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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
That by the return of ordinance and stores taken from the enemy in the Northern department from the 19 Sept. to 17 Oct. inclusive it appears, there were only 4647 muskets, which are returned “unfit for service,” 3477 bayonets without scabbards, 638 cartouch boxes, 1458 cutlasses without scabbards, 6000 dozen musket cartridges, 1135 ready or fixed shot for 32 peices of cannon, and only 15...
Owing to the very partial opinion and recommendation of my Friend, you have been pleased to apply to me for such observations as have occurred to my mind upon a subject, very interesting in its nature, and of the utmost importance to that cause in support of which every loyal and good subject would wish to use his utmost efforts and exert all the Abilities with which Nature, Industry or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society George Grand’s most respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin and many thanks for the Book he was so good as to send him. The dinner appointed at the Chancellor Abbé de Breteuil is for Monday next at two o Clock precisely and at his own house rue st. honoré près de l’assomption. Mr. Grand desires the Dr. not to forget the paper he has left him yesterday and...
AL : American Philosophical Society <[Brussels, December, 1777, ] in French: You do not know me, and my name would not mean much to you. I am fond of great souls, and want to pay tribute to their virtues. Sincere congratulations on the defeat of M. de Burgoÿne, obtained by skill and bravery. M. de Washington has those qualities, and we may hope that Sir Howe, now in check, will be checkmated....
The Original Establishment of my Regt was one feild Officer a Captain Leiutt Cornet three Corporals, one Drummer one trumpeter & thirty Rank and file ⅌ troop; a Quartermaster to each Squadron; a Chaplain and Surgeon & adjutant to the Regt, and a Rough Rider to each troop. Their Pay as follows Majr Commt 10s. Adjutant 7.6 Capt.  7.6 Quar. Mastrs 5.0 Leiut.  6 Rough Ridr 5.0 Cornet  5 Drummer...
As I was at the Secretaries yesterday I took off a few Resolutions from the Journals for your view, supposing as to the above, that you might have forgotten them, and as to the following, wishing to have your Sentiments. I doubt not you will think it may or may not be proper to take from the minds of foreign Courts the Idea that we are absolutely determind about our conduct towards Great...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives As we wish the subject of this letter to be well attended to and understood, we shall confine ourselves intirely to the business of such french Gentlemen as have returned without getting employment in north america and particularly those of Monsr. du Coudray’s Corps. Whatever may be the Clamour excited by...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Sur les ordres de Messrs. De Montieu Proprietaire du Navire L’amphitrite et de Beaumarchais Proprietaire de la cargaison, Je me suis transporté ici Pour retirer l’un et L’autre des mains du Sr. Berard, celui-ci m’ayant dit qu’il étoit Porteur de vos ordres Pour disposer de cette cargaison. Je me suis contanté de le sommer de me la délivrer a quoi Il n’a eu...
26309General Orders, 1 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Robert Duncan is appointed Paymaster to the fourth North Carolina regiment, and is to be respected as such. A General Court Martial is to sit to morrow at 9 o’clock in the morng, at the tavern next to Col. Biddle’s quarters, for the trial of all prisoners which shall be brought before them—Col. Ogden is appointed president of this court—Lieut. Cols. Simms, Wallace and Major North and a...
I beg leave to recommend, that as early as it may be Safe to make such movement, the Army may pass Over the Scuilkill & take for Some time a position on that Side. With respect to Winter Quarters for the Army—The longer I consider the measure pointed out in the back Villiages of this State, the more inadmissable that Step appears to be, as by the large lattitude thereby given the Enemy thro’...
A few Minutes ago my Friend Mr J. F. returned from the City, in which, he says there are a great many Troops Billeted, the Streets remain without any Cannon in them six or seven Frigates have got up, none ly above Mark⟨et⟩ Street Wharf, neither do they carry above twenty Guns each, the Transports have not as yet unloaded but a little Suga⟨r⟩ and a few pieces of Linnen—Lord Cornwallis has at...
By taking Winter Quarters from Lancaster to Reading, we abandon to the Enemy Jersey, and all the Country adjacent to Derby, Chester and Wilmington, one of the richest Tracts in this part of the Continent—By establishing them at Wilmington we cover the Country, and do not so completely abandon that part of it which is before Philadelphia, nor even Jersey, because our proximity to the Enemy and...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s command I shall in a few words give my Sentiments with respect to the necessity of puting the troops into Winter quarters and the properest place to canton them in. Every one that views the Condition of the army and is acquainted with the severe duty they have gone through will readily agree that good warm comfortable quarters are necessary to supply the defect...
Whether the army should retire into winter quarters in the interior part of this state, or to wilmington and its invirons, or whether it ought not to take post nigher to the enemy and remain in huts during the winter, are questions of such importance and the arguments for and against each of those measures so many and cogent that I confess myself at a loss how to decide upon them. To leave so...
Rest, Recruiting & Cloathing being most necessary for the army I am of opinion that taking Winter quarters at Wilmington almost behind the Ennemy, will not answer the purpose, because every movements the Ennemies will make Up Schuylkill river we must follow their motions or be cut off from our Stores, or forced to fight whether it will Suit us or not, I am apprehensive this position will of...
Your Excellency last evening referr’d to your General Officers the consideration of the position proper for Winter Quarters, and order’d us to give our opinions respectively on that subject. I shall be concise in my opinion, establishing the proposition that Winter Quarters are indispensably necessary for the army in order to give it that rest and refreshment of which it stands much in need;...
Your excellency ordered me to give my opinion about these three places for winter quarters 1º the chain from about the Sculchill till betheleem—2º this from reading to lancaster—3º building hutts about and quartering in willmington. I must Confess My being prevented of fixing my Sentiments in a decicise manner by my want of knowledge about very interesting points amongs them as 1º  how far we...
On Saturday I had the Honor to receive your Favor of the 26th Ulto with it’s Inclosures. The Resolve of the 25th, I have published in Orders agreable to direction, and shall be happy if Congress can fall upon measures to render the situation of the Officers & Soldiery more eligible than what it now is. At present it is truly distressing, and unless some means can be divised to support them...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency Yesterday by Thos Seale —this Morning I reported to Congress your Excellency’s Letter of the 26th 27th November together with the Copy of General Sr William Howe’s, which came inclosed in it. I am now charged to inform Genl Gates, the Council of Massachusetts Bay & Genl Heath, that it is the Resolution of Congress, the Troops of Lt Genl Burgoyne...
It gives me great Concern that our recruiting upon your Plan is not yet begun in this State, for want of my being able to give the proper Instructions to the persons appointed respecting the Security to be given & the Manner in which they are to draw for the Money—To obtain proper Directions on these Subjects I wrote to Congress on the 11th of last Month, but have received no Answer, I now...
As the present Camp wants Wood & other comfords for the Men, in this Severe Weather, and the Enemys Situation being to strong for an Attaque; I would propose to post our Army into Refreshings Quarters (as We do abroad In such Cases) I have been lucking out where won could forme Such a Line, Sufficientely stocked with houses for that purpose, & find We could form Such a Line between the Two...
Agreeable to Your Excellencys request of last evening, that we should give our opinion concerning the most eligible place for Quartering or incamping the Troops during the winter. As much has been said on the Subject of Quartering in different places some with a view of covering the Country, & others for recovering, recruiting, and gathering the Troops together for another Campaign and to ly...
Agreeable to Your Excellency’s requisition I transmit You my Sentiments on the Question proposd in Council Yesterday. I would beg leave to premise that agreeable to my Sentiments, the Army should continue in a Position, where they can most effectually Annoy the Enemy, untill it shall be absolutely necessary on Account of the Severity of the Weather to Quit the Field—2dly That the Preservation...
in answer to the questions propos’d yesterday, Rispecting the Quartering Army this winter I am Clear of apoinyen that the grait Object is to Secure our men from the Inclemency of the wather Incres our numbers Dissapline our men and make our Army as Formadable as possable that we may be able to take the field early in the Spring. I am not acquainted with this Country So as to point out the most...
Since Mr Tilghman’s Letter of last Evening to you, I have advice from the City which convinces me that the Enemy do not propose coming out as we then expected —I therefore wish that if you will not have cross’d the Schuylkill before you receive this, you may remain on the other Side for some time longer—If the Bridge lately built should have suffer’d any Damage by the late Rains, you will get...
I leave the choice of Ground to those who are well acquainted with the Country—& confine myself to considering the advantages which will attend a continuance of the Campaign, and the Inconveniences which will flow from retiring to Winter Quarters—Our continuing in a state of activity will give courage to our Friends, be an antidote to the Effeminacy of young Soldiers, and enure them to the...
I can easily conceive that the Prospect of closing the Campaign without some Action & leaving the Enemy in peaceable Possession of Philada gives you some Concern but it must be some Alleviation to reflect, that those Officers who from their Station are intitled to suggest Plans have proposed no vigorous Measure which you over-ruled & that there was almost a Unanimity of Opinion against those...
After Considering Maturly the matter Proposd Yesterday with reguard to the Quartering the Troops for this winter, I have at Length thaught that Wilmington and its Neighbouring Villages the Most Elligable. I would not wish to Trouble Your Excelleny with my Reasons as it was So very Fully Spoke upon Yesterday. I am Your Excellencys Obt Servt ALS , DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW had...
The Distresses of the Army, the Inclemency of the weather, & the approaching Season, combine to point out the Expediency of fixing on Winter Quarters; and in doing this, all local Attatchment ought to be sacrificed to the Public Good, to reduce the Enemy, & free ourselves, I wou’d chearfully resign myself to a Den the ensuing & many other Seasons if found necessary—Three Positions have been...
In Agitating the General Question which your Excellency put to the Council of General Officers Yesterday, there Arose three propositions as to the Stationing of this Army for the Winter, all attended with very great Inconveniencies. That of placeing it at Wilmington does not answer the purpose of Quartering the Army, as the buildings in & about that place are not Capable of receiveing above...
Agreeable to your Excellenceys Commands I have Considered upon the most Suitable place to Canton the Army During the winter The Several places proposed in Councill have their Advantages and Disadvantages but that which has the Least objections ought to be fixed upon The Intention of the Board is to take that Station which will answer best to Cover the Country Refresh the Troops & Discipline...
From a cursory View of the present State of your Army, compared to the Position of the Enemy, I am fully convinced that your Troops should immediately go into quiet, peaceable Winter Quarters. By the various Fatigues of the Campaign, your Men are dispersed thro’ many parts of the Country, incapable of taking the Field at this advanced Season. The Hospitals are crouded with Sick and Invalids,...
The procuring good and easy Winter Quarters for the Troops under your Excellencies Command—and Covering the Country from the Depredations of the Enemy as far as Possible without too much fatigue to the Army—are Objects of the first Consequence, & to which too much Attention can not be paid. A Chain of Cantonments has been proposed (and Supported with very plausible Arguments) from Lancaster to...
I have agreeable to your Excellency’s direction, considered in every point of view I am able; “A proper position for this Army during the winter.” Three plans for facilitating this desirable purpose have been proposed, Vizt Hutting, Drawing them down to Wilmington & its vicinity, or Cantoning them in the back country from Reading to Lancaster. In my opinion there will be great inconveniencies...
Upon considering the several places purposed for the winter Cantoonments of the army, I think the Villages from Reading to Lancaster with the addition of some Hutts, the most Eligable position for the Troops in their present situation. Were the Men warmly clad, I should give it as my Opinion that Willmington, or some post nigher the Enemy should be taken in preference to the above, where we...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society You will receive by Mr. Moylan dispatches for Congress, which you will secure ready for sinking in Case of Danger. On your Leaving the River Nantes it has been recommended as the safest to keep well in with the Coast of France until you can leave the Continent intirely. Of this you will be the best judge. We advise you to avoid speaking with every Vessel on...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives (two) Since ours of Octr: 31st. the enemy have by repeated efforts at last overcome our defences on the Delaware below Philadelphia, and we hear they have got up some vessels to the city; but we incline to think they will be interrupted much in their opperations on the river by the Cheveaux de Frize and the cold...
ALS : Harvard University Library Previous to the shipping any of the Property purchased at Germany &ca. and collected to Hamburgh under my care and direction on Account of the United States, I consulted You on the propriety of having it Insured Round here and I doubt not youl Recolect Your opinion on that point Vizt. “that it was Customary for all Nations to run the Risque of what was for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclos’d is a Letter which I most ernestly desire you will deliver to the Minester of Marine. You will Judge from the Contents we have not been Treated in a manner agreeable to the Character we appear in. I think the Honour of the united states violated in this Instance, and must if Posible demand satisfaction; in my Person, as their officer I represent the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By my Letter to day I am in expectation of Dispatches for Young which may perhaps be sent off before you receive the last important Express. I take the earliest opportunity to inform you that it will be my wish, in that case, to detain Capt. Youngs dispatches ’till I hear from you supposing you will choose to make some addition to them, and I request that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to give you notice, that at my arrivel in this Capital I found the Court was gone to villa-viçoza: I thoght proper to go there, and deliver your Memorial to the Minister, inforcing it with all the reasons I could think of. The mater was to be considered, and he to send me an answer here; but till now he has not done it. In few days the Court will be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’inquiéttude ou je suis, Monsieur, du sort d’un de mes Parens, actuellement au service des Américains, me force à vous demander un moment d’audiance j’espere que vous ne me refuserez pas; votre jour, votre heure, soyez seur de mon exactitude a m’y rendre. J’ay l’honneur d’etre avec les sentimens qui vous sont dus Monsieur Votre trés humble obeissante...
26343General Orders, 2 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Returns are to be made early to morrow morning of all officers and men in the several brigades and corps, who have not had the small pox. Every Colonel, or officer commanding, a regiment, or corps, is to make an immediate return, to the Pay Master General, of every pay Mr that has belonged to, or done duty as such, in any regiment or corps—the place of their abode, and the time when they left...
I have thought it my duty to inform Your Excellency that about five Hundred of the enemy Crossed over Schoolkill Last night. The enemy intend to make a push out—and endeavour to drive Your Excellency from the present encampment, Destroy our Fleet Burn German Town & Frankford shou’d the not Succeed in this expedition the will return to the City and prepare for a retreat, Genl How gave orders...
I have this day receiv’d your Favor of 28th Ulto—& can only say it gives me concern that your Excursion to staten Island was not attended with success equal to your expectation, which, from the Plan you had formed, the Secrecy with which you expected to have executed it, I suppose was pretty Sanguine—but Experience shews us that the most triffling incidents will frustrate the best concert’d...
2 Dec. 1777 . Accounts for 144,376 pounds of “raw hide exchanged for Leather in this Dept” that had been distributed to eighteen tanners since 2 Sept. 1777 “to be exchanged at the rate of five pound raw hide for one pound Sole and eight pounds for one pound of upper leathers the greatest part of which ought by contract to have been ready by this time, and notwithstanding I have sent a waggon...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 23d Novemr and am glad to find that you were upon your guard against any attempt of Genl Burgoine to endeavour to change the place of embarkation. No Transports have yet sailed from the Delaware for the purpose of carrying the Troops to Europe, nor do I hear that any have gone from New York. I can only attribute this delay to want of provision for the...
The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending it, are subjects which have been so frequently and so fully discussed and are so well understood, that it is unnecessary to enlarge upon them. These facts at once appear, when it is considered that it runs thro’ a whole State—That it is the only passage by which the Enemy from New York or any part of our...
If you can with any convenience let me see you to day I shall be thankful for it—I am abt fixing the Winter cantonments of this army, and find so many, & such capitol objections to each mode proposed, that I am exceedingly embarrassed, not only by the advice given me, but in my own judgment, and should be very glad of your sentiments on the matter without loss of time. In hopes of seeing you,...
Hardly any thing has come out to Day. No Passes have been granted from Town. Some Ladies who got out by special Favor say as far as the Accots from the british Officers are to be attended to a Movement will take Place early tomorrow Morning. Some of them say to this Town, others that they do not know the Route. At such a Time I think it my Duty to send your Exy the most minute Circumstances....