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Results 26251-26300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Copy: Library of Congress I am sorry you have had so much trouble about Jones’s Affair. When he borrow’d of me the 30. Guineas, he gave me the enclosed Bill; acquainting me that he could command Money at Bordeaux where he was going, and would pay it there to my Order. He never went to Bordeaux, but is gone back they Say to London. Thirty Days Sight of Such Bill, is in reality 30 Days date...
Copy: Library of Congress Your Bill on Mr. Grand will be paid. I am much obliged by your kind Letters, and pray you to continue them. I find it an Endless and fruitless Business to consider and give Opinions upon Propositions of Peace, drawn up by Persons who have no authority to treat. I hope You will therefore excuse my Silence on yours. I can at present only thank you.— We are in daily...
Yours of April 6. I have this day received. That of 28 Ultimo received. That of 20th not. Let me beg of you to send me duplicates, of Pamphlets, as they come out, when you send Letters to another Gentleman. Any Banker in London who will draw upon, Me or Mr. Grand the Banker for the Expence of them, shall be punctually paid, or I will get Mr. Grand to desire some Banker of his Correspondence to...
Copy: Library of Congress In Answer to yours relating to Capt. Cook, this may inform you that I sent Copies of the Enclos’d to all the American Cruizers then in the Ports of france and spain with orders to our Agents to communicate them to others that might touch there. I also sent it to holland to be printed in the Dutch Papers, as a means of making it more generally known to our Cruizers at...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the China portrait of Washington in good order, But no other you mention. Nor has the Picture of the good Bishop ever yet appeared, I begin to be in pain about it, having heard nothing of it from any Place on this Side of the Water, and I have more than one Reason for setting a high Value on it. Your Favour of the 20th. & 29th. past came duly to hand, and...
The Convoy, with sixty Sail of Merchantmen from St. Domingo, is arrived safe, which shows that Rodney’s good Fortune is not to comprehend all things, and gives great Spirits in this Country. Pray what foundation do You find for the Report of a Quintuple Alliance, between Sweeden, Denmark, Russia, Prussia and the United Provinces for the reciprocal Protection of their Flags from Insults? What...
I regularly recieve the Newspapers, but have not recieved the Books or Pamphlets of any kind. If a Majority of the People your Way think America still theirs, they are a Majority of Ideots. They might as sensibly think Gascoigne and Guienne still theirs —poor deluded Fools! how I pity them! Sir Jo. Y. is pelting the Dutch with Memorials, in the Stile of Bernard’s Speeches and Hillsboroughs...
Your favor of the 15th. came to me here, and certainly I should have been made happy by a visit from yourself in person had your health & convenience permitted it. your readiness in aiding our survey of the site for military works is duly estimated, and certainly our duty to the public as well as yourself requires that full justice shall be done you in the valuation. whether the law requires...
Genl Washington presents his compliments to Mr Digges, and will, with pleasure, exchange 20 bushels of the early white wheat with him when he gets it out of the straw; which is not the case at present—nor can be until the latter end of next week or beginning of the week following: which would be full early for sowing that kind of Wheat—Indeed any time in September is in good season. The...
a letter from the shadows of 41. to 43. (for these I suppose are the years of our births) is like one of those written from the banks of the Styx , it is so long since we have exchanged salutations, that I had almost been afraid to hazard mine to you without inclosing in it an Obolus as postage for Charon . I wish too that your letter had given a better account of your health and situation. to...
Your favor of the 4th. came to hand two days ago, and I am sorry to learn by it that we shall not have the pleasure of your company here this season.   mr Brodie has not yet arrived. I shall be happy to see him whenever he does, and will deliver your message to him. I am not certain whether I mentioned to Joseph (who has the care of my sheep at Washington) that you were to take a ram lamb; but...
Th: Jefferson salutes mr Digges with friendship & respect & sends him the newspapers recieved last night. he is sorry that only the latter part of the particular publication, which mr Digges wished to see, is in them. he will be happy to see mr Digges & his friends on the 4th. of July, and to join in congratulations on the return of the day which divorced us from the follies & crimes of...
The letter of which you Acknowledge the receipt was written under the idea that you had not joined the army. But the disposition of particular corps and officers belongs to the General Officer immediately commanding the Western army, and I can not, with propriety interfere. If in the desire which you express to be stationed at Pittsburg you have reference to any thing more than a temporary...
Your favor of the 1st from Philada met me at this place on my return from Newport—I cannot but approve that Zeal which carries you to the southward with the Marquis de la Fayette while I am assured that you would not have undertaken the measure had it in the least interfered with your duty in the French Army. I had the pleasure of seeing your Brothers and other Friends well at Lebanon. I am...
Your letter of May 26, having passed on to a Southern post office did not reach me on its return, till yesterday. Its motive & language, entitled it to a kind, however unsatisfactory answer The question you state is too important not to forbid a naked decision, and if no other obstacle existed, the infirm state of my health would not admit a comprehensive & argumentative one. Whether the...
Summary printed in Sotheby & Co. auction catalogue, December 6, 1965, p. 52. <Craven Street, July 20, 1774: A note in the third person, presenting his compliments and asking Dillwyn to send by the bearer “the Papers he was so kind as to offer Dr. F. the Sight of.”> The Quaker opponent of the slave trade who carried Smith’s letter above, May 13.
[ Paris, 26 Jan. 1786 . Entry in SJL under this date: “Chas. Dilly. Book seller of Lond. To send Dr. R’s books by Col. Humphreys.” Letter not found, but see David Ramsay to TJ, 10 Dec. 1785, and TJ’s reply, 26 Jan. 1786.]
ALS : Yale University Library The Bearer Mr. James Adair is well recommended to me from America, as a Person of Credit and Veracity, whose Accounts of what he has seen among the Indians of various Nations with whom he traded and resided many Years, may be relied on. He has a M.S. of his own Composing on Indian Affairs, Customs, Manners, Opinions, &c. which contains many curious particulars;...
You may possibly remember a Correspondent of yours, who had six or seven Years ago the Pleasure of Writing to you sometimes and of receiving Letters from you. He has occasion for the Monthly and critical Reviews: the Remembrancers and annual Registers as they come out: and the Parliamentary Registers, and any other political Pamphlets of any Character that may be published in London. He...
Just before Mr. Adams set off upon his journey to Philadelphia he had the pleasure of receiving a Letter from you by way of New York, accompanied with 3 pamphlets. He determined to have wrote you immediately, but two days after he received them, we were by the Hostilities of General Gage thrown into all the horrours and distresses of civil war. Mr. Adams directed me to write you by the first...
You are to take under your charge the Servants & Horses belonging to myself & Suite which will be committed to you, and proceed directly with them to Albany—You will there make provision for the Servants & Horses until my arrival, and without loss of time wait upon General Schuyler for his advise & information, as to the best Mode of effecting your principal business, which is to procure &...
The letter which you addressed to General Knox and myself, enclosing one for the President, came to hand this morning; and as the President is not expected to return from Rhode Island in less than 6 or 8 days from this time, we have, so far as is in our power, complied with your wishes, as you will see by the enclosed engagement. I will now add, that Colo. McGillivary and the Indians leave...
I wrote to mr Jefferson, on my arrival here, to forward 1000 ℔ of lead to Monticello, and yesterday I recieved a letter from him informing me he could find but 50. ℔ of lead in all Richmond, & for that they asked 1/. the ℔ considering the price & difficulty of the article, I refer it to your consideration whether it will not be better to have the weights cast here of iron, where they will be...
By Davy you will recieve a bundle containing 2. bells, & 4. bell-levers, the planes you wrote for, & 2 kneebolts. in a separate roll is the sand-paper you desired. the folding mahogany sash which closes the alcove of my bed is too heavy & troublesome. I wish you to make a folding frame to fit the alcove & to be covered with paper on both sides. the frame must consist of 3. parts united by 2....
Davy brings a box containing all the articles you wrote for, furnished by Doctr. Ott.   The lead (1036. 1b) left Philadelphia the 7th. instant.   I will thank you to tell mr Bacon that I forgot, in my letter to him, to tell him that I sent off from this place, 3. or 4. weeks ago, 8 trunks of books and some other packages for Monticello, & that when they arrive they must be put away in the...
By this post I forward to mr Bacon 50. D. for you: and this day also mr Jefferson will deposit 450. D. on my order in your name in the Richmond bank, subject to your order. by the next post I shall be able to forward to you the reciept of the bank. Inclosed I send you directions for hanging the bells. they are so few, & so contrived that I think you will have wire enough. I have some idea of...
When I wrote my letter of the 7th. inst. I doubted whether I could as early as this place the monies therein stated at your command in Richmond. but this serves to inform you that I have this day desired messrs. Gibson & Jefferson to make a deposit in the bank of Richmond of 500. Dollars in your name and 500. D. in the name of mr Neilson. by the next post I shall be able to send you the...
We have finished two large windows of this house with Venetian blinds in the place of window shutters, and shutting into the jambs as the shutters would. They are beautiful & convenient. the slats move on 2. pivots as mine do, and are made to lie close when shut into the jamb that they may occupy less thickness. I think the following windows in my house may be advantageously finished in this...
Your’s of the 5th . is recieved this day. I wonder the Copper sheets had not got to hand, as it is very long since they left Philadelphia. the steps, or plinths for the dome must be got from Fluvanna. as there seems to be too little dependance on Reuben Perry to let the whole work of the housejoiner & plaisterer depend on him alone, I will pray you to engage some other person to go on with the...
On examining the sites for our college we found not one comparable to Perry ’s, and prices beyond our means; and as Perry persisted positively in refusing a deed but on condition of doing the wooden work of the building now proposed, it was concluded we ought not to lose the permanent advantages to the institution, on a question about the execution of this single building, and especially as he...
Your’s of Nov. 25 is recieved and I have ordered the patera wanting for the tea-room. with respect to the joists for the N. West wing of offices, I leave it to yourself to decide; only let there be no danger of failure for want of due strength. I am quite at a loss about the nailboys remaining with mr Stewart. they have long been a dead expense instead of a profit to me. in truth they require...
I do not know whether mr Barry got here, window-glass for the Bedford sashes. will you let me know by the return of post, that I may immediately provide for it. Accept my best wishes. NCorniM .
Your letter of the 19th. was not recieved when I wrote mine of the 23d. since that Gibson & Jefferson inform me that there is a difficulty at the Richmond bank in placing the 500. D. to your account, & mr Nelson’s, because they have not your signatures, & that therefore I must give you orders on the bank. accordingly I now inclose separate orders for yourself & mr Nielson for 500. D each. I...
Your’s of the 16th. was recieved by last post. I should certainly prefer Walnut for the Bedford sashes, because well rubbed on the inside & unpainted it has a richer look than a painted sash, and I believe no wood is more durable but if you cannot get it good, then certainly good pine will be preferable to bad walnut. it must therefore depend on your being able to get good walnut & without...
MS ( MHi ); undated; entirely in TJ’s hand; see Nichols, Architectural Drawings Frederick Doveton Nichols, Thomas Jefferson’s Architectural Drawings, Compiled and with Commentary and a Check List , Charlottesville, 1978 , No. 160. Although the Editors cannnot be completely certain that this sketch was among those enclosed by TJ, the above drawing matches almost exactly the design that Dinsmore...
I conclude absolutely to cover my terras with sheet iron , and have accordingly written to Philadelphia to see if I can procure sheets 15. I. wide and 9½ f. long.—The method of doing it is shewn below Fig. 1. it consists in forming gutters across the terras declining from the ridge pole to the eaves, the gutters being 21. I. horizontal measure each. We shall take off the present shingling, and...
Letter not found. Ca. 14 December 1812. Offered for sale in the American Art Association Catalogue, 2–3 Dec. 1926, item 331, where it is described as an “Autograph Letter Signed … franked, December 14, 1812,… regarding an account.”
I some days ago wrote directions to mr Lilly for filling the Icehouse : but I forgot one previous requisite, which I must get you to have done. make a long square tube , open at both ends, 6. I. square within, & reaching from the bottom of the well of the icehouse up through the flat roof. the bottom of the tube to be notched thus to let water run into it at bottom. then make a square bucket...
On opening the door leading from the passage into my bookroom, and on the shelves to the left, immediately on entrance, are a parcel of locks which I omitted to give out to mr Perry to be put on the doors he made. there are 3. small Cup-board locks for the 3. lockers in the kitchen. 3. japanned closet locks, for the 3. servants rooms, and a 4th. I think for the North necessary. of the stock...
17 August 1812. Acknowledges receipt of Dinsmore’s letter of 5 Aug. [not found]. Has remitted $407 to Mr. Warnock and has received a receipt. Hopes to be at Montpelier soon. RC (owned by Robert G. Kaufmann, Wayne Township, N.J., 1985). 1 p.
I find that the window weights will be so small & long that the small degree of warping which happens in their cooling will probably render them useless; I have therefore this day ordered 1000. lb. of pig lead from Philada, which I observe costs but ¾ of the price of bar-lead, to wit, 10 cents, and I presume is as good for our purpose. you may expect it at Richmond in 3. weeks from this time....
I find by Latrobe & Mifflin’s account that on the 7th. of Aug. they shipped for me from Philadelphia 2. boxes of sheet iron weighing 7C—2n/2.—16℔ has it ever been recieved? be so good as to inform me by return of post as I am called on for paiment. I never sent to them for sheet iron but twice. the question is then whether we have recieved a supply of sheet iron once only, or twice. best...
Your letter of the 1st. has been duly recieved. the plane irons, sand paper, 4. bell levers, & 2. bells will be sent by Davy’s cart which will come here at Christmas. I propose a 4th. bell, in addition to the 3. formerly directed, that is to say, on the left side of the Parlour fire place, the wire descending into the ware-room, passing along the South East wall out through the wall adjoining...
I return you the drawings for the architrave of the front of the gallery, with a preference of that marked b. with the rounded listel. I do not approve of cutting the wall, not even the cellar wall, to make a space for the descent of the clock weights ; but would have them advanced into the room so as to descend clear even of the cellar wall. should the box in this case encroach too much on...
In answer to your letter of the 20th. I would prefer that the door of the North pavilion should be a folding one, opening from the outer architrave into the jamb, so as to enter the room but a little below the chairboard, within, it is to be plaistered. the cornice to be Tuscan of the form of that used in the bedrooms of the house, but proportioned to the height of the room, that is to say,...
Your’s of the 9th . is recieved, and I now inclose you a five dollar bill for mr Wanscher. after you have finished the Dome room, I would rather you should finish the three bed rooms on the same floor that we may have them plaistered & ready for use. if J. Perry has not done the floors of those rooms, he should finish them in preference to every thing else. mr Stewart should finish off the...
Yours of the 18th . is recieved and I have this day inclosed to mr Deblois of Alexandria 20. D. for Alexander Perry and 10. D. for mrs Wanscher. mr Duncan shall have 20. D. a month and his washing done. you will be so good as to give directions for the latter. I presume he engages to continue till all the work is ready for mr Wanscher. I will thank you to keep me informed of your progress, of...
This is merely to correct an error in my last . I mentioned that the brick pilasters should have their Capitals 3. courses of brick high & with 3. projections. but as the Capital should be in height only half the diameter, & that is of a brick and a half, say 13. I. the height of the capital must be of 2. courses only, each course projecting 1.¼ I. so as to make the upper one 2. bricks square....
After writing to you yesterday , I was at the painting room of mr Stewart (the celebrated portrait painter) who had first suggested to me the painting a floor green, which he had himself tried with fine effect. he observed that care should be taken to hit the true grass -green, & as he had his pallet & colours in his hand, I asked him to give me a specimen of the colour, which he instantly...
Yours of the 17th. is recieved. a very useful emploiment for mr. Fitch will be the partitioning the side and end of the kitchen, and studding the 3. servants rooms. the kitchen partitions are to be of inch plank, planed on both sides, & square jointed. the front & partitions of the servants rooms and dairy to be bricknogged, with good lime mortar: or perhaps the front of the dairy had better...