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Results 26351-26360 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Summary of a Conversation between His Excellency General Washington, The Count De Rochambeau & The Chevalier De Ternay—exclusive of the contents of the paper dated at Hartford the 22nd Sept. 1780. signed by the parties. It was agreed that if the Count De Guichen should arrive by the beginning of October and an naval engagement should immediately take place, in which by a fortunate office, The...
You will see by the inclosed we are too late. Arnold went by water to the Vulture. I shall write to General Greene advising him without making a bustle to be in readiness to march and even to detach a Brigade this way, for though I do not believe the project will go on, it is possible Arnold has made such dispositions with the Garrison as may tempt the enemy in its present weakness to make the...
The Heart which is Concious of its Own rectitude, Cannot attempt to paliate a Step, which the World may Censure as wrong; I have ever acted from a Principle of Love to my Country, since the Commencement of the present unhappy Contest between Great Britain and the Colonies, the same principle of Love to my Country Actuates my present Conduct, however it may appear Inconsistent to the World: who...
There has just been unfolded at this place a scene of the blackest treason, Arnold has fled to the Enemy. André the British Adjt Genl is in our possession as a Spy. This capture unravelled the mystery. West Point was to have been the Sacrifice, all the dispositions have been made for the purpose and ’tis possible, tho’ not probable to night may still see the execution. The wind is fair, I came...
In the midst of my letter, I was interrupted by a scene that shocked me more than any thing I have met with—the discovery of a treason of the deepest dye. The object was to sacrifice West Point. General Arnold had sold himself to André for this purpose. The latter came but in disguise and in returning to New York was detected. Arnold hearing of it immediately fled to the enemy. I went in...
Robinsons [ New York ] September 26, 1780 . Sends details of the Arnold-André plot. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Robinsons [ New York ] September 26, 1780 . Instructs Wayne to march his brigade to West Point. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress; LS (photostat), in the handwriting of H, George Washington Collection, "Facsimiles and Transcripts," MS Division, New York Public Library.
Sparks Transcripts, Harvard College Library. Although this letter is attributed to H in the Sparks Transcripts, in reality it was written by Lieutenant Colonel Tench Tilghman, H’s fellow aide. The original of the letter is in the South Carolina Historical Society. There are textual differences in the Sparks and the original, but the contents of both letters are the same. The copy in the Sparks...
Since writing two Letters to his Excely. concrning Mr. Wm. Smyth. I have learned for a certainty that he was laying a plan for rescuing Joshua Smyth which was frustrated by Col. H. Hay his Uncle in Law. I would wish to give you all ye. information I can in this young Mans Case that you may be ye. better able to determine concerning him, which causes you this trouble. I am my dear Col.   Your...
Near West Point, September 27 , 1780 . Sends news of Major General Benedict Arnold’s treason. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. The letter was first dated September 26 and then changed to 27.