Results 26281-26290 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
26281General Orders, 20 October 1782 (Washington Papers)
For duty tomorrow Brigadier Genl Patterson Colonel Ogden Lt Colonel Olney Brigade Major Cox Qr Master from 2d Connectt. brigade For duty tomrrow 5th Connecticut & 9th Massa. regiments. The 1st York regiment to relieve the men on duty at Stoney point and Kakiat from the 2d Massa. regiment tomorrow. All Warrants or Certificates for Commissions from their respective States, of which officers are...
§ From Tristram Dalton. 25 January 1806, Alexandria. “I am informed that Mr Ridgley, Who was left at Tripoli, in charge of the Affairs of the United States, has asked leave to return to America, and that a Consul to that Power will, probably , be soon appointed. “Should this be correct intelligence, I hope you will excuse my taking the liberty of naming, as a Candidate for this Office,...
Your favor of November 2d. is just come to hand and I will endeavour to write a few lines in detail of our present politics— that is of the majority . My letter of the 10th. instant will have reached you e’er this—from it you will observe the sway that bears heavy on our heads—& no doubt you will be well prepared for any miserable measures that may follow. The Committee of the whole have been...
The booksellers tell me that Tourists & Travellers want a convenient Pocket Companion, not merely an Itinerary, but a descriptive account of places of public resort in the United States. I have undertaken such a Work, intended for publication in June next. Your Sweet Springs, & Warm Springs, & Hot Springs, et cetera, in Virginia, claim more notice than I have the means of giving them in this...
I wrote you yesterday for a statement of the advances & appropriations for the Department of State. I am very anxious that Fauchet’s whole letter should appear just as it is —strange whispers are in circulation of a nature foreign to Truth & implicating honest men with Rascals. Is it to come out? Can’t you send me a copy? I will observe any conditions you annex. The secret Journals & other...
An edict of the Executive directory of the French republic of the twenty ninth of October 1798, inclosed in a letter from our minister plenipotentiary in London, of the sixteenth of November, is of so much importance, that it cannot be too soon communicated to you & to the public DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Bien vivement penétré Des Soins, que Votre exellence, a pris La peine de Se Donner a mon occasion; je Serois bien enchanté que vous Daignassiéz reçevoir L’etendue de ma vive reconnoissance, qui egaleroit Les biens faits Signalés, que j’ai eprouvés de votre Bonté et qui ne Sortira jamais de ma mémoire. L’objet qui m’intéresse, est le Certificat que vous à...
I send you herewith an official letter. This private one I write as explanatory of it. I hardly expect that you will be able to procure the debt within the limits prescribed—And yet I do not know what effect the imprudent speculations in Bank Script may produce. A principal object with me is to keep the Stock from falling too low in case the embarrassments of the dealers should lead to...
Having Been Empowered By Congress, the Board of War, and the Virginia delegates to oppen Any Letter directed to them, I also took the liberty of Reading that of Baron de stubens to Your Excellency Wherein I found Useful intelligences. My presence Had Been Necessary to forward Every Article from philadelphia—as soon as it Could Be spared I Came Here with all possible Speed—But Notwistanding...
26290General Orders, 25 January 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .