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Results 26361-26370 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Col: Laurens Letter came to hand this morning. I am sorry a Guard of Militia under the Command of Colonel Warner took up one of my Friends going into Philada which has prevented my getting some very material intelligence as I had formed a channel through which every thing in that way wou’d have come with secrecy & for that purpose had sent a little provision to my Correspondent in Philada from...
One of my Spies this moment arrived from the City, which place he left this Day at 12, oClock—he confirms the account transmitted you this Day at one oClock with respect to the Enemy pressing Horses & Carriages—but seen no Boats &c. on Carriages—he went thro the greatest part of the City assures me Troops are quarter’d in almost every House—they are pulling down a great many frame Buildings...
The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending It, are Subjects so well understood and so familiar to you, that it is needless for me to enlarge upon them. I therefore only mean to mention, that no exertions can be too great to render it secure against any future attempts of the Enemy, and that the present opportunity should be improved to effect it, as...
The enemy have not made any movement since I had the Honour of Adressing Your Excellency. I have been inform’d since my last, that, the Number that Crossed Schoolkill Consisted of Three Thousand Men, with six field pieces, The Took a Number of flat Bottom’d Boats, with which the intend to Cross on your Excellencys rear, the enemy are very Diserous to Know where our Stores and Baggage are at...
Letter not found: to Capt. Charles Craig, c.3 Dec. 1777. Craig’s letter to GW of 3 Dec. is docketed in part “Answd.”
I have examined anew with all the attention of which I am capable, the Project of attacking the English and it still appears to me too dangerous—the great Body of Militia with which we might be reinforced for this purpose does not give me any additional hope of succeeding—it is not the number of Troops which is of importance in this case, but it is the quality, or rather their nature and...
The Subject under Consideration before the board is whether a plan to draw together a large Body of militia in aid of the continental Troops in the dead of winter to attack General Howe in his winter quarters is eligible or not. However desireable the destruction of General Howe’s army may be & however impatient the public may be for this desireable event; I cannot recommend the measure. I...
When your Excellency recommended sometime ago the Consideration of the practicabity of an attack on the Ennemy, I was already of opinion for Such an attack if it was possible to make an attempt on the City behind the lines, either by Sending troops in Boats down Delawar River to land on, or below the wharf, or by crossing Schuylkill river below middleferry either by throwing over Bridges or...
I receiv’d your Excellencys orders to give my sentiments “upon the advisability of making a Winters Campaign, and Practicability of an attack upon Philadelphia, with the aid of a considerable body of militia to be assembl’d at an appointed time & place” —Were it probable that Sir Wm Howes destruction would be the consequence of a Winters Campaign I would most chearfully give my voice and...
the project of calling a large body of militia for such a day, in order to attack the ennemy in philadelphia, seems to me attended with so many difficulties, inconveniences and bad chances, that if it is not looked upon as a necessary and almost desesperate enterprize, tho’ it is a very shining and highly pleasing idea, however I cannot think it is a prudent and reasonable one. the reasons for...