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Results 26341-26370 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26341 Castrioto, Félix António Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Felix A. Castrioto, 2 … 1777-12-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to give you notice, that at my arrivel in this...
26342 Fleury, Madame —— Berthérand de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Berthérand de Fleury, 2 … 1777-12-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society L’inquiéttude ou je suis, Monsieur, du sort d’un de mes...
26343 Washington, George General Orders, 2 December 1777 1777-12-02 Returns are to be made early to morrow morning of all officers and men in the several brigades...
26344 Craig, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 2 … 1777-12-02 I have thought it my duty to inform Your Excellency that about five Hundred of the enemy Crossed...
26345 Washington, George Dickinson, Philemon From George Washington to Major General Philemon … 1777-12-02 I have this day receiv’d your Favor of 28th Ulto—& can only say it gives me concern that your...
26346 Ewing, George Washington, George George Ewing’s Report on Hides, 2 December 1777 1777-12-02 2 Dec. 1777 . Accounts for 144,376 pounds of “raw hide exchanged for Leather in this Dept” that...
26347 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1777-12-02 I was yesterday favd with yours of the 23d Novemr and am glad to find that you were upon your...
26348 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-12-02 The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending it, are...
26349 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Reed, 2 December 1777 1777-12-02 If you can with any convenience let me see you to day I shall be thankful for it—I am abt fixing...
26350 Smith, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Robert Smith, 2 … 1777-12-02 Hardly any thing has come out to Day. No Passes have been granted from Town. Some Ladies who got...
26351 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 2 … 1777-12-02 I was Honor’d with your Favour of the 26th Octor Ulto some time last month; for which I return my...
26352 Duane, James Jay, John To John Jay from James Duane, 2 December 1777 1777-12-02 I have had so much Publick Business on my hands that I have been unavoidably deprived of paying...
26353 Varnum, James Mitchell Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1777-12-03 Having been favored with your Excellency’s commands of this day, I shall give my sentiments...
26354 Continental Congress, Foreign Affairs Committee Adams, John To John Adams from the Foreign Affairs Committee, 3 … 1777-12-03 With great pleasure to ourselves we discharge our duty by inclosing to you your Commission for...
26355 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, John To John Adams from Elbridge Gerry, 3 December 1777 1777-12-03 I received your Favour of the 19th Novr on my Way to this Place; and the Business which your...
26356 Laurens, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from the President of the Congress, 3 … 1777-12-03 The 28th. Ultimo I had the honour of writing to you by the Messenger Frederick Weare and of...
26357 Franklin, Benjamin Certificate Authenticating Extracts from Minutes of the … 1777-12-03 AD : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I do hereby certify whom it may concern, that the Papers...
26358 Washington, George General Orders, 3 December 1777 1777-12-03 At a General Court martial whereof Col. Grayson was president, held the 26th, 27th 28th and 29th...
26359 Washington, George General Officers of the Continental Army Circular to the General Officers of the Continental … 1777-12-03 I wish to recall your attention to the important matter recommended to your Consideration...
26360 Cadwalader, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1777-12-03 whether the army under your Excellency’s command should continue in the field this winter; and...
26361 Clark, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Clark, Jr., 3 … 1777-12-03 Col: Laurens Letter came to hand this morning. I am sorry a Guard of Militia under the Command of...
26362 Clark, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Clark, Jr., 3 … 1777-12-03 One of my Spies this moment arrived from the City, which place he left this Day at 12, oClock—he...
26363 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 3 December … 1777-12-03 The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending It, are...
26364 Craig, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Charles Craig, 3 … 1777-12-03 The enemy have not made any movement since I had the Honour of Adressing Your Excellency. I have...
26365 Washington, George Craig, Charles From George Washington to Capt. Charles Craig, 3 … 1777-12-03 Letter not found: to Capt. Charles Craig, c.3 Dec. 1777. Craig’s letter to GW of 3 Dec. is...
26366 Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis Le Bègue de Presle Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Duportail … 1777-12-03 I have examined anew with all the attention of which I am capable, the Project of attacking the...
26367 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1777-12-03 The Subject under Consideration before the board is whether a plan to draw together a large Body...
26368 Kalb, Johann Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Johann Kalb, 3 … 1777-12-03 When your Excellency recommended sometime ago the Consideration of the practicabity of an attack...
26369 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1777-12-03 I receiv’d your Excellencys orders to give my sentiments “upon the advisability of making a...
26370 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 3 … 1777-12-03 the project of calling a large body of militia for such a day, in order to attack the ennemy in...