George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 1 September 1757

From Robert Dinwiddie

Williamsburg Septr 1st 1757


My Friend Colo. Fairfax earnestly desires his Son Wm Henry may have a Lieutt’s Commission in the Regiment, if any Vacancy I desire You may give him a Commission accordingly, & as You have Blank Commissions fill one up for him if any Vacancy, which will be agreeable to Sir Your mo. humble Servant1

Robt Dinwiddie


1Dinwiddie enclosed this note in a letter to William Fairfax (see Dinwiddie to GW, 2 Sept.), who died on 3 September. GW still had not received it on 17 Sept. and may not have got it until the end of September 1757 when he went to Belvoir for Fairfax’s funeral.

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