26301Enclosure: Congressional Resolution: A State of Facts, December 1777 (Adams Papers)
That by the return of ordinance and stores taken from the enemy in the Northern department from the 19 Sept. to 17 Oct. inclusive it appears, there were only 4647 muskets, which are returned “unfit for service,” 3477 bayonets without scabbards, 638 cartouch boxes, 1458 cutlasses without scabbards, 6000 dozen musket cartridges, 1135 ready or fixed shot for 32 peices of cannon, and only 15...
26302Ward Chipman to Montfort Browne, December 1777 (Adams Papers)
Owing to the very partial opinion and recommendation of my Friend, you have been pleased to apply to me for such observations as have occurred to my mind upon a subject, very interesting in its nature, and of the utmost importance to that cause in support of which every loyal and good subject would wish to use his utmost efforts and exert all the Abilities with which Nature, Industry or...
26303To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac-Jean-Georges-Jonas Grand, [December? 1777] (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society George Grand’s most respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin and many thanks for the Book he was so good as to send him. The dinner appointed at the Chancellor Abbé de Breteuil is for Monday next at two o Clock precisely and at his own house rue st. honoré près de l’assomption. Mr. Grand desires the Dr. not to forget the paper he has left him yesterday and...
26304To Benjamin Franklin from ———, [December 1777]: résumé (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society <[Brussels, December, 1777, ] in French: You do not know me, and my name would not mean much to you. I am fond of great souls, and want to pay tribute to their virtues. Sincere congratulations on the defeat of M. de Burgoÿne, obtained by skill and bravery. M. de Washington has those qualities, and we may hope that Sir Howe, now in check, will be checkmated....
26305To George Washington from Colonel Theodorick Bland, December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Original Establishment of my Regt was one feild Officer a Captain Leiutt Cornet three Corporals, one Drummer one trumpeter & thirty Rank and file ⅌ troop; a Quartermaster to each Squadron; a Chaplain and Surgeon & adjutant to the Regt, and a Rough Rider to each troop. Their Pay as follows Majr Commt 10s. Adjutant 7.6 Capt. 7.6 Quar. Mastrs 5.0 Leiut. 6 Rough Ridr 5.0 Cornet 5 Drummer...
26306To John Adams from James Lovell, 1 December 1777 (Adams Papers)
As I was at the Secretaries yesterday I took off a few Resolutions from the Journals for your view, supposing as to the above, that you might have forgotten them, and as to the following, wishing to have your Sentiments. I doubt not you will think it may or may not be proper to take from the minds of foreign Courts the Idea that we are absolutely determind about our conduct towards Great...
26307The Committee for Foreign Affairs to the American Commissioners, 1 December 1777 (Franklin Papers)
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives As we wish the subject of this letter to be well attended to and understood, we shall confine ourselves intirely to the business of such french Gentlemen as have returned without getting employment in north america and particularly those of Monsr. du Coudray’s Corps. Whatever may be the Clamour excited by...
26308Jean Peltier-Dudoyer to the American Commissioners, 1 December 1777 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : University of Virginia Library Sur les ordres de Messrs. De Montieu Proprietaire du Navire L’amphitrite et de Beaumarchais Proprietaire de la cargaison, Je me suis transporté ici Pour retirer l’un et L’autre des mains du Sr. Berard, celui-ci m’ayant dit qu’il étoit Porteur de vos ordres Pour disposer de cette cargaison. Je me suis contanté de le sommer de me la délivrer a quoi Il n’a eu...
26309General Orders, 1 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Robert Duncan is appointed Paymaster to the fourth North Carolina regiment, and is to be respected as such. A General Court Martial is to sit to morrow at 9 o’clock in the morng, at the tavern next to Col. Biddle’s quarters, for the trial of all prisoners which shall be brought before them—Col. Ogden is appointed president of this court—Lieut. Cols. Simms, Wallace and Major North and a...
26310To George Washington from Major General John Armstrong, 1 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
I beg leave to recommend, that as early as it may be Safe to make such movement, the Army may pass Over the Scuilkill & take for Some time a position on that Side. With respect to Winter Quarters for the Army—The longer I consider the measure pointed out in the back Villiages of this State, the more inadmissable that Step appears to be, as by the large lattitude thereby given the Enemy thro’...