Results 26281-26310 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Robinson’s [ New York ] July 31, 1780 . Empowers Furman to impress teams in New Jersey. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Furman was deputy quartermaster general.
Robinson’s [ New York ] July 31, 1780 . Empowers Lewis to impress “Boards, plank and scantling” in Albany. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Lewis was deputy quartermaster general of the Northern Department.
Highlands [ New York ] July 31, 1780 . States again that the British fleet has sailed to Rhode Island. States that the army cannot march to Rochambeau’s aid, but that it will try to be useful by menacing New York. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Peekskill [ New York ] August 1, 1780 . Writes that Lafayette is to be given command of the Corps of Light Infantry. Asks St. Clair to assume command until Lafayette returns. Df , in writings of George Washington to H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Peekskill [ New York ] August 3, 1780 . Informs Congress that Sir Henry Clinton has returned. Describes resultant movements of Army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Peekskill [ New York ] August 3, 1780 . Asks Lafayette to present the situation as it exists to the French commanders and let them decide what course of action they wish to follow. Believes that a major siege must await arrival of second French division. Believes that “a communication may be secured with Long Island by Land batteries.” Reports that the British expedition has returned to New...
Certain intelligence having been received that Sir Henry Clinton had embarked the principal part of his force, and had proceeded to Huntington bay on his way to Rhode Island to make a combined attack upon the fleet and army of our allies now there, His Excellency General Washington marched from his camp at Prackness the 29 of July and crossed the North River the 31st; where a junction was...
[ Peekskill, New York ] August 5, 1780 . Regrets that the Chevalier de Ternay is adverse to entering New York harbor. Entreats Lafayette to “ascertain the probability of a succour coming from France and the West Indies.” Df , in writings of James McHenry and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Peekskill [ New York ] August 5, 1780 . Sends description of naval force under the command of Admiral Arbuthnot. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Peekskill [ New York ] August 5, 1780 . Approves of measures taken by Rochambeau. Describes movements of British and American armies. Is awaiting arrival of second French division. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Peekskill, New York ] August 6, 1780 . Inquires about putting the “Continental Frigates” under his orders. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Peekskill, New York ] August 6, 1780 . Requests advice about employment of Continental frigates. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Immediately after dinner, I stole from a croud of company to a solitary walk to be at leisure to think of you, and I have just returned to tell you by an express this moment going off that I have been doing so. You are certainly a little sorceress and have bewitched me, for you have made me disrelish every thing that used to please me, and have rendered me as restless and unsatisfied with all...
Tappan [ New York ] August 11, 1780 . Explains why appointment of Major William Macpherson cannot be revoked. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Orangetown, New York ] August 12, 1780 . Instructs Greene to retain the teams mentioned in Greene’s letter. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I cannot help laying before you a few of my thoughts which lately have engrossed my whole attention on the review of our changeable government at West Point. However I hope you will make no other use of them, but such as may be of advantage and whatever may be improper or improperly stated, impute to my inability only, and there you’ll please to let it rest, and take in good part of what I...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 16, 1780 . Encloses letter from Rochambeau. States that Rochambeau approves of engaging the German deserters. Writes that the Chevalier de Ternay has asked that a vessel loaded with flour be conveyed to Boston and that the sloop Saratoga be sent to the West Indies with dispatches. Has written to Board of Admiralty for its compliance in these matters. Df , in...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 16, 1780 . Is pleased that “our ideas are substantially the same.” States that another British expedition is reported. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
In the present state of affairs I know of no certain mode for procuring the release of your Brothers, unless there are naval prisoners in the French department whose situations will apply to theirs. I have however directed our Commissary of Prisoners to use all his influence at least to obtain permission for them to make you a visit at Philadelphia—to ascertain in what light they are...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 17, 1780 . Describes present situation of Army. Recommends a new appeal to the states. LS , in writing of H, Papers of Continental Congress, National Archives.
Mr. Laurence who will deliver you this, is I am informed, a character that by his attachment to the cause, his suffering, &c. has a claim to all the indulgence we can show him with consistency. All his grass is gone. He expects soon to have his hay taken away and then he says his cattle and his family in consequence must starve. If you can manage to spare him without incurring the charge of...
Orangetown [ New York ] August 20, 1780 . Thanks Congress for increase in powers. Describes situation in Army. Discusses position of Great Britain both here and abroad. Reviews European situation. Argues for establishing a draft either for duration of war or for three years. Reiterates need of “ample and equal provision for the Army.” Repeats need for half-pay provision for officers. Urges...
Philadelphia, August 21, 1780. Asks if there is any information concerning his brothers, who are British prisoners. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter is in French.
Orangetown [ New York ] August 21, 1780 . Agrees that it will be best to defer the debarkation on Long Island. Considers various plans for attacking New York. Inquires into the possibilities of an interview. Reports rumor of new British expedition. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 24, 1780 . Questions manner in which Howe’s baggage was guarded. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 26, 1780 . Is concerned that Captain Pierre Landais failed to bring more arms; trusts they will arrive on the Ariel . Hopes that the second French division will not be held in blockade. Fears that internal troubles in Ireland and England will not directly aid American cause. Sends news of the Comte de Guichen’s plans to sail to Jamaica. Agrees that the British...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 27, 1780 . Discusses lack of provisions in Army. Writes: “Either the Army must disband, or what is, if possible, worse, subsist upon the plunder of the people.” Asks the states to requisition enough food to set up winter magazines. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I wish, my dear Hamilton, you will please to invite your father in law to come and dine tomorrow with me. Mr Duane has engag’d he would do me that honor. I Beg you will also come. Be so kind as to write to me if any intelligence is come to hand, and when the General has determin’d to leave this place. Don’t forget what I told yesterday to you. I request, my dear Sir, you will Beg the General...
[ Teaneck, New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Believes an operation against New York no longer possible. Regrets that at present the Army cannot repay its loan of arms. Approves of resolutions of the convention of the four eastern states. Reviews European situation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Liberty Pole [ New Jersey ] August 28, 1780 . Thanks Bowdoin for loan of arms. Reports that Rhode Island Militia except for those at West Point have been dismissed. Mentions need for supplies. Urges completion of Continental battalions. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.