George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Doughty, 23 September 1793

To John Doughty

Mount Vernon 23d Septr ’93.


Your Letter, conveying to me the resolutions, agreed to by the Inhabitants of Morris County, the 10 inst: has reached my hands.1

Their firm & manly sentiments, declared in the resolutions, & united determination to protect & defend the honor & dignity of our Country, are such as become the freemen & citizens of the United States; & evince their firm & commendable resolution to preserve their liberty & independence inviolate. With such aid & support, under direction of Divine providence, I trust the flourishing condition & inestimable blessings now enjoyed, will be long continued to our Country.

Go. Washington


1These resolutions in support of GW’s policy of neutrality came enclosed in Doughty’s letter to GW of 12 September.

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