26281Abigail Adams to John Adams, 26 March 1794 (Adams Papers)
our two Tenants are come, and I have occupation enough. I have set them to clear the manure out of the Barn and to digg the Garden put all the wall up and look to the fences. when that is done, I shall send them to clear up the Bushes in Curtis’s pasture. I hope you will not be detaind longer than the Month of April. you will be weary of hearing of my wants, and of supplying them, but I find...
26282From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 25 April 1794 (Hamilton Papers)
I beg leave by way of explanation to submit the grounds of my opinion, that the President may vary his instructions of the 8th of August last in reference to the application of the last loan obtained in Holland. A summary of the preceding transactions will serve to throw light upon the subject. The President by his Commission of the 28 of August 1790, gave full power to the Secretary of the...
26283[Diary entry: 8 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Calm but not hot. Afternoon Cloudy with much apps. of Rain—wind being Ea⟨st.⟩
26284From Benjamin Franklin to a Committee of the Library Company of Philadelphia, 5 June 1771 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Maine Historical Society Inclos’d is an Invoice of the Books shipp’d for the Library Company by Mr. Strahan. I happen’d to be in the Country when they were pack’d up, so had not an Opportunity of seeing them. But if you find any Mistake he will rectify it. I wish them safe to hand. Upon Enquiry, I find that to purchase all the Transactions of the several Philosophical Societies in Europe...
26285From Alexander Hamilton to Charles Lee, 26 April 1790 (Hamilton Papers)
Treasury Department, April 26, 1790. “I have directed the Treasurer to draw on You for 3075 Dollars.…” LS , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Alexandria, Letters Received from the Secretary, National Archives.
26286From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 26 October 1810 (Adams Papers)
I had prepared a memorial to the states general according to my instructions, but as the French ambassador procrastinated and the prospect of a negociation for peace with England opened, I grew daily more and more indifferent about the triple or quadruple alliance, and said no more upon the subject. The project which was written but never presented, was in these words: High and mighty lords,...
26287[Diary entry: 12 October 1762] (Washington Papers)
12. Sowed Rye at Muddy hole.
26288Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 9 August 1786 (Adams Papers)
It is an age since I have had the honor of a letter from you, and an age and a half since I presumed to address one to you. I think my last was dated in the reign of king Amri, but under which of his successors you wrote, I cannot recollect. Ochosias, Joachaz, Manahem or some such hard name. At length it is resumed: I am honoured with your favor of July 23. and I am at this moment writing an...
26289To Benjamin Franklin from Anne Farrow, 8 January 1759 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope you will not think it bold though I Present you with a few Lines being So near a Relation. Hearing you was not gone out of England I thought I could do no less When I was informed in Summer you was come over into England to see all your Relations I fanced my Self with great Pleasures of seeing you and your offspring. Which Pleasure would have...
26290To Thomas Jefferson from John Hunter, 29 April 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
If your Excellency will please to recolect on the 9th. of November 1803. I waited on you for your Councel respecting a balance of a years rent due me from the Estate of John Fitzgerald, late Navel Officer Alexandria So. Potomac. When I shew’d you my claim, you advised me to apply to the Member of our District , which I did, & enjoyn’d Mr. John Randolph with him in my application, and have lost...