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Results 26351-26360 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I received your two Letters of the 23d and 26th ultimo. I have sent down an indian scalp which was taken off at the place where Captain Mercer had his Engagement. He was found thrust under some rocks, and stones piled up against them. They have reason to believe there were more killed, from the quantity of blood found on the ground, where the Indians fired from; and from other discoveries of...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 28 July 1754. On 3 Aug. 1754 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “I recd Yrs of the 28th ulto.”
Giving the necessary Orders and Directions about the chain of Forts to be built on the Frontiers, has kept me so closely employed, that I could not write fully to your Honor until this . But I have got that trouble now pretty well off my hands, as I have dispatched orders, plans and tools to all the officers appointed to that Duty. By the enclosed Council held at Fort Cumberland, your Honor...
I doubt not but your Honour will be as much surprized, as I have been concerned and vexed at my stay here. When I left Williamsburgh, I did it with a design to proceed with the utmost expedition to Fort Cumberland. In order thereto, I arrived at Fredericksburgh to Dinner, the day after I left your Honour, at one o’clock; and gave the officer, posted at that place, a list of such tools as were...
I was favour’d with your Honours Letter by Mr Steward, inclosing a Lieutt Colo.’s Commission; for which Promotion, I hope my future Behaviour will sufficiently testifie the true sense I have of the kindness; and as I intend strictly to adhere to all the proper Rules (as far as it is in my power) and discipline of the Profession I have now enter’d into; I am vain enough to believe, I shall not...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 9 December 1756. On 15 Dec. 1756 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Yours of the 9th I have recd.”
After waiting a day or two at Fredericksburgh, writing Orders for the Recruiting Officers appointed to that Rendezvous, and dispatching an Express for Major Lewis, who I have ordered Captain Hogg to relieve; I set out for this place in order to examine the Clothing, Provisions, &c.; an exact Return of which I herewith send. I also enclose your Honour a List of such Things as Major Carlyle can...
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 9th 1757. As I wrote to your Honor fully by Jenkins; have little more to add, than the affair hinted at in my last, on the conduct of the Majistrates here, which (from what I can collect) appears to me to be of a most extraordinary nature and whose substance is, or nearly, as follows. vizt From what the court of Enquiry, upon the...
I have sent the Bearer Captain John Mercer (who has accompts to settle with the Committee) to the Treasurer for the balance of that ten thousand pounds; and to acquaint your Honour, that meeting with Letters at Fredericksburgh, as I returned from Williamsburgh; informing me that all was peaceable above, and that nothing was so immediately wanting as Salt. I got what I could at that place, and...
We may I think with great Propriety and Justice represent. That—The Virginia Regiment was the first in arms of any Troops upon the Continent, in the prest War. That—The three Years which they have Servd has been one continued Scene of Action. That—whilst other Troops have an agreeable recess in Winter Quarters, the Nature of the Service in which we are engagd, and the smallness of Our Numbers...