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Results 26341-26350 of 184,431 sorted by author
Several Valuable Men, of our friends in this City who are much attached to Mr. K[eteltas], have requested that I would, in this Way, make him Known to you: a duty which I perform with pleasure. William Ke[teltas] is the son of a Clergyman , now deceased, who was eminent for his piety and learning and for his zeal and uniform attachment to the principles of our revolution . on the british...
I should with regret pass over another Day. It is left however to your discretion. If the Fort is agreed on, it will [be] impossible to make an early business without fatigue. What you shall do will be satisfactory to me—except an early Morning hour. I have no predilection for time. From 7 to 12 is the least pleasant—but anything so we but get on. If you go out, leave a line for me with your...
I am disappointed of my ride. If xxx should propose to charge you with any verbal message, you may reply, that being authorised for a particular purpose, you cannot so far exceed your power and assume upon your self as to present to your principal an overture for negociation on a new basis—that you consider the negociation in which you engaged, as concluded and that it would be highly improper...
The Recovery of my Health encouraged me to accept the Command of these Posts during the Winter Season, which, if any is with me a Season of Health—The Undertaking has again convinced me that my Constitution is no longer equal to the Severities of active Service—the reduced State of the Regiment and Abundance of Officers in that Line, were additional Inducements with me to leave the Army—I did...
On the 20th. Apl. I wrote you a few lines respecting Mr John Pintard —be pleased to distinguish between John Pintard and John M. Pintard. Since that date He (J. P.) has returned from New Orleans, where he has passed some Months. He will probably be able to give you better accounts of that Country that [ sic ] any person with whom you will have an opportunity to converse with. He must be...
The president of the United States of America. To Thomas Jefferson, Robert Smith, Henry Dearborne or either of them who may have the papers—hereinafter mentioned or any of them within his or their keeping or power. You are hereby commanded to appear before the Judges of the circuit court of the United States, for the fifth circuit, in the Virginia District in the city of Richmond, at the Court...
In Case M r Morris should not be ^re-^^appointed Sheriff, the name of John Stagg Jun r . will, among others, be offered to your Consideration. I have understood that Major Stagg was introduced into the War department through your patronage and recommendation: The manner in which he left it appears from the letter contained in the Second page of the paper which I take the liberty to enclose. He...
The last propn. of gen H. is a worse libel than even the letter of Dr C & throughout manifests a disposition to evade. A “letter properly adapted”—Who is to judge of this—Mr B. will judge for himself & thinks his two letters very properly adapted & having expressed himself definitively on that point he is surprized to find it again brought in question. “any particular instance of dishonorable...
Pursuant to an order of the Senate I have the honor to transmit to you the Resolution & Certificate herewith enclosed and it is with great pleasure that I avail myself of the occasion to congratulate you on your re-election by a Majority which testifies how justly your fellow-citizens have appreciated your talents and the Merits of your administration I pray you to receive the assurance of the...
We the Subscribers do certify that Col Ebenezer Stevens was together with ourselves appointed by the Citizens of this City a Committee to devise and cause to be erected fortifications for its immediate Defence—that Col Stevens in the course of the execution of this trust was charged with a particular superintendence of the execution of the works and with a variety of details which occasioned...