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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The treatment I met with at Princeton & the Character I bear (which I know I am innocent of)...
I think it proper to inclose you a copy of my letter to Mr. Gallatin, not merely for your...
I communicate to Congress certain Documents, being a continuation of those heretofore laid before...
Passy, 12 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams ,...
I have understood from Judge Cooper that applications are to be made to you respecting situations...
our two Tenants are come, and I have occupation enough. I have set them to clear the manure out...
I beg leave by way of explanation to submit the grounds of my opinion, that the President may...
26308[Diary entry: 8 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Calm but not hot. Afternoon Cloudy with much apps. of Rain—wind being Ea⟨st.⟩
ALS : Maine Historical Society Inclos’d is an Invoice of the Books shipp’d for the Library...
Treasury Department, April 26, 1790. “I have directed the Treasurer to draw on You for 3075...
I had prepared a memorial to the states general according to my instructions, but as the French...
26312[Diary entry: 12 October 1762] (Washington Papers)
12. Sowed Rye at Muddy hole.
It is an age since I have had the honor of a letter from you, and an age and a half since I...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope you will not think it bold though I Present you...
If your Excellency will please to recolect on the 9th. of November 1803. I waited on you for your...
I was the last evening honoured by the receipt of your favor of the 31st Ulto. Your feelings and...
Enclosed is an account of their present force in New York and its dependencies, handed to me by a...
I yesterday received the favor of your Letter of the 9th with Its several Inclosures and am...
M. Jefferson’s Commands have been regularly executed, and the Bishop of Adran who is gone Last...
Th: Jefferson, with his respects to the President, incloses him a letter from mister Rittenhouse...
I Had the Honour of writing to you on the 1st Inst Since which nothing material has occurred...
It is sometime since I have written to you but still longer since I have had a line from my dear...
I beg leave to offer a few observations to the Committee of which you are Chairman on the...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President some letters received from Mr. T. Digges...
I take the liberty of forwarding you the first number of a monthly publication entitled the...
RC (Virginia State Library). In hand of Theodorick Bland, except for JM’s signature. Cover...
2632720th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This evening, I went with Mr. Artaud and Mr. D. to the Comedy, where they presented in French le...
26328[Diary entry: 5 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 5th. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning—75 at Noon And 73 at Night. Wind at So. Wt. in the...
Heads of consideration on the conduct we are to observe in the war between Spain & Gr. Britain...
26330[Diary entry: 19 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
19. Dined at Colo. Rieds. Spent the Evening at Mr. Lynch’s. Thomas Lynch, Sr. (1727–1776), a...
The United States Loan Office in this City becoming vacant by the late death of that esteamed and...
Such various interpretations have been given to the Constitutional doctrines avowed in your...
26333March 1791 (Washington Papers)
Monday 21st. Left Philadelphia about 11 O’clock to make a tour through the Southern States....
[ New York ] August 5, 1785 . “… some time since … Hannah Brewer or rather her assignee John J....
Col. Humphries talks of leaving us on monday. It is with regret I assure you Sir that we part...
Your letter of the 6th of April, inclosing a copy of the Constitution formed for the State of...
Genl. Stevens a Citizen of the State of New York intending to make an application to you on...
Letter not found. 12 September 1797. Calendared as a three-page letter in the lists probably made...
I take the liberty of transmitting the enclosed two letters lately received from N. Orleans upon...
I am happy to find by your favor of the 23 d. that You are safely arrived after a good Journey....
I had the honour to receive a few days ago Your Excellency’s letter of the 20 August, inclosing...
26342[September 1768] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Set out from Nomony in my return to Chotanck. Lodgd on board the Vessel between Swan...
Your letter of the 27th of August, and the papers therewith transmitted, did not reach me till...
Je Suis persuadé, qu’il est dèja a Votre Connoissance, que le Roi de Deux Siciles mon Maitre à...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. De la Blancherie arrivant d’hollande accablé...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Jefferson’s hand. Docketed by JM, “From Ths. J. to...
It would have been difficult, some weeks ago, to persuade myself that any motives, however...
The petition of Joe Butler, humbly represents; That your petitioner, was, during the last Session...
You will proceed with all convenient dispatch to the Camp of the Marqs de la Fayette in Virginia,...
My nephew Jno Fitzgerald about to depart for his military station at Norfolk, & meaning to pay...