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Results 26351-26400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Gibraltar, 10 May 1792 . He has received TJ’s 9 [Dec. 1791] letter but not the enclosed newspapers. He has been here five months and guesses the disturbances in Morocco will subside in July “either by a decisive engagement, or an agreement to divide the Empire into the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco.” As soon as either of these occurs he will present himself to the new Emperor and seek to renew...
Filippo Mazzei che si onorava dell’amicizia Sua ha cessato di vivere nel 19. del decorso mese di marzo. Egli ha lasciata una figlia ed una moglie superstiti. Ha conferita a quest’ultima la tutela dla figlia attualmente costituita in età minore, ed a me la curatela dla tutrica Uno degli assegnamenti di qualche rilievo di questa famiglia è il credito di resto di prezzo di una tenuta che Ella,...
Letter not found. 13 March 1809. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 12 May 1809 . Orders wines.
The moment I had sealed the letter which I wrote you in such haste yesterday, I proceeded to the Admiralty with my pocket full of affidavits and memorials and smoothing my passage through the offices of the clerks by putting my hand into a smaller pocket (as all who are anxious for speedy success in any Admiralty-suit ought to do or they will repent the omission) I soon reached the upper...
J’ai appris avec grand plaisir, que la Gazette de Leide a été rétablie en France. Ayez la bonté, Monsieur, de m’apprendre, si Votre Excellence et Mr. Diodati avez recommencé à recevoir vos Exemplaires du Bureau et de la maniere ordinaire, afin que je puisse mander à Mr. Luzac de discontinuer l’expédition qu’il vous en fait par la poste, et lui offrir en même temps le paiement de ce qu’il en a...
How can I express mÿ deep Sense of gratitude for your condescending kindness, in gratifying me So unexpectedly with your affectionate Letter of the 24. last. you art thoroughly acquainted with the art of enhancing the value of a gift. what drooping Spirits would not be revived bÿ Such a powerful tonic? and I owe you the acknowledgment, that theÿ dispelled a while the gloom—But—it has So manÿ...
Draft: American Philosophical Society The above is a Copy of my last. I hope you have receiv’d a Bill for £75 Sterling. I sent you the 1st per in mine of the 27th of August last, when I wrote for one of Mr. Smeaton’s New Air Pumps for the Academy. I now send another Bill for £30 Sterling on the same Account together with a List of some Philosophical Implements that will be wanted towards our...
26358[Diary entry: 2 January 1789] (Washington Papers)
Friday 2d. Thermometer at 36 in the Morning—34 at Noon and 34 at Night. Wind at No. Et.—Drizzling & raining more or less all day.
I Wase Apointed by the Governor of this state to take the Command of a regement of Volunteers that marched to the Nachez last Winter from this state, I am Very sorry to trouble Your honour With statements of this kind Respecting the maner in which the Regement has been paid; I find by the statements on they pay Roles that their hase been a Reduction on the pay of the sum of twelve thousand...
It is with inexpressible concern, I make the followg Report to your Excellency. Two Days ago, anonymous papers were circulated in the Army, requesting a general Meeting of the Officers on the next Day—A Copy of one of these papers is inclosed—No. 1. About the same Time, another anonymous paper purporting to be an Address to the Officers of the Army, was handed about in a clandestine manner: a...
We have had the honour in obedience to your commands maturely to consider the papers and subject referred to us in your letter dated 29 January Ultimo, and the law of Tennessee passed the 26. October 1799 and a letter from the Governor of the said State to William Cocke and Joseph Anderson Senators and William Charles Cole Claiborne Representative of the State of Tennessee in the Congress of...
In an absence of 3 months I blush to think that this is the first time I have written to my Dear Father. it does not arise however as you suppose from want of materials, & still less of inclination, but from a spirit of procrastination which by inducing me to defer allways to the last moment, finally ocasions the total loss of opportunity. my affection, my thoughts are however, perpetually...
An humble address has been lately presented to the Prince of Wales by the buckle manufacturers of Birmingham, Wassal, Wolverhampton, and their environs, stating that the buckle trade gives employment to more than twenty thousand persons, numbers of whom, in consequence of the prevailing fashion of shoestrings & slippers , are at present without employ, almost destitute of bread, and exposed to...
Could I have supposed that Your Excellency would have returned to Amsterdam before the Ship sailed, I should certainly have done myself the honor and agreeable satisfaction of waiting upon you before I left this Country—but this pleasure is denied me—and I am scarce allowed time by Mr. Thaxter’s immediate departure to bid Your Excellency farewell in this abrupt manner —but I lean with...
26365July 18 1796. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Billings is at hoe. The Kitchen Folk say he is steady. A terrible drunken distracted Week he has made of the last. A Beast associating with the worst Beasts in the Neighborhood. Drunk with John Cope­ land, Seth Bass &c. Hurried as if possessed, like Robert the Coachman, or Turner the Stocking Weaver. Running to all the Shops and private Houses swilling Brandy, Wine and Cyder in quantities...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Mr. Gibbs full of Respect for your Character has not only the very natural Ambition of being introduced to your venerable Person but cherishes the Hope of obtaining your sage Counsel and your Patronage upon his Arrival in France with an Intention to establish himself there at least for some years. Your Philanthropy alone secures that Patronage to...
§ From Benedict Van Pradelles. 31 October 1805, New Orleans. “Permit me to do myself the honor of informing You, that I accept, With gratitude, the appointment, which it has pleased the President of the United States, to bestow on me, of commissioner under the act of March 2d. 1805, ’for ascertaining & adjusting the titles & claims to land in the Territory of Orleans & District of Louisiana’...
your favor of the 25th ult., I last night received. We have no account that our general Court have yet ordered a Detachment of militia: I have however at present no military command, nor is any general Officer on this County. there is the highest Probability, that we shall soon receive orders from Governor Hancock, when in my private Capacity I will give every aid in my power that your...
The Case of the sale of city lots under a decree of the Chancellor of Maryland. The deed of the original owners of the scite of the city of Washington to certain trustees, after making provisions for streets, public squares &c declares that the residue of the ground laid off in building lots shall one moiety belong to the original proprietors, and the other moiety shall be sold on such terms &...
I have received a Letter from my Friend General Warren of Milton Hill near Boston, acquainting me, that Congress have it in Contemplation to appoint their Ministers Consuls General, or rather to give them Authority to appoint Consuls, and that you are to have the nomination of that officer for Lisbon, that his son Winslow Warren, went sometime ago and settled at Lisbon, partly upon Some...
Having received the return the want of which delayed a definitive answer to yours Letter of the fifth of May; I have now the honor to inform you that this department is ready to proceed in the business which is the Subject of it. According to the course of Proceedings at the Treasury the adjustment will begin with the Auditor and be completed by the Comptroller. The Auditor will accordingly be...
Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] April 18, 1796 . “I conceive it will be necessary for you to have the original note which I hold against Michael Wentworth deceased, in order to settle matters with Mr. Edward Goold. I intended to have left it with you on my return from Philadelphia, but forgot it when I was with you last.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Langdon was a Portsmouth, New...
In this Beautifull month when Nature wears her gayest garb, and animal and vegetable life is diffused on every side, when the Chearfull hand of industery is laying a foundation for a plentifull Harvest who can forbear to rejoice in the Season, or refrain looking “through Nature up to Nature’s God?” While my Heart expands, it sighing seeks its associate and joins its first parent in that...
26374[Diary entry: 13 May 1796] (Washington Papers)
13. Wind Westerly—shifting to So. W. & getting warm. Clear & very pleasant.
Th. Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to the Secretary of the treasury and incloses him the copy of a letter and table which he has addressed to the President of the United States, and which being on a subject whereon the Secretary of the Treasury and Th: J. have differed in opinion, he thinks it his duty to communicate to him. AL , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Jefferson’s...
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair, 9 Jan. 1781. On 12 Jan., GW wrote St. Clair regarding “your letter of the 9th.”
I am sorry to find by your letter of the 11th Instt that the Crops & every thing else were suffering from a drought. yet, by the weekly report which accompanied the letter, it appears that rain had fallen the 6th, only five days before, but I suppose this must have been a slight one. It is not only unlucky, but unaccountable, that the Oats should not have been received with the other things....
Permit me to introduce to you Mr Ticknor and his Lady. This Gentleman is a Professor at our University in Cambridge, and one of the most conspicuous Literary Characters in this State, he has been for several years intimately acquainted with Mr Jefferson, and is highly esteemed by him. I believe he has been acquainted with Mr Madison he proposes to visit Montpelier as well as Montecello in the...
26379[Diary entry: 10 January 1790] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. Went to St. Pauls Chapel in the forenoon. Wrote private letters in the Afternoon for the Southern Mail.
I have been honored with your Letters of the 10 th. 19. & 30 April and 1 st: May last. Since the sitting of the Convention a sufficient number of States for the Dispatch of Business have not been represented in Congress, so that it has neither been in my Power officially to communicate your Letters to them, nor to write on several Subjects on which it is proper that Congress should make known...
Since my last I have been favor’d with yours of the 31st Ultimo, and the 2d & 6th Instant. The Letter respecting Deserters shall be laid before the General Assembly at the next Session on the First Monday in March who I doubt not will take the most proper Measure to discourage Desertion. My last to you will explain the Motives by which the General Assembly were governed in ordering the Brigade...
Your Excellencys Favour, of the 12th Inst. and the News papers from Mr McHenery came safe to hand. Mr Woolfen says that a Corporal and 4 men will be sufficient to relieve those he would wish to send back to Camp, but he begs they may be what he calls safe hands, Americans. If those could be safe Hands got it might be as well to relieve the whole of them, except a Jerman Sergt that he has; and...
It is extremely painful to me, to trouble your Excellency, with a Second application for Office, after the unfortunate fate of my first; Conscious that my disappointment, did not proceed from an Opinion of my incapacity a demerit; I am encouraged once more to present myself for employment. I cannot Consider myself destitute of a Claim on my Country for an Office, having served in the Army at...
Jeffn.—ansr. his of 6.—as to land—Catlett &c.—shall employ Price & consult with Mr G. Jeffn.—hope he will also give his directions when at Monti.—as to [Britony]—Durrets lease—Mr Barnes I shall stop at Semmes’s—letter to be still kept for me—shall leave this in a few days & only stop at [Mt. Vernon]—anxious to get into winter quarters before the cold sets in—as to the vessel going to France, I...
§ From Joseph Dean and Others. 17 May 1814, Alexandria. “The Citizens of the Town & County of Alexandria represent that they are frequently subjected to considerable inconvenience for want of a sufficient number of Justices of the Peace. It is presumed no objection can arise to the appointment of such a number as to render Justice not only accessable but convenient to every section of the...
The security for the office of Receiver must not be nominal. If M. Maury is not worth 10,000 dollars, I will be under the necessity of requiring further security. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Paris, 27 March 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 361–364). In this letter, received by Congress on 31 July and read on 1 Aug., John Adams wrote that war “is now generally considered as a Contest of Finances; so that the Nation which can the longest find Money to carry on the War, can generally hold out the longest.” Adams believed that Great Britain, because of its heavy taxation since 1774, had...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 15 June 1777. In his letter to Putnam of 17 June , GW says that “I have been favoured with yours of the 15th & 16th Instant.”
J’ai reçu la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 6. de ce mois. Je Vous supplie de vouloir bien faire continuer le service dont Vous avés chargé M. le Gal Forman et les communications qui se font à notre Escadre par la chaine d’Exprès que Vous avés etablie jusqu’à ce que M. le Mis de Vaudreuil ait fait voile de Boston pour sa destination future. Je ne puis trop...
26390[Diary entry: 3 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
3. At home all day alone.
This has been one of the most distressing years I have ever experienced, but although I have met with the loss of two of my most valueable servants, I feel happy, when I reflect that my wife and Children are spared; At one time, Sir, I had Eight of my family on the bed of sickness, and with a fever (if fatal) would have terminated there existence in a short time, but the great skill, and...
The June packet is to sail tomorrow. as I know you must be anxious for constant intelligence, at this critical & important period, I will not let her sail without writing to you, tho it is a hazard whether she will go safe, for our very coasts are infested with French Privateers, who insult us in our own Waters. every exertion is making to get our Frigates to sea. we have some 20 Gun vessels...
Education, which you brought into View in one of your Letters; is a subject so vast, and the systems of Writers are, So various and so contradictory: that human Life is too short to examine it: and a Man must die before he can learn to bring up his Children. The Phylosophers, Divines, Politicians and Pædagogues, who have published their Theories and Practices, in this apartment are without...
I have received your letter of the 16th of Septemr. on the 27th of the same month, and am much obliged for your answers to my several questions, and for the consent you have given respecting the sales of vessels of which may be condemned. If measures had not been taken the Sloop Betsy would not have sold so high as she did. I told the Council for the Ushers, that their case having been fairly...
[ Annapolis, 4 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. E. State of Congr.—Rise of tobo. in Engld.—Martin.” Not found.]
On the 21st. Inst. at 4 P M I got alongside of the united States frigate The New york Captain Barron and recd. your letter of The 27th. of July with a P. S. of The 22d. of august with the 30 Thousand dollars in order to make a Cash payment to this regency in Lieu of Stores. It blew fresh We landed at the marine of Algiers at 7 P M with the money where all remained that night. In the morning at...
Jai lhonneur de vous faire Part de mon arrivée avec mon fils qui est dans L’armée de Monsieur Le Compte De larrochambeau, nous Sommes dans Le moment d’attaquer nos ennemis, donnés moy La Satisfaction d’etre à même de pouvoir vous témoigner ainsy qu’au Congré & à ma Patrie, L’occasion en Qualité d’encien officier Général Sous vos ordres de Soutenir & La Gloire de Lamerique & D’un officier Connu...
I crave your permission for to offer You this mark of my respect, which, at once displays my confidence, and congratulates your Excellency on being chosen President of the American Congress.—Who ever is acquainted with your vigorous, and efficacious exertions in the Support of your Country, during its hard struggle for Independence, must applaud the choice, and still admire in your invariable...
I hope my Letter to you of the 18 th September, of which I also sent a Duplicate, has come safe to hand, for it contained important Matter— namely a Copy of a Letter from Marbois to the Count de Vergennes against our sharing in the Fishery This Court advised and persuaded us to treat with Oswald under his first Commission, I positively refused Aranda will not or can not exchange powers with...
Yesterday I had part of our regiment together and they turned out 46 men as volunteers for a scouting party for 1 month and several more are expected to enlist very soon. those that turned out, did immediately proceed to choose their officers, viz. Mr Peter R. Fell for their Capt. & Joste Zabriskie for their 1st Lieut., John Van Allen 2nd Lieut. and James S. Bogart Ensign. their choosing so...