Results 26341-26370 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26341 Burr, Aaron Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Aaron Burr, 23 September 1801 1801-09-23 Several Valuable Men, of our friends in this City who are much attached to Mr. K[eteltas], have...
26342 Burr, Aaron Van Ness, William P. Aaron Burr to William P. Van Ness, [9 July 1804] 1804-07-09 I should with regret pass over another Day. It is left however to your discretion. If the Fort is...
26343 Burr, Aaron Van Ness, William P. Aaron Burr to William P. Van Ness, [25 June 1804] 1804-06-25 I am disappointed of my ride. If xxx should propose to charge you with any verbal message, you...
26344 Burr, Aaron Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Aaron … 1779-03-10 The Recovery of my Health encouraged me to accept the Command of these Posts during the Winter...
26345 Burr, Aaron Madison, James To James Madison from Aaron Burr, 16 July 1801 1801-07-16 On the 20th. Apl. I wrote you a few lines respecting Mr John Pintard —be pleased to distinguish...
26346 Marshall, William Jefferson, Thomas From William Marshall to Thomas Jefferson, 13 June 1807 1807-06-13 The president of the United States of America. To Thomas Jefferson, Robert Smith, Henry Dearborne...
26347 Burr, Aaron Jay, John To John Jay from Aaron Burr, 23 February 1801 1801-02-23 In Case M r Morris should not be ^re-^^appointed Sheriff, the name of John Stagg Jun r . will,...
26348 Burr, Aaron Van Ness, William P. Aaron Burr to William P. Van Ness, [26 June 1804] 1804-06-26 The last propn. of gen H. is a worse libel than even the letter of Dr C & throughout manifests a...
26349 Burr, Aaron Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Aaron Burr, 15 February 1805 1805-02-15 Pursuant to an order of the Senate I have the honor to transmit to you the Resolution &...
26350 Burr, Aaron Statement by Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, [5 July … 1799-07-05 We the Subscribers do certify that Col Ebenezer Stevens was together with ourselves appointed by...
26351 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and Ebenezer Stevens to … 1798-06-14 We have carefully attended to the subjects presented to our consideration, by your note of...
26352 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 8 June 1805 1805-06-08 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Note of the 6th Inst: The letter it enclosed...
26353 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Burrall to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1814 1814-03-06 In consequence of the removal of M r Granger , there will be many efforts made to remove the...
26354 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 19 August … 1808-08-19 I have thought it my duty to acquaint you with an unpleasant circumstance that appeared at my...
26355 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 20 May 1803 1803-05-20 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Note of the 10th Inst, covering two letters,...
26356 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Burrall to Thomas Jefferson, 22 March 1814 1814-03-22 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16 th Ins t and to assure you...
26357 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 5 March 1807 1807-03-05 I have this day received a bundle of Fruit Trees from Lancaster for you which I shall forward by...
26358 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Burrall to Thomas Jefferson, [7 March 1814] 1814-03-07 Since writing my letter of yesterday an insiduous piece has appeared against me in the Whig ,...
26359 Burrall, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Burrall, 15 May 1793 1793-05-15 I think it my duty in the absence of the Postmaster General to inform you that Thomas Sloss Gantt...
26360 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 13 October … 1806-10-13 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 11th Inst. enclosing a letter for...
26361 Burrall, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Burrall, 24 March 1801 1801-03-24 I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Dawson sailed from this port on Sunday about 2 OClock PM,...
26362 Burrall, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Burrall, 6 January … 1795-01-06 The office of Postmaster General being vacated by Colo. Pickerings late removal to the War...
26363 Burrall, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Burrall, 1 April … 1793-04-01 [ New York, April 1, 1793. On April 4, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Burrall and acknowledged receipt...
26364 Burrall, Jonathan Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Burrall, 26 May 1789 … 1789-05-26 Letter not found: from Jonathan Burrall, 26 May 1789. Burrall wrote to David Humphreys, 6 Aug....
26365 Burrall, Jonathan Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Burrall, August 1789 1789-08-01 Having offered myself as a candidate for the Office of Auditor of Accounts in the Treasury Dept,...
26366 Burrall, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Burrall, 26 March … 1791-03-26 In the absence of the Postmaster General I have received your letter respecting a Balance due...
26367 Burrall, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Burrall, 28 … 1793-02-28 [ New York, February 28, 1793. On March 2, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Burrall and referred to “your...
26368 Treasury Department Enclosure No. 1: [Sales of Government Bills on … 1793-01-12 Sales of Government Bills on Amsterdam, at the Office of Discount and Deposit in New York. Vizt,...
26369 Burrall, Jonathan Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Jonathan Burrall, [25 … 1796-01-25 Our practice is to demand payment of Notes which fall due on the 4th. July, the day before, as in...
26370 Burr, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Burr, 22 May 1781 1781-05-22 We have it from good Authority that Thomas Langley Collier of Fairfield is Under the Sentence of...