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Results 26311-26340 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your esteemed favour of the 19 th October was duly received and Should have been regularly attend ed to but I was at that time much engaged in the business of the Potomac and Shenandoah Navigation Lottery which is Since finished, indeed this lottery has taken up much of my time the past summer but I am happy to say that I have now got through it and am able to attend to my bookselling concern...
Thomas Jefferson Esqr In a/c with Joseph Milligan 1809 June 17 To Binding 2 Oc State papers 1.25 } Half ditto Journal
I had the honor yesterday to receive your letter of the 25h. Ulto. in which you Say—“That Coll. Pickering in his letters to the people of the U.S has represented to the World, that a corrupt bargain was made between yourself and Brother on the One part and me on the other, that I Should dismiss the then Secy. of State from his office, as consideration of your Votes & influence for me at the...
Resolved by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory in General Assembly Convened That the embarrassments and difficulties under which the United States have for many years laboured have been caused by the injustice of foreign nations and of domestic faction. That the late and present administrations of the general government have in our opinions...
1 December 1811, Château de Cézy, Paris. Does not know whether JM will recall his name or whether the request he is about to make will seem indiscreet. Mentions by way of justification the service he was able to render Mr. Brown and several of his compatriots in 1794 while he had command in Saint-Domingue. Family matters have called Mme Desfourneaux to New York, and he has learned from her...
1 December 1811. Lists charges to JM for John Payne Todd for one quarter’s tuition “ending this day” and school supplies, amounting to $16.50, and a 15 Oct. 1811 charge of $1.87 ½ for two “Classic Books,” for a total of $18.37 ½. Ms ( MdBS : Day Book, 1810–13). 1 p.
The inclosed volume was committed to the press near the close of your Excellency’s administration. The author saw with superlative pleasure the efforts that you were making to preserve that precious boon, for which, he when but a youth of 19 years of age was contending for with a naval lieutenant’s commission. From 15 to 20 years of age, he was incessantly traversing the seas in search of the...
This indenture made on the day of Nov r one Thousand eight hundred and eleven between Thomas Jefferson of the one part and David Higginbotham of the other; both of the County of Albermarle witnesseth that the said Thomas in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds currant money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said David, hath given granted bargained & sold unto the said...
As I have heretofore had the honour to request your acceptance of such Discourses as my people requested me to make publick, you will permit me to request your acceptance of the One delivered on the last Thanksgiving. I hope there is nothing in it that can give disquietude to a mind purely American ; and if it shall Serve in any measure to turn the thoughts of such as may read it from party...
In reply to your letter of the 25th of this month, just received, I have no hesitation in stating to you, that, at no period, of your administration, did I consider or understand, that any kind of bargain or arrangement had, directly or indirectly, in any manner or form, been proposed or made between yourself on the one part and my brother & myself or either of us on the other part, in...
Although since I last wrote to my brother, on the 6th: instt: we have neither received a line from America, nor had an opportunity of transmitting a letter to any place from which it could be dispatched to you; yet remembering my engagement never to suffer a month to pass without writing at least once to you, and once to him, and perceiving that as it applies to you, I am within one day of a...
Your customary card has renewed an embarrassment under which I have labored since the first & only time I attended your table as a guest. Living recluse from intercourse with polished society—unacquainted with the regulations of their ceremonial—and diffident of the conduct I ought to observe—I at that time committed a blunder—which may have been construed into rudeness—where I could have no...
Philosofo respetable, tengo la honra de remitir á Vm un exemplar de un folleto, que viene á ser una copia de los apuntes que imprimi en Philadelphia sobre la nueva constitucion en que aconsejaba á las Cortes la senda, que creia debia seguir, y que no ha seguido de lo que ha resultado una perdida de tiempo inmensa, lo que no podia menos de succeder, no habiendo fixado las vases sobre las que se...
The bearer M r William W Worsley a resident of this Town contemplates in a few days commenceing a journey to Richmond Virginia , and will pass thro’ your neighbourhood. he has expressed a desire of being made acquainted with you; It is with much pleasure I embrace the oppertunity of introduceing an amiable intelligent person to your acquaintance, as an Editor of a paper (the reporter) he is...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 25 th .— The necessity of stopping at Rye is obvious, and as to your aunt, at least not improper— and yet visits, prompted evidently by Convenience, are seldom pleasing. I wish the arrangement had been such as not to involve the Introduction of a new Guest there— under existing circumstances, there can be no Desire to see other visitors than those of the...
I was much gratified my dear Mrs Adams the last week; by a line from you: especially as it announced your own health & that of your family with Mrs Smith’s restoration. I have thought of her with much anxiety & sympathised with you both , on the various events, which have call’d forth all the feelings of the human Heart. Whilst you feel the loss of your excellent Brother & Sister, you cannot...
At a meeting of the members of the General Court Martial constituted for the trial of Brigadier General Wilkinson, it was decided that you should be informed of the difficulties the court has to struggle with. On the 6th instant being apprised by the Judge advocate, as well as by the accused, that they had no further evidence to produce, the court adjourned to afford an opportunity for the...
We have the honor to inclose a Letter for you, received by a Ship of ours from Belfast ; accompanied by a small Box, which We have taken in charge; & will be happy to forward it agreeably to such instructions as you may please to honor Us with.—We have the honor to subscribe ourselves RC ( MHi ); dateline beneath signature; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqu e ”; endorsed by TJ as...
I have sent you by mail, a Sett of the New Encyclopædia, published in Newyork , which a few years ago you did the honor to Subscribe to.— His Excellency , M r Madison , has also rec d his sett for which he subscribed, at about the same time—I hope, Sir, the Books and Binding will meet your approbation.—Be pleased, Sir, to order a draft for the amount, on this city, which is $ 75. —I have...
11. Nov. 26. beginning on Bear creek on the E. side of the road. ✓ N. 34½ E. 50. po. leaving the branch on the E. ✓ at 10. po. further the branch is 4.6 po. on the E. ✓ at 80. po. from the Beginning, branch 4.8 E. ✓ at 92 . from d o touched it. ✓ at 100.
I hear that Cousin Abbe is to return tomorrow to Atkinson. I Send by her two pr Socks for George and John. mittins I have not yet got knit, nor Georges waistcoats done; I hope I Shall before he wants them. I know they are where every proper care will be paid to them. they will both want new Hats Soon—I thought they could be purchased in Haverhill as well as here, and that it would be better...
Colo Bernardo is recommended as a true American and I have no doubt his embassy will Contain an interesting account of the Cituation of his own Country, therefore introduce him to you most respectfully Your Obdt. Servt &c RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. José Bernardo Maximiliano Gutiérrez de Lara (1774–1841) , a supporter of the Hidalgo revolt in Mexico, had set out for the U.S. in September 1811...
I have taken the liberty to request Doctor Mitchel to introduce Colo Joseph Bernardo to you who Call’d on us on his way from South America the Attact [ sic ] of the Prophet on Governor Harrison on the night of the 7th instant leaves us no hopes that you will Any longer have it in Your power to preserve peace for the Union and I hope Tennessee will prove her Self a worthy Sister I have no doubt...
I observe in your instructions to Congress you wish for Volunteers, and having the honor to Command a Company of Horse they as well as my officers have expressed a wish to me to present them to you as a part of that patriotic band which is always ready to Support so good a goverment. I must at the same time solicite a favour, which permit me to hope will be granted, that is for U States to...
I am extremely gratefull for the information contained in your letter of the 18th inst. I will avail myself of this good opportunity of writing to my father. Since his application to you I have found a private way of remitting the funds I had to Send him; but I am no less thankfull for your good wish, especially as this proof of your Kindness affords me an occasion of expressing to you the...
By this time you must be convinced of the folly of Treating the Savages as the lords of the Soil & purchaseing of any set of them what they offer for sale at the price they are put up to ask for it by some Villanous white man or men amoung them. The late battle near the Wabash in which so many of our fellow citizens have lost their lives, has for its foundation claims of Indians to lands which...
M r Thomas Jefferson In Account with R. Perry Sep t 1810 To 2 Treessels Bedsteads @ $3 £1. 16. one apple mill @ $12— 3. 12. 11 Days work @ 4/6 2. 9. 6 Feby 10 th
27 November 1811, Collector’s Office, Waldoboro. Hears that Eleazar W. Ripley has been recommended as attorney for the District of Maine and endorses the recommendation. Is not intimately acquainted with Ripley but believes him to be a gentleman of “handsome talents, and firmly attached to the laws & government of our country.” Mentions that the incumbent, Mr. Lee, is “ federal in his...
do not think that I have not participated in your Joy, upon the Birth of your daughter, because I have not sooner congratulated you upon the event. Let it be to you cause of gratitude and thankfulness that you have reason to sing of Mercies, as you have abundent occasion to do, for The lives and Health of your two sons whom you left under the care and patronage of two of the best of Friends....
I have just seen two letters from gentlemen in Vincennes to Mr. Jennings, the Delegate in congress from that Territory, stating the particulars of a Battle between Gov. Harrison and the party of the Prophet. The Letters from Vincennes are dated the 12th instant, when the news had just arrived there. The United States troops were attacked unexpectedly at night, and maintained a conflict of two...