Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore , 26 June 1805

To James Dinsmore

Washington June 26. 05

Dear Sir

Your’s of the 22d. came to hand yesterday. I inclose you two specimens of cherry, one done with boiled linseed oil, the other with the newspaper composition you referred to. I think the former the best; but am inclined to believe that daily rubbing with wax will soon produce the same effect. I rather think therefore of leaving the floor to time to give it’s proper colour. as you will but barely get the Hall floor down before my arrival, it must of course not be painted at all. I have another pound of terra di Siena for mr Barry, but suppose it, cannot go on till I go myself. I shall probably be at home on the 18th. of July. Accept my best wishes

Th: Jefferson

RC (facsimile in Goodspeed’s The Flying Quill, June 1948). RC (Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 11 Mch. 2019, lot 502); consisting of address sheet only; addressed: “Mr. James Dinsmore Monticello near Milton”; franked; postmarked Washington, 26 June.

Dinsmore’s letter of the 22d was received 25 June but has not been found (Appendix IV).

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