketed by a clerk, “Fraser D. / Nov. 18th 1811.” Donald Fraser (ca. 1754–1820), a Scottish-born author of a wide miscellany of writings on historical,...
1811. Saddle trees plated for M r Burnley D the former acc t
The intercourse between us is daily more and more obstructed, it may prolong your tranquility that it is so: I know not how to take up my pen, yet painfull as the Duty is, I must perform it, untill the task may devolve upon some other, to tell you that your Parents are also numberd with the dead. I wrote you in Sep’br, an account of my dear Sister Cranchs Sickness, and of the little prospect I...