Results 26341-26350 of 184,431 sorted by author
Several Valuable Men, of our friends in this City who are much attached to Mr. K[eteltas], have...
I should with regret pass over another Day. It is left however to your discretion. If the Fort is...
I am disappointed of my ride. If xxx should propose to charge you with any verbal message, you...
The Recovery of my Health encouraged me to accept the Command of these Posts during the Winter...
On the 20th. Apl. I wrote you a few lines respecting Mr John Pintard —be pleased to distinguish...
The president of the United States of America. To Thomas Jefferson, Robert Smith, Henry Dearborne...
In Case M r Morris should not be ^re-^^appointed Sheriff, the name of John Stagg Jun r . will,...
The last propn. of gen H. is a worse libel than even the letter of Dr C & throughout manifests a...
Pursuant to an order of the Senate I have the honor to transmit to you the Resolution &...
We the Subscribers do certify that Col Ebenezer Stevens was together with ourselves appointed by...