George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Henry Dimler, 15 July 1783

15 July 1783


You are to take under your charge the Servants & Horses belonging to myself & Suite which will be committed to you, and proceed directly with them to Albany—You will there make provision for the Servants & Horses until my arrival, and without loss of time wait upon General Schuyler for his advise & information, as to the best Mode of effecting your principal business, which is to procure & transport three light Boats to Lake George—The Commanding Officer at Saratoga will lend you any Assistance in his power, and I rely upon your assiduity and exertion that the Boats will be in readiness so that we may not be delayed one moment at the Lake for want of the Means of conveyance—Given at Head Quarters The 15th July 1783.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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