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Results 26361-26370 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
This instant the enclosed letters came to my hands —I have not lost a moments time in transmitting them to you, as I look upon the intelligence to be of the utmost importance. If the enemy are coming down in such numbers and with such a train of artillery as we are bid to expect, Fort Cumberland must inevitably fall into their hands, as no timely efforts can be made to relieve the Garrison. I...
All my Ideal hopes, of raising a Number of Men, to scour the adjacent Mountains, have vanished into Nothing. Yesterday was the appointed Time, for a general Rendezvous of all who were willing to accompany Me, for that desirable End; and only 15 appeared: so that I find myself reduced, to the farther Necessity, of waiting at this Place a few Days longer, till the Arrival of a Party, which was...
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy accounts. So that I am distracted what to do! nor is it possible for me to give the people the necessary assistance for their defence; upon account of the small number of men we have, or is likely to be here, for sometime. The Inhabitants are removing daily; and in a short time will leave this County...
Mr Atkins delay is productive of numberless ill consequences. I am teased incessantly by the Indians to know when he will come; and have put them off so long, that their patience is quite exhausted; and several of them are going off without waiting his arrival. Among these are three who I must beg leave to recommend to your Honors particular notice—The first is Capt. Aires, about Hixayoura; a...
I can but return my very hearty thanks for your kind condescension in suffering me to wait upon General Shirley; as I am very assured it was done with intention to favour my Suit. There is as yet an unanswerable argument against our taking the Field, which I forgot to mention in my last; that is, the want of a Train of Artillery; and, what is full as necessary, Engineers to conduct the Affair,...
Captain Trents Ensign Mr Ward this Day arrived from the Forks of Monongehele, and brings the disagreeable account that the Fort on the Seventeenth Instant was surrender’d at the summons of Captain Contrecour to a Body of French consisting of upwards of one Thousand Men, who came from Vena[n]go with Eighteen pieces of Cannon, Sixty Battoes, and three Hundred Canoes: they gave him liberty to...
Capt. Mercer returned the 7th with sixteen of the Deserters; the other two escaped his diligence. They confirm the suspicion of Mr McCarty’s villany, by confessing, he had inveigled them with promises of protection, rewards, and good usage! and a deep-laid plan was concerted for accomplishing his base designs, binding each individual with an oath to follow him; to stand true to each other in...
I was favoured with yours of the 16th instant by the cherokee warrior, autasity, who I am in hopes will be of service to us. I hinted to Mr Gun your Honors’ proposals. He seemed surprized, and said you well knew he wou’d not serve for Lieutenants pay. I do not understand he has much to say with the Indians. Yours of the 20th came safe to hand. and as I wrote to you, by Jenkins concerning the...
I acquainted your Honour by Mr Ward with the determination’s, which we prosecuted in 4 Days after his Departure, as soon as Waggons arrived to convey our Provisions. The want of proper Conveyances has much retarded this Expedition, and at this time, unfortunately delay’d the Detachment I have the Honour to command—Even when we came to Wills Ck my disappointments were not less than before, for...
The bearer hereof Mr Wright discovering an Inclination to the Art Military, & having in some Measure made it his Study I have taken the liberty to recommend him to your Honour for one of the Vacancy’s in the Virginia Regiment; this I do with more assurance of succeeding, as Mr Wrights Character for good Sense and Sobriety, will render him worthy the favour you may please to confer, and I dare...