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Results 26251-26300 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have at length prevailed on Mr. Taylor to answer a Bill in our Court spedily, and I here...
I have your Favours of June and July 20th the first dated from Albermale the last from...
I have long laboured to do something with Mr. Taylor but almost in vain. Altho the Question is...
The Governor of South Carolina has pressed the Governor of Virginia for an aid of Cavalry, and...
I yesterday received a Letter from Mr. Jefferson relative to the Suit Intended against Coll....
Your Letter of 22d of January last has reached me. it shall be laid before the Legislature as...
I received yours of July 15th a few days past, and Immediately communicated your Sentiments and...
The Ministers & Messengers of the several Baptist Churches, of the North Carolina Chowan...
Strongly impressed by the belief that the first magistrate of a Republic is obliged not merely to...
I am employed in writing an history of Virginia . My contract is made; the subscription fills...
The file of newspapers and the collection of the old laws of this commonwealth, which under...
I have taken the liberty of troubleing you with a few lines—As their is now a vacancy in our...
27 July 1802, Beverly. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 12 July [not found] appointing him a...
I am sensible that in addressing a letter to you, as the first political Character, in the United...
By Mr. George Budd of the US Navy, I some time since, took the liberty of forwarding from Newport...
Want of Opportunity alone has prevented me from answering your obliging letter of the 10th of...
I should not have been so long in England without writing to You, had it not happened that I was...
Availing myself of the present moment of tranquillity, I sit down to renew a correspondence,...
Were I not certain that I am acting agreeably to your humanity, I should not so far presume upon...
I arrived here the 15th past, after an Agreable journey; and desire You will think me extremely...
I received the favour of Your letter dated the 27th of July, some time ago; which would have...
Few things give a susceptible mind more real satisfaction, than to find Oneself remember’d by...
I arrived here yesterday & take the first opportunity of writing to thank you & Mrs Washington...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am Just Arrivd. in Paris and much fateagd. Have...
I Presume to Address you a second time on a Subject which materially concerns me and my famely—I...
A doubt has arisen in this Territory on the intention of the Disolution of the General Asembly by...
The Congress have sent Mr Franklin our late Governor to New-England under the Care of the Morris...
Agreeable to your Excellencys Desire I have called together the Committee of the County of Essex...
I have received your favor of the 19th instant, informing me, that it had been suggested, that...
Moses Hatfield of Elizabeth-Town was convicted last January Term, of going into the Enemy’s...
Few things have given me more concern than the not being able sooner to give you a satisfactory...
Mr. Cutler has informed me that you intimated a wish, to purchase some Ticking in the course of...
Having been informed by my Friend the Hon. Mr Cutler that he had shewn you some specimens of our...
To the President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief of all the forces...
A few days past I caused to be shipped aboard the Schooner Prince, George Taylor , Master, a...
Your letter of Octr. 18th, directed to Mr Paul Pilsbury, was handed to me, a few days past, by...
The office of Surveyor of the Port of Baltimore being now vacant by the death of Robert Ballard,...
A stranger to Mr. Madison, personally, tho’ by no means a stranger to his virtues, would most...
I should not again have trespass’d upon your goodness, did not a sense of propriety (in my humble...
A few days ago I wrote a letter to Majr. Madison giving him some information on the general...
I have to apologize to you for not answering sooner the enquiries which you requested me to make...
Since the date of my letter to you which I wrote a few days ago the resolutions of the Committee...
I suppose that you have been made acquainted before this with the several acts which have passed...
The Assembly have proceeded with so much tardiness that notwithstanding the length of time we...
I wrote you by last post, but least it should by accident miscarry, I take the liberty by Mr...
Letter not found. Ca. August 1789. Mentioned in JM to Hamilton, ca. 5 Oct. 1789 . Requests JM’s...
In consequence of a passage I saw some time past in the National Inteligencer: Wherein it appears...
On the 24th of October 1812, the Legislature of Massachusetts formed a number of Gentleman...
Your letter of the 8th of August last , addressed to me as recording Secretary of the A. A....
As I have been from the commencenment of this late War with great Britain & the U. States your...