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Results 26341-26350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
26 November 1811. “The Republicans of Windsor and its Vicinity called togather by a Just sense of the awful crisis which overclouds our political horizon feel it their duty to declair that though they have long witnessed with painful regret, the unfreindly spirit in which the British orders in Council were dictated, they never ceased fondly to hope, ‘That the scrupulous reguard to Justice, the...
Je m’empresse de vous faire l’hommage de mon catalogue avant que Sa publication ait été encore annoncé. Je dois vous prévenir que la difficulté qu’on éprouve à Se procurer des Livres Francais est cause qu’une partie de ceux qui composent ma Bibliothèque est de rencontre, mais les prix ont été fixés en conséquence. P.S Je reçois à l’instant un grand nombre de livres dont je vous enverrai la...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to The People of The United States has represented to the world and Supported by Certificates or Testimonies which Some Persons think plausible, that a corrupt Bargain was made between Yourself and your Brother, on one part and me on the other, that I Should dismiss the then Secretary of State from his office, in consideration of your Votes and...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to the People of The United States has represented to the world and supported by Certificates or Testimonies which some persons think plausible, that a corrupt Bargain was made between yourself and your Brother on one part, and me on the other; that I should dismiss the then Secretary of State from his office, in consideration of your votes and...
25 November 1811, Batavia , “ Lands of Liberty & Equality .” Introduces himself as a native of France, born in Paris in 1766 the son of a colonel in the Irish Brigade. His father left France after a duel and took him to England, where his father held an appointment in the Hanoverian Troops. “Since I became of the age of Maturity was appointed in the Brittish army—have fought Some last American...
25 November 1811, Senate Chamber. The writers enclose for consideration a letter from former governor Williams of the Mississippi Territory. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Williams”). RC 1 p. Addressee not indicated. For enclosure, see n. 1. The North Carolina senators forwarded a confidential letter they had received from Robert Williams, dated 2 Nov. 1811 (3...
Having received the form of the bond which I am to execute previous to entering upon the duties of my office, I avail myself of your kind offer of joining me in it, and now inclose it for your signature. I have not inserted the third name, as I wish to take the chance (small as it is) of M r Gibson’s return previous to my departure: there being but very few persons to whom I like to lay myself...
I have to thank you for a letter , which had I wanting wanted any additional motives to stimulate my exertions during my temporary seclusion from the world, would have supplied them.—Accept my cordial thanks for the benevolent interest in my future welfare & usefulness you have done me the honour to express, coupled with an assurance, that I shall endeavour to deserve a continuance of your...
I am instructed by the eig[h]th Regt. of Virginia Militia, which convened in Lexington Rockbridge County on the 14th Inst. to forward to you the enclosed address. I take the liberty of accompanying it with an abstract view of the strength & arms of the Regt which I had the honor on that day to command. In performing this duty sir I am not less obedient to my own feelings than to the wishes and...
In complyance with the request of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee I have the honor to transmit their address of the 15th. instant expressive of their full confidence in you as chief executive magistrate of the United States—with their’s I unite mine entire; And with pleasure say, that it adds to my gratification in being a citizen of the United States, to know, that you are...