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Results 26341-26370 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your letter by Express, of the 8th Instant I fear has fallen into the hands of the common Enemy,...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 20 Sept. 1757. On 24 Sept. 1757 Dinwiddie wrote to GW: “I...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 14 Jan. 1757. On 26 Jan. 1757 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “Yr...
For upwards of three Months past Colo. Washington has labour’d under a Bloudy Flux, about a week...
After Jenkins left this yesterday evening, the enclosed, from Capt. Dagworthy, came to hand. We...
The Bearer of this is Sergeant Feint, a young fellow who went out with the first party of...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, Belvoir, 3 Mar. 1754. On 15 Mar. 1754 Dinwiddie wrote to...
Since writing to your Honor yesterday, a very base and villainous scheme has been discovered;...
In my last by Mr Stuart I slightly mentioned the objection many had against Enlisting (to wit)...
Under your kind indulgence I came to this place a few days ago, expecting to meet the Executors...
I received your two Letters of the 23d and 26th ultimo. I have sent down an indian scalp which...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 28 July 1754. On 3 Aug. 1754 Dinwiddie wrote to GW : “I...
Giving the necessary Orders and Directions about the chain of Forts to be built on the Frontiers,...
I doubt not but your Honour will be as much surprized, as I have been concerned and vexed at my...
I was favour’d with your Honours Letter by Mr Steward, inclosing a Lieutt Colo.’s Commission; for...
Letter not found: to Robert Dinwiddie, 9 December 1756. On 15 Dec. 1756 Dinwiddie wrote to GW :...
After waiting a day or two at Fredericksburgh, writing Orders for the Recruiting Officers...
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 9th 1757. As I wrote to your Honor fully...
I have sent the Bearer Captain John Mercer (who has accompts to settle with the Committee) to the...
We may I think with great Propriety and Justice represent. That—The Virginia Regiment was the...
This instant the enclosed letters came to my hands —I have not lost a moments time in...
All my Ideal hopes, of raising a Number of Men, to scour the adjacent Mountains, have vanished...
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy...
Mr Atkins delay is productive of numberless ill consequences. I am teased incessantly by the...
I can but return my very hearty thanks for your kind condescension in suffering me to wait upon...
Captain Trents Ensign Mr Ward this Day arrived from the Forks of Monongehele, and brings the...
Capt. Mercer returned the 7th with sixteen of the Deserters; the other two escaped his diligence....
I was favoured with yours of the 16th instant by the cherokee warrior, autasity, who I am in...
I acquainted your Honour by Mr Ward with the determination’s, which we prosecuted in 4 Days after...
The bearer hereof Mr Wright discovering an Inclination to the Art Military, & having in some...