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Results 26341-26370 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I had the honour to receive a few days ago Your Excellency’s letter of the 20 August, inclosing others for the Marquis de la Fayette, Mr Humphreys & the Baron de Secondat the two first I forwarded immediately—the other I directed & delivered. I have not yet had the pleasure to see the Baron de Montesquieu. As he passed thro’ this place not many days ago, on his way to a Seat in the...
26342[September 1768] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Set out from Nomony in my return to Chotanck. Lodgd on board the Vessel between Swan Point & Cedr. P. Here GW must mean Lower Cedar Point, in Charles County, Md., only a few miles up the Potomac River from Swan Point and just across the river from the lower side of Chotank (now Mathias) Neck. 2. Came up as high as Hoes ferry & Walk to my Brother Sams. 3. Went to Mr. John Stiths &...
Your letter of the 27th of August, and the papers therewith transmitted, did not reach me till very lately. If the fear of deceiving me, by not being able immediately, to procure tenants for my Lands, was the only cause that prevented your accepting the agency which I requested you take upon yourself, I am very sorry that you declined it, for the same reason would operate, with equal force,...
Je Suis persuadé, qu’il est dèja a Votre Connoissance, que le Roi de Deux Siciles mon Maitre à Ordonnée de tenir Ouverts les Ports dans tous ses domaines au Pavillion des Etats Unis de L’Amerique au moyen de quoi pour eviter tous espece d’equivoque dans ces tems, que la mer est couverte des armateurs de differente Nations, et aussi des Pirates, je vous prie de me faire Savoir les Couleurs du...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. De la Blancherie arrivant d’hollande accablé d’occupations, n’a que le tems de faire présenter son respect á Monsieur Le Docteur franklin, et de le supplier de vouloir bien lui faire procurer l’Extrait mortuaire de M. De Troye, Lieutenant dans la Légion de Palaski mort à Charles-Town (dans la lettre de sa famille on écrit Chartouin ) à l’hôpital de la d....
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Jefferson’s hand. Docketed by JM, “From Ths. J. to J.M. May 7, 1783.” On the docket page someone unknown wrote, “Ths. Jefferson May 7. 1783.” Using the JM-Jefferson Code No. 2, Jefferson enciphered the words which are here italicized. Interlineated on the manuscript is JM’s decoding of these ciphers. Filed with the manuscript are two pages entitled by...
It would have been difficult, some weeks ago, to persuade myself that any motives, however imperious, could urge a modest Man—such as I feel myself to be—to tax your liberality in the manner that I have done. On sight of my signature, you will have reason to complain that a temporary retreat from the cares of Government has failed to shelter you from the persecution of my Addresses. The...
The petition of Joe Butler, humbly represents; That your petitioner, was, during the last Session of the Circuit Court for the County of Washington in the District of Columbia, convicted of Theft, Was ordered by the Court to receive 39 Stripes, to pay a fine of 10. dollars, and to remain in Jail until the fine and costs were paid. The Corporal punishment was immediately inflicted—and he is now...
You will proceed with all convenient dispatch to the Camp of the Marqs de la Fayette in Virginia, and receive further orders from Genl Duportail or the Marquis. You will let your rout be by Christiana bridge—the head of Elk—the lower ferry on Susquehanna—Baltimore—Elk ridge landing—Bladensburg—& George Town—From George Town you will go by the best waggon Road to Fredericksburg by Falmouth...
My nephew Jno Fitzgerald about to depart for his military station at Norfolk, & meaning to pay his farewell respects to You, gives me an appertunity of handing You this.   I never left Washington with more regret, worse health and depressd spirits (after a confinement of sickness for three days in a dirty Tavern) than on sunday last, or I would have made my departing congee to You.   I got so...
Gibraltar, 10 May 1792 . He has received TJ’s 9 [Dec. 1791] letter but not the enclosed newspapers. He has been here five months and guesses the disturbances in Morocco will subside in July “either by a decisive engagement, or an agreement to divide the Empire into the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco.” As soon as either of these occurs he will present himself to the new Emperor and seek to renew...
Filippo Mazzei che si onorava dell’amicizia Sua ha cessato di vivere nel 19. del decorso mese di marzo. Egli ha lasciata una figlia ed una moglie superstiti. Ha conferita a quest’ultima la tutela dla figlia attualmente costituita in età minore, ed a me la curatela dla tutrica Uno degli assegnamenti di qualche rilievo di questa famiglia è il credito di resto di prezzo di una tenuta che Ella,...
Letter not found. 13 March 1809. Acknowledged in Cathcart to JM, 12 May 1809 . Orders wines.
The moment I had sealed the letter which I wrote you in such haste yesterday, I proceeded to the Admiralty with my pocket full of affidavits and memorials and smoothing my passage through the offices of the clerks by putting my hand into a smaller pocket (as all who are anxious for speedy success in any Admiralty-suit ought to do or they will repent the omission) I soon reached the upper...
J’ai appris avec grand plaisir, que la Gazette de Leide a été rétablie en France. Ayez la bonté, Monsieur, de m’apprendre, si Votre Excellence et Mr. Diodati avez recommencé à recevoir vos Exemplaires du Bureau et de la maniere ordinaire, afin que je puisse mander à Mr. Luzac de discontinuer l’expédition qu’il vous en fait par la poste, et lui offrir en même temps le paiement de ce qu’il en a...
How can I express mÿ deep Sense of gratitude for your condescending kindness, in gratifying me So unexpectedly with your affectionate Letter of the 24. last. you art thoroughly acquainted with the art of enhancing the value of a gift. what drooping Spirits would not be revived bÿ Such a powerful tonic? and I owe you the acknowledgment, that theÿ dispelled a while the gloom—But—it has So manÿ...
Draft: American Philosophical Society The above is a Copy of my last. I hope you have receiv’d a Bill for £75 Sterling. I sent you the 1st per in mine of the 27th of August last, when I wrote for one of Mr. Smeaton’s New Air Pumps for the Academy. I now send another Bill for £30 Sterling on the same Account together with a List of some Philosophical Implements that will be wanted towards our...
26358[Diary entry: 2 January 1789] (Washington Papers)
Friday 2d. Thermometer at 36 in the Morning—34 at Noon and 34 at Night. Wind at No. Et.—Drizzling & raining more or less all day.
I Wase Apointed by the Governor of this state to take the Command of a regement of Volunteers that marched to the Nachez last Winter from this state, I am Very sorry to trouble Your honour With statements of this kind Respecting the maner in which the Regement has been paid; I find by the statements on they pay Roles that their hase been a Reduction on the pay of the sum of twelve thousand...
It is with inexpressible concern, I make the followg Report to your Excellency. Two Days ago, anonymous papers were circulated in the Army, requesting a general Meeting of the Officers on the next Day—A Copy of one of these papers is inclosed—No. 1. About the same Time, another anonymous paper purporting to be an Address to the Officers of the Army, was handed about in a clandestine manner: a...
We have had the honour in obedience to your commands maturely to consider the papers and subject referred to us in your letter dated 29 January Ultimo, and the law of Tennessee passed the 26. October 1799 and a letter from the Governor of the said State to William Cocke and Joseph Anderson Senators and William Charles Cole Claiborne Representative of the State of Tennessee in the Congress of...
In an absence of 3 months I blush to think that this is the first time I have written to my Dear Father. it does not arise however as you suppose from want of materials, & still less of inclination, but from a spirit of procrastination which by inducing me to defer allways to the last moment, finally ocasions the total loss of opportunity. my affection, my thoughts are however, perpetually...
An humble address has been lately presented to the Prince of Wales by the buckle manufacturers of Birmingham, Wassal, Wolverhampton, and their environs, stating that the buckle trade gives employment to more than twenty thousand persons, numbers of whom, in consequence of the prevailing fashion of shoestrings & slippers , are at present without employ, almost destitute of bread, and exposed to...
Could I have supposed that Your Excellency would have returned to Amsterdam before the Ship sailed, I should certainly have done myself the honor and agreeable satisfaction of waiting upon you before I left this Country—but this pleasure is denied me—and I am scarce allowed time by Mr. Thaxter’s immediate departure to bid Your Excellency farewell in this abrupt manner —but I lean with...
26365July 18 1796. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Billings is at hoe. The Kitchen Folk say he is steady. A terrible drunken distracted Week he has made of the last. A Beast associating with the worst Beasts in the Neighborhood. Drunk with John Cope­ land, Seth Bass &c. Hurried as if possessed, like Robert the Coachman, or Turner the Stocking Weaver. Running to all the Shops and private Houses swilling Brandy, Wine and Cyder in quantities...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Mr. Gibbs full of Respect for your Character has not only the very natural Ambition of being introduced to your venerable Person but cherishes the Hope of obtaining your sage Counsel and your Patronage upon his Arrival in France with an Intention to establish himself there at least for some years. Your Philanthropy alone secures that Patronage to...
§ From Benedict Van Pradelles. 31 October 1805, New Orleans. “Permit me to do myself the honor of informing You, that I accept, With gratitude, the appointment, which it has pleased the President of the United States, to bestow on me, of commissioner under the act of March 2d. 1805, ’for ascertaining & adjusting the titles & claims to land in the Territory of Orleans & District of Louisiana’...
your favor of the 25th ult., I last night received. We have no account that our general Court have yet ordered a Detachment of militia: I have however at present no military command, nor is any general Officer on this County. there is the highest Probability, that we shall soon receive orders from Governor Hancock, when in my private Capacity I will give every aid in my power that your...
The Case of the sale of city lots under a decree of the Chancellor of Maryland. The deed of the original owners of the scite of the city of Washington to certain trustees, after making provisions for streets, public squares &c declares that the residue of the ground laid off in building lots shall one moiety belong to the original proprietors, and the other moiety shall be sold on such terms &...
I have received a Letter from my Friend General Warren of Milton Hill near Boston, acquainting me, that Congress have it in Contemplation to appoint their Ministers Consuls General, or rather to give them Authority to appoint Consuls, and that you are to have the nomination of that officer for Lisbon, that his son Winslow Warren, went sometime ago and settled at Lisbon, partly upon Some...