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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by author
Ce n’est point à M r Thomas Jefferson président des États unis , dont le nom Sera à Jamais...
As Mr. Alston is already known to you no introduction or recommendation from me can be requisite....
Mr Burr’s respectful Compliments. He requests Dr. Hosack to inform him of the present state of...
Mr. Guillemard an english gentleman of fortune and education, travelling from motives of...
The enclosed is nearly correct—our Majorities are Something larger than there Stated— Our Three...
At the request of Col. Weissenfels I transmit the enclosed Certificate. Having served with the...
I send for your perusal a letter signed Ch. D. Cooper which, though apparently published some...
Mr Burr presents his respectful Compliments to the President of the United States. He requests to...
It was so obvious that the most malignant spirit of slander and intrigue would be busy that,...
I was this Morning favoured with your Excellency’s Letter of 29th Ulto and my Appointment in Col....
Yesterday Mr. Van Benthuysen handed me your obliging letter . Govr. Fenner is principally...
Mr. V Ness has this evening reported to me Verbally that you refuse to answer my last letter,...
… I am goaded with letters from Connecticut & Vermont respecting the department of Post Office...
Mr. Hunt who was mentioned in a letter which I wrote you some Weeks ago, is desirous of the honor...
Mr. Alexander Woolcott of Connecticut must be know to you by Reputation—I take the liberty to...
Have the goodness to inform me how long you will remain in Phila. if till the close of the...
New York David Gelston, Collector, vice Sands } The Republicans of the NY. delegation in Senate &...
Joseph Crockett writes to me from Jessamine County in Kentucky that he is a Candidate for the...
The family of Alston of South Carolina is probably well known to you—The Young gentleman who will...
Permit me to introduce to the honor of your acquaintance, the bearer Mr. Caleb Lownes Mr. Lownes...
Being last fall in Ontario County, I spent a day in examining the records to discover the...
The excessive heat and occasional fatigues of the preceding campaign, have so impaired my health...
This will be presented to you by Captain Aupaumut Chief of the Moheakuns,—a Man of perfectly...
I have written to Mr. Madison respecting the Consul of Madeira, the Marshall of Massts. Bay and...
I have paid to Mr Thompson Seventeen hundred and fifty dollars, taken up the Leases of Ross &...
Your letter of the 20th. inst. has been this day received. Having Considered it attentively I...
General Stevens had command of the artillery in the Northern army during the late War and was...
From many hundreds of applications I have selected, as most worthy of your attention, those...
Mr. Burr’s respectful compliments—thanks Mr Madison for his communications on the authentication...
I thank you my dear Sir, I thank you sincerely for your letter . The Moment requires free...
⟨–⟩ of withdrawing the Letter. Impossible unless in lieu of it I should send a Challenge vid. the...
The information contained in Mr Kirby’s letter , appearing to appertain more to you than to me, I...
I was well acquainted with Major Gibbs during the late revolution. He was a punctual, attentive...
Mr Burr having just now been informed that Mr Jefferson proposes to leave the City this Day,...
An Opinion has for sometime prevailed that peace with the Indians is attainable; That the War has...
The enclosed belongs properly to you. The writer is now representative in Congress and was many...
14 October 1802, New York. “My Stepson Mr Prevost now recorder of this City, will have the honor...
after detaining the enclosed for several days in hopes of a safe private conveyance, I hazard it...
A very respectable republican character of R. Island, has desired me to suggest to you that it...
Letterbook copy: Andover-Newton Theological Seminary Your Febry. 28. with the enclos’d Letters...
Several Valuable Men, of our friends in this City who are much attached to Mr. K[eteltas], have...
I should with regret pass over another Day. It is left however to your discretion. If the Fort is...
I am disappointed of my ride. If xxx should propose to charge you with any verbal message, you...
The Recovery of my Health encouraged me to accept the Command of these Posts during the Winter...
On the 20th. Apl. I wrote you a few lines respecting Mr John Pintard —be pleased to distinguish...
The president of the United States of America. To Thomas Jefferson, Robert Smith, Henry Dearborne...
In Case M r Morris should not be ^re-^^appointed Sheriff, the name of John Stagg Jun r . will,...
The last propn. of gen H. is a worse libel than even the letter of Dr C & throughout manifests a...
Pursuant to an order of the Senate I have the honor to transmit to you the Resolution &...
We the Subscribers do certify that Col Ebenezer Stevens was together with ourselves appointed by...