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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Permit me to present, for the honour of your acceptance, a copy of a “Compendium”; which I lately...
Suffer me to gratify the vanity of an author, and the pride of an American, by presenting the...
A Visit from you my good Friend, would be a cordial, and if honoured by His Honour would raise my...
I have had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 28th ult. covering one to your Son the...
I have long delayed saying any thing to you respecting the situation of M r Mazzie’s property...
A present of a thanksgiving sermon from a Gentleman whome I have highly esteemed and honoured for...
At lenght I succeed in Sending you the outlines of the contemplated work, which I could have,...
As there will be no doubt many Candidates for the consulate which has become vacant here by the...
On my return here, I found an Edition, in 8vo, of the Essai politique sur La Nouvelle Espagne —of...
2 December 1811, Alexandria. Informs JM that the pipe of wine he ordered has arrived on the brig...
Your esteemed favour of the 19 th October was duly received and Should have been regularly attend...
Thomas Jefferson Esqr In a/c with Joseph Milligan 1809 June 17 To Binding 2 Oc State papers 1.25...
I had the honor yesterday to receive your letter of the 25h. Ulto. in which you Say—“That Coll....
Resolved by the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory in...
1 December 1811, Château de Cézy, Paris. Does not know whether JM will recall his name or whether...
1 December 1811. Lists charges to JM for John Payne Todd for one quarter’s tuition “ending this...
The inclosed volume was committed to the press near the close of your Excellency’s...
This indenture made on the day of Nov r one Thousand eight hundred and eleven between Thomas...
As I have heretofore had the honour to request your acceptance of such Discourses as my people...
In reply to your letter of the 25th of this month, just received, I have no hesitation in stating...
Although since I last wrote to my brother, on the 6th: instt: we have neither received a line...
Your customary card has renewed an embarrassment under which I have labored since the first &...
Philosofo respetable, tengo la honra de remitir á Vm un exemplar de un folleto, que viene á ser...
The bearer M r William W Worsley a resident of this Town contemplates in a few days commenceing a...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 25 th .— The necessity of stopping at Rye is obvious, and as to...
I was much gratified my dear Mrs Adams the last week; by a line from you: especially as it...
At a meeting of the members of the General Court Martial constituted for the trial of Brigadier...
We have the honor to inclose a Letter for you, received by a Ship of ours from Belfast ;...
I have sent you by mail, a Sett of the New Encyclopædia, published in Newyork , which a few years...
11. Nov. 26. beginning on Bear creek on the E. side of the road. ✓ N. 34½ E. 50. po. leaving the...
I hear that Cousin Abbe is to return tomorrow to Atkinson. I Send by her two pr Socks for George...
Colo Bernardo is recommended as a true American and I have no doubt his embassy will Contain an...
I have taken the liberty to request Doctor Mitchel to introduce Colo Joseph Bernardo to you who...
I observe in your instructions to Congress you wish for Volunteers, and having the honor to...
I am extremely gratefull for the information contained in your letter of the 18th inst. I will...
By this time you must be convinced of the folly of Treating the Savages as the lords of the Soil...
M r Thomas Jefferson In Account with R. Perry Sep t 1810 To 2 Treessels Bedsteads @ $3 £1. 16....
27 November 1811, Collector’s Office, Waldoboro. Hears that Eleazar W. Ripley has been...
do not think that I have not participated in your Joy, upon the Birth of your daughter, because I...
I have just seen two letters from gentlemen in Vincennes to Mr. Jennings, the Delegate in...
26 November 1811. “The Republicans of Windsor and its Vicinity called togather by a Just sense of...
Je m’empresse de vous faire l’hommage de mon catalogue avant que Sa publication ait été encore...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to The People of The United States has represented...
Colonel Pickering in his Letters or Addresses to the People of The United States has represented...
25 November 1811, Batavia , “ Lands of Liberty & Equality .” Introduces himself as a native of...
25 November 1811, Senate Chamber. The writers enclose for consideration a letter from former...
Having received the form of the bond which I am to execute previous to entering upon the duties...
I have to thank you for a letter , which had I wanting wanted any additional motives to stimulate...
I am instructed by the eig[h]th Regt. of Virginia Militia, which convened in Lexington Rockbridge...
In complyance with the request of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee I have the honor...