Thomas Jefferson Papers

Conveyance of Thomas Jefferson’s Lot in Richmond to David Higginbotham, November 1811

Conveyance of Thomas Jefferson’s Lot in Richmond to David Higginbotham

This indenture made on the day of Novr one Thousand eight hundred [and] eleven between Thomas Jefferson of the one part and David Higginbotham of the other; both of the County of Albermarle witnesseth that the said Thomas in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds currant money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said David, hath given granted bargained & sold unto the said David one certain parcel of land in the city of Richmond adjacent to James [River] containing by estimation eight hundred & twenty five square yards, be the [abovementioned lot?] [included within] four right lines, whereof one on the South Eas[tern side] bounding on the [tenement] Number 334 formerly the property of Patrick Cout[ts] is 36 yrds long[.] one other on the southwestern side bounding on the common towards the River is twenty four yards long[.] one other on the North Western side bounding on the common laid off as a road from Shockoe warehouse to the wharf is thirty nine yards long & the other on the Northeastern side bounding on the lands formerly the property of Robert Carter Nicholas decd is twenty two yards long which line [before]mentioned forms right angles with the first and third lines beforementioned[. The] parcel of land meant to be conveyed by these presents is part of t[he lot] designated in the plan of the said city by the number three hundred and thirty five[.] the other part thereof having1 belonged to Robert Carter Ni[cholas] aforesaid decd. To have and to hold the said parcel of land with its appurtenanc[es] to the said David and his heirs. and the said Thomas his heirs executors and administrators, the said parcel of land to the said David and his heirs against all persons claiming under the said Thomas, will forever warrant and defend entirely and against all lawful claims prior to the date of these presents he will warrant and defend to the amount of the sum of one hundred & thirty pounds [before]mentioned & no further. in testimony whereof the said Thomas hath herewith subscribed and affixed his seal on the day and year above mentioned

Signed sealed and }
delivered in presence of 
Coleman Estes
Charles Vest
David Huckstep
John Burks
Thomas Jefferson

Tr (ViU: TJP); faint, with portions of right margin damaged; unrelated calculations in an unidentified hand on verso; endorsed (in part): “Thomas Jefferson to David Higginbotham” and “A true Copy.”

On 20 Oct. 1811 TJ noted that he had sold his “lot in Richmond” to Higginbotham, with the proceeds “to be credited in my account with him” (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1270). William Mayo and James Wood had drawn the first plan of Richmond in the winter of 1736–37 at the behest of its pioneering owner, William Byrd (1674–1744). Lot 335 is shown in city plans of 1804 and 1809 (Richard W. Stephenson and Marianne M. McKee, Virginia in Maps: Four Centuries of Settlement, Growth, and Development [2000], 70–1; Richmond city plans, 1737, 1804, 1809 [Vi]). Higginbotham subsequently sold the lot to John G. Gamble (Gamble to TJ, 20 July 1813; TJ to Gamble, 10 Aug. 1813).

A 20 Oct. 1811 letter from TJ to Higginbotham is recorded in SJL. Higginbotham’s letters to TJ of 20 Oct. and 2 Nov. 1811 are recorded in SJL as received from Milton on 20 Oct. and 3 Nov. 1811, and an undated letter and one of 23 Dec. 1811 are both recorded as received on 24 Dec. 1811. None of these letters has been found.

1Manuscript: “having having.”

Index Entries

  • Burks, John; witnesses land conveyance search
  • Byrd, William (1674–1744); and founding of Richmond search
  • Coutts, Patrick; and TJ’s Richmond lot search
  • Estes, Coleman; witnesses land conveyance search
  • Gamble, John Grattan; Richmond lot sold to search
  • Higginbotham, David; letters from accounted for search
  • Higginbotham, David; letters to accounted for search
  • Higginbotham, David; purchases Richmond lot from TJ search
  • Huckstep, David; witnesses land conveyance search
  • indentures search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells Richmond lot search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Conveyance of Lot in Richmond to David Higginbotham search
  • Mayo, William; draws plan of Richmond search
  • Nicholas, Robert Carter (1729–80); and TJ’s Richmond lot search
  • Richmond, Va.; plan of search
  • Richmond, Va.; TJ’s lot in search
  • Richmond, Va.; warehouses in search
  • Vest, Charles; witnesses land conveyance search
  • Wood, James (1741–1813); draws plan of Richmond search