Results 26281-26330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
26281General Orders, 20 October 1782 (Washington Papers)
For duty tomorrow Brigadier Genl Patterson Colonel Ogden Lt Colonel Olney Brigade Major Cox Qr Master from 2d Connectt. brigade For duty tomrrow 5th Connecticut & 9th Massa. regiments. The 1st York regiment to relieve the men on duty at Stoney point and Kakiat from the 2d Massa. regiment tomorrow. All Warrants or Certificates for Commissions from their respective States, of which officers are...
§ From Tristram Dalton. 25 January 1806, Alexandria. “I am informed that Mr Ridgley, Who was left at Tripoli, in charge of the Affairs of the United States, has asked leave to return to America, and that a Consul to that Power will, probably , be soon appointed. “Should this be correct intelligence, I hope you will excuse my taking the liberty of naming, as a Candidate for this Office,...
Your favor of November 2d. is just come to hand and I will endeavour to write a few lines in detail of our present politics— that is of the majority . My letter of the 10th. instant will have reached you e’er this—from it you will observe the sway that bears heavy on our heads—& no doubt you will be well prepared for any miserable measures that may follow. The Committee of the whole have been...
The booksellers tell me that Tourists & Travellers want a convenient Pocket Companion, not merely an Itinerary, but a descriptive account of places of public resort in the United States. I have undertaken such a Work, intended for publication in June next. Your Sweet Springs, & Warm Springs, & Hot Springs, et cetera, in Virginia, claim more notice than I have the means of giving them in this...
I wrote you yesterday for a statement of the advances & appropriations for the Department of State. I am very anxious that Fauchet’s whole letter should appear just as it is —strange whispers are in circulation of a nature foreign to Truth & implicating honest men with Rascals. Is it to come out? Can’t you send me a copy? I will observe any conditions you annex. The secret Journals & other...
An edict of the Executive directory of the French republic of the twenty ninth of October 1798, inclosed in a letter from our minister plenipotentiary in London, of the sixteenth of November, is of so much importance, that it cannot be too soon communicated to you & to the public DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Bien vivement penétré Des Soins, que Votre exellence, a pris La peine de Se Donner a mon occasion; je Serois bien enchanté que vous Daignassiéz reçevoir L’etendue de ma vive reconnoissance, qui egaleroit Les biens faits Signalés, que j’ai eprouvés de votre Bonté et qui ne Sortira jamais de ma mémoire. L’objet qui m’intéresse, est le Certificat que vous à...
I send you herewith an official letter. This private one I write as explanatory of it. I hardly expect that you will be able to procure the debt within the limits prescribed—And yet I do not know what effect the imprudent speculations in Bank Script may produce. A principal object with me is to keep the Stock from falling too low in case the embarrassments of the dealers should lead to...
Having Been Empowered By Congress, the Board of War, and the Virginia delegates to oppen Any Letter directed to them, I also took the liberty of Reading that of Baron de stubens to Your Excellency Wherein I found Useful intelligences. My presence Had Been Necessary to forward Every Article from philadelphia—as soon as it Could Be spared I Came Here with all possible Speed—But Notwistanding...
26290General Orders, 25 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Owing to the absence, from Town, of one of my friends and being desirous of returning, duly executed, the here-enclosed Bond, I have not acknowledged sooner the receit of the letter you did me the honor of adressing me the 26th. Ultimo, accompanying a Duplicate of my Commission as Consul at Corunna, together with the Instructions: It will ever be my pride to shew the high and gratefull sense I...
Intelligence has been sent me by a Gentleman living near the enemy’s lines, and who has an opportunity of knowing what passes among them, that four parties had been sent out with orders to take or assasinate Your Excellency—Governor Clinton—Me and a fourth person, name not known. I cannot say that I am under apprehension on account of the latter, but I have no doubt they would execute the...
Since I had the Honour of answering your note of yesterday, I have received an answer from The Honourable James Madison to the letter which I had the Honour of handing him from the Governour of St Bartholoms. the answer was unfavourable to wishes and expectations of the Governour In consideration of which I am agreeable to my Instructions obliged to leave Washington this evening for Hallifax...
Your Excellency’s Commands of the 3rd March last, I received the 18th of said Month; Agreeable to which I called upon the Colos. for a Return of their Battalions; I have finally got them. On the 28th ultimo your Excellency’s orders of the 6th of the same Month was received. The Troops who have had the small Pox will march on Monday next, about one hundred and forty or fifty as appears by the...
The Master Warden of the Port of Philda, having informed me, that the Brigantine Little Sarah, Prize to the Frigate L’Embuscade, is fitting out as a Privateer, I have the honor to submit to your Excellency a copy of his letter, that you may direct such measures to be pursued, as the occasion shall be thought to require. I am, with perfect respect, Sir, Yr Excy’s most obedt &c. Df , PHarH :...
I am indebted to you for several letters giving me pleasing information from time to time of the progress of your election & of it’s final result. I have avoided answering because of the use which the disaffected made of our correspondence, by lying imputations on it’s object. that I, as well as every other honest man should rejoice at your substitution for that of your predecessor , was...
I have received your letter of ye 21st. inst. requesting me to mention to you whether Lieut. Ross is in ye City of New York and not in charge of Captn McClellands company at Ellis’s Island, and if so, what it has proceeded from. Lieut. Hossack left this garrison about ye 13th. inst., previous to that time it was at my particular request Lieut. Ross remained in ye city, visiting ye garrison at...
Your advice “to reconcile myself to the Thought that Justice may not be done me, till I am dead” is friendly. I am not however apprehensive of Injustice living or dead. I am not ambitious of a Reputation for great Talents or Splendid Actions, with the present Age or with Posterity. The great Anxiety of my Life, has been to do my Duty and avoid just Reproach. and I know very well, that my Life...
26299[Diary entry: 30 May 1780] (Washington Papers)
30th. Warm with appearances of Rain but none fell here but little wind & that at So. or So. West.
Influenced by motives of delicacy I have hitherto forborne the pleasure my dear Sir of writing to you since my return from Philadelphia. I have been apprehensive that the stages of the business of the convention might leak out, and be made an ill use of, by some people. I have therefore been anxious that you should escape the possibility of imputation. But as the objects seem now to be brought...
The treatment I met with at Princeton & the Character I bear (which I know I am innocent of) here, are great Grievances to me, especially as I have undergone a great many Difficulties, I shall stear my Course towards my native [country] let the Consequence be what it will. For it is better for me to live in Contentment & Quietude, than a life Contempt & Ignominy. I have not had any thing this...
I think it proper to inclose you a copy of my letter to Mr. Gallatin, not merely for your information, but that I may be favored, with any additions or alterations that may occur to you. You will perceive the difficulty of accomodating the resort to Mr. Gallatin to the shortness of time, the uncertainty of his success, and the proper reserve for the chance of success here. In alluding to the...
I communicate to Congress certain Documents, being a continuation of those heretofore laid before them, on the subject of our Affairs with Great Britain. Without going back beyond the renewal in 1803, of the war in which Great Britain is eng[a]ged, and omitting unrepaired wrongs of inferior magnitude; the conduct of her Government presents a series of acts, hostile to the United States, as an...
Passy, 12 May 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:96–97 . Replying to Vernon’s letter of 10 April (above), Adams commended Vernon for his decision to reside at Bordeaux, a rich commercial center. JA referred him to John Bondfield for advice about which commercial house he should choose...
I have understood from Judge Cooper that applications are to be made to you respecting situations in the Central College . He has informed me that it is necessary to state where I have received my education and what have been my pursuits since I left College &c. This Sir, I hope will plead my excuse with you, if in this letter I am compelled to speak frequently of myself. The situation which I...
our two Tenants are come, and I have occupation enough. I have set them to clear the manure out of the Barn and to digg the Garden put all the wall up and look to the fences. when that is done, I shall send them to clear up the Bushes in Curtis’s pasture. I hope you will not be detaind longer than the Month of April. you will be weary of hearing of my wants, and of supplying them, but I find...
I beg leave by way of explanation to submit the grounds of my opinion, that the President may vary his instructions of the 8th of August last in reference to the application of the last loan obtained in Holland. A summary of the preceding transactions will serve to throw light upon the subject. The President by his Commission of the 28 of August 1790, gave full power to the Secretary of the...
26308[Diary entry: 8 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Calm but not hot. Afternoon Cloudy with much apps. of Rain—wind being Ea⟨st.⟩
ALS : Maine Historical Society Inclos’d is an Invoice of the Books shipp’d for the Library Company by Mr. Strahan. I happen’d to be in the Country when they were pack’d up, so had not an Opportunity of seeing them. But if you find any Mistake he will rectify it. I wish them safe to hand. Upon Enquiry, I find that to purchase all the Transactions of the several Philosophical Societies in Europe...
Treasury Department, April 26, 1790. “I have directed the Treasurer to draw on You for 3075 Dollars.…” LS , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Alexandria, Letters Received from the Secretary, National Archives.
I had prepared a memorial to the states general according to my instructions, but as the French ambassador procrastinated and the prospect of a negociation for peace with England opened, I grew daily more and more indifferent about the triple or quadruple alliance, and said no more upon the subject. The project which was written but never presented, was in these words: High and mighty lords,...
26312[Diary entry: 12 October 1762] (Washington Papers)
12. Sowed Rye at Muddy hole.
It is an age since I have had the honor of a letter from you, and an age and a half since I presumed to address one to you. I think my last was dated in the reign of king Amri, but under which of his successors you wrote, I cannot recollect. Ochosias, Joachaz, Manahem or some such hard name. At length it is resumed: I am honoured with your favor of July 23. and I am at this moment writing an...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope you will not think it bold though I Present you with a few Lines being So near a Relation. Hearing you was not gone out of England I thought I could do no less When I was informed in Summer you was come over into England to see all your Relations I fanced my Self with great Pleasures of seeing you and your offspring. Which Pleasure would have...
If your Excellency will please to recolect on the 9th. of November 1803. I waited on you for your Councel respecting a balance of a years rent due me from the Estate of John Fitzgerald, late Navel Officer Alexandria So. Potomac. When I shew’d you my claim, you advised me to apply to the Member of our District , which I did, & enjoyn’d Mr. John Randolph with him in my application, and have lost...
I was the last evening honoured by the receipt of your favor of the 31st Ulto. Your feelings and wishes which have been called up by the distresses of my family are such as fully evince your concern for our happiness and welfare are additional proofs of your affection and demand our most grateful acknowledgments. A Gentleman of this town who attended the New Hampshire convention the last week...
Enclosed is an account of their present force in New York and its dependencies, handed to me by a person who I believe is well informed. Unluckily for me, on sunday night a party of militia from second river, crossed over to Bergen and went into a house near the fort where they made prisoners a Capt. Harding and McMichael—the former was paroled, but the latter being known and demanded by one...
I yesterday received the favor of your Letter of the 9th with Its several Inclosures and am extremely happy that your Honbe Body had anticipated my recommendation by resolving on an Augmentation of Six hundred men to the Garrisons in the Highlands—the Importance of those posts demands the utmost attention, and every exertion to maintain them. The Vessels for the removal of the Sick are not yet...
M. Jefferson’s Commands have been regularly executed, and the Bishop of Adran who is gone Last thursday with the young prince of Cochinchina will Send at Least one pound of Dry rice. Le Comte de Jarnac for more attention has given the Same Commission for to be register’d in the Navy’s office, he begs M. Jefferson to be So good as to be convinc’d that Le Comte de Jarnac will be allways ready...
Th: Jefferson, with his respects to the President, incloses him a letter from mister Rittenhouse on the subject of procuring a house for the mint. mister Rittenhouse thinks the house in 7th street can be bought for 1600.£. it is probable that none can be rented under £150. and this sum would pay the interest and sink the principal of 1600£ in 15 years. the outhouses will save the necessity of...
I Had the Honour of writing to you on the 1st Inst Since which nothing material has occurred here. the old Woman Junea is dead the rest of the family all well. Mr Oldham is putting up the Cornice round the South Piazza; & I am still enagaged in the Dineing room. the Composition ornaments; sash weights; Sash Cord & a box of glass Came to hand yesterday. the weights are not of the Size ordered....
It is sometime since I have written to you but still longer since I have had a line from my dear father. I do not repine for while you are happy in your feilds I will willingly give up that share of pleasure and instruction which I constantly received from your kind communications. It appears as if this City was fated to be the scene of constant disquietude and jarring cabal no sooner have the...
I beg leave to offer a few observations to the Committee of which you are Chairman on the resolution of the House of Representatives for surveying and establishing a Main Post Road through the United States. This route in my opinion should not be too particularly described for the following reasons. The principal Towns in the respective States through which the Post must be conveyed may be...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President some letters received from Mr. T. Digges which contain some interesting information on the subject of our coins. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “The Preside[…]”; endorsed by Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr. Tr ( Lb in same, SDC ). Not recorded in SJL . Enclosures: (1) Thomas Digges to TJ, 10 Mch. 1793. (2) Digges to Thomas Pinckney, 21...
I take the liberty of forwarding you the first number of a monthly publication entitled the “Rural Magazine” which will be published tomorrow. The Editors are sons of Mr. Benjamin Johnson one of the oldest and most respectable booksellers of this city under whose immediate superintendance the work will be conducted. In this part of the Union we are not ignorant of the interest you take in...
RC (Virginia State Library). In hand of Theodorick Bland, except for JM’s signature. Cover franked by Bland and addressed to “His Excelly. Benjn. Harrison Esqr. Govr. of Virginia.” Docketed by Thomas Meriwether, “Lr. from the Delegs. in Congress. April 22d. 1783.” Your two Favors of April 5th & 12th came both to hand by yesterdays Post. little Interesting has happend Since our last, except...
2632720th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This evening, I went with Mr. Artaud and Mr. D. to the Comedy, where they presented in French le Deserteur a Drama, and Crispin rival de son maitre with a ballet. Rainy, stormy weather all day. Michel Jean Sedaine, Le Deserteur, Paris, 1769; Alain René Le Sage, Crispin rival de son maître, Paris, 1707 ( Brenner, Bibliographical List Clarence Dietz Brenner, A Bibliographical List of plays in...
26328[Diary entry: 5 May 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 5th. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning—75 at Noon And 73 at Night. Wind at So. Wt. in the Morning but at No. Wt. afterwards & fresh, but not cold. Flying clouds, but upon the whole clear. Visited all the Plantations. In the Neck—except the plow that was laying off, the rest were cross plowing the rough parts of No. 9 for Buck Wheat 5 in number—2 teams in the Waggon, drawing Rails to...
Heads of consideration on the conduct we are to observe in the war between Spain & Gr. Britain and particularly should the latter attempt the conquest of Louisiana & the Floridas. The dangers to us, should Great Britain possess herself of those countries. she will possess a territory equal to half ours, beyond the Missisipi she will seduce that half of ours which is on this side the Missisipi...
26330[Diary entry: 19 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
19. Dined at Colo. Rieds. Spent the Evening at Mr. Lynch’s. Thomas Lynch, Sr. (1727–1776), a South Carolina planter, was a member of the Continental Congress 1774–76. He had served for many years in the South Carolina legislature and was a member of the Stamp Act Congress in 1765. Silas Deane, a Massachusetts delegate for Congress, wrote that Lynch was “plain, sensible, above ceremony, and...