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Results 26301-26350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
That by the return of ordinance and stores taken from the enemy in the Northern department from...
Owing to the very partial opinion and recommendation of my Friend, you have been pleased to apply...
ALS : American Philosophical Society George Grand’s most respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin...
AL : American Philosophical Society <[Brussels, December, 1777, ] in French: You do not know me,...
The Original Establishment of my Regt was one feild Officer a Captain Leiutt Cornet three...
As I was at the Secretaries yesterday I took off a few Resolutions from the Journals for your...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives As we wish the...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Sur les ordres de Messrs. De Montieu Proprietaire du Navire...
26309General Orders, 1 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Mr Robert Duncan is appointed Paymaster to the fourth North Carolina regiment, and is to be...
I beg leave to recommend, that as early as it may be Safe to make such movement, the Army may...
A few Minutes ago my Friend Mr J. F. returned from the City, in which, he says there are a great...
By taking Winter Quarters from Lancaster to Reading, we abandon to the Enemy Jersey, and all the...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s command I shall in a few words give my Sentiments with respect to...
Whether the army should retire into winter quarters in the interior part of this state, or to...
Rest, Recruiting & Cloathing being most necessary for the army I am of opinion that taking Winter...
Your Excellency last evening referr’d to your General Officers the consideration of the position...
Your excellency ordered me to give my opinion about these three places for winter quarters 1º the...
On Saturday I had the Honor to receive your Favor of the 26th Ulto with it’s Inclosures. The...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency Yesterday by Thos Seale —this Morning I reported...
It gives me great Concern that our recruiting upon your Plan is not yet begun in this State, for...
As the present Camp wants Wood & other comfords for the Men, in this Severe Weather, and the...
Agreeable to Your Excellencys request of last evening, that we should give our opinion concerning...
Agreeable to Your Excellency’s requisition I transmit You my Sentiments on the Question proposd...
in answer to the questions propos’d yesterday, Rispecting the Quartering Army this winter I am...
Since Mr Tilghman’s Letter of last Evening to you, I have advice from the City which convinces me...
I leave the choice of Ground to those who are well acquainted with the Country—& confine myself...
I can easily conceive that the Prospect of closing the Campaign without some Action & leaving the...
After Considering Maturly the matter Proposd Yesterday with reguard to the Quartering the Troops...
The Distresses of the Army, the Inclemency of the weather, & the approaching Season, combine to...
In Agitating the General Question which your Excellency put to the Council of General Officers...
Agreeable to your Excellenceys Commands I have Considered upon the most Suitable place to Canton...
From a cursory View of the present State of your Army, compared to the Position of the Enemy, I...
The procuring good and easy Winter Quarters for the Troops under your Excellencies Command—and...
I have agreeable to your Excellency’s direction, considered in every point of view I am able; “A...
Upon considering the several places purposed for the winter Cantoonments of the army, I think the...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society You will receive by Mr. Moylan dispatches for Congress,...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives (two) Since ours...
ALS : Harvard University Library Previous to the shipping any of the Property purchased at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclos’d is a Letter which I most ernestly desire you will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By my Letter to day I am in expectation of Dispatches for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to give you notice, that at my arrivel in this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society L’inquiéttude ou je suis, Monsieur, du sort d’un de mes...
26343General Orders, 2 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Returns are to be made early to morrow morning of all officers and men in the several brigades...
I have thought it my duty to inform Your Excellency that about five Hundred of the enemy Crossed...
I have this day receiv’d your Favor of 28th Ulto—& can only say it gives me concern that your...
2 Dec. 1777 . Accounts for 144,376 pounds of “raw hide exchanged for Leather in this Dept” that...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 23d Novemr and am glad to find that you were upon your...
The importance of the North River in the present contest and the necessity of defending it, are...
If you can with any convenience let me see you to day I shall be thankful for it—I am abt fixing...
Hardly any thing has come out to Day. No Passes have been granted from Town. Some Ladies who got...