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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. Laurence who will deliver you this, is I am informed, a character that by his attachment to...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 20, 1780 . Thanks Congress for increase in powers. Describes...
Philadelphia, August 21, 1780. Asks if there is any information concerning his brothers, who are...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 21, 1780 . Agrees that it will be best to defer the debarkation on...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 24, 1780 . Questions manner in which Howe’s baggage was guarded....
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 26, 1780 . Is concerned that Captain Pierre Landais failed to...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 27, 1780 . Discusses lack of provisions in Army. Writes: “Either...
I wish, my dear Hamilton, you will please to invite your father in law to come and dine tomorrow...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Believes an operation against New York no longer...
Liberty Pole [ New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Thanks Bowdoin for loan of arms. Reports that Rhode...
Liberty Pole [ New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . States that Colonel William Malcom is en route and...
Liberty Pole [ New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Directs Heath to dismiss the members of the militia...
[ Liberty Pole, New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Orders Van Schaick to join Army. Df , in writing...
The General approves your proposed order and requests you to forward a copy to the respective...
About the 23d. Instant I wrote my Friend Harrison from Salisbury giving him a very hasty,...
I had written the inclosed and left it to be sent by the last post; but by mistake it was not...
If upon reconnoitring Dobbes ferry it is found susceptible of batteries to establish a...
The Marquis De la Fayette by your order proposed New York as the object of the intended...
Impatiently My Dearest have I been expecting the return of your father to bring me a letter from...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] September 2, 1780 . Instructs Parsons to move to “the vicinity of...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] September 2, 1780 . Has ordered two Connecticut regiments to join...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] September 2, 1780 . Orders Wells to join Colonel Elisha Sheldon in...
Agreeably to your request and my promise I sit down to give you my ideas of the defects of our...
I wrote you last night the inclosed hasty note in expectation that your papa would take his leave...
Liberty Pole [ New Jersey ] September 3, 1780 . Describes movements of Army. Reports preparations...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey, September 5, 1780. On September 10, 1780, Philip Schuyler wrote to...
The letter accompanying this has lain by two or three days for want of an opportunity. I have...
I wrote you My Dear Betsey a long letter or rather two long letters by your father. I have not...
If you do writte to me, direct your Letters to general heath, & under his Cover. I can not tell...
[ Philadelphia, September 8, 1780. On September 16, 1780, Hamilton wrote to Laurens : “I … have...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Asks Congress to explain resolve of August 5, 1780,...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Describes British preparations for an expedition to...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 8, 1780 . Is sending the two American officers requested....
I am very apprehensive the unhappy event mentioned in your favor of the 5th Instant will draw...
[ Bergen County, New Jersey ] September 11, 1780 . “His Excellency desires you will furnish from...
We ought both my Dear Laurens to beg pardon of our friendship for mutual neglect in our...
The following is the address which the Marquis thinks will best answer the purpose—The Right...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] September 12, 1780 . Reviews military situation in America. Insists...
Bergen County [ New Jersey ] September 12, 1780 . Asks La Luzerne to put letter to Comte de...
[ New Bridge, New Jersey, September 13, 1780. In September, 1780, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton :...
New Bridge [ New Jersey, ] September 13, 1780 . Asserts that British expedition “seems to be on...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 13, 1780 . Renews proposal for meeting Rochambeau on...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 15, 1780 . Asserts that the fall of Camden “adds itself to...
There is to be an interview at Elizabeth Town the 19th. between General Lincoln General Philips,...
I wrote you fully by the post and have just time to tell you that I have received your letter of...
The great Scarcity of wheat before harvest and the drought Since has prevented the agent...
New Bridge [ New Jersey ] September 16, 1780 . Is setting out for Hartford. States that Greene is...
[ September 17, 1780. In September, 1780, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton : “Your favor of the 17th I...
Peekskill [ New York ] September 18, 1780 . Reports arrival of Admiral Rodney. Directs Greene to...
1st. That there can be no decisive enterprise against the maritime establishments of the English...