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Results 26251-26260 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Copy: Library of Congress I am sorry you have had so much trouble about Jones’s Affair. When he borrow’d of me the 30. Guineas, he gave me the enclosed Bill; acquainting me that he could command Money at Bordeaux where he was going, and would pay it there to my Order. He never went to Bordeaux, but is gone back they Say to London. Thirty Days Sight of Such Bill, is in reality 30 Days date...
Copy: Library of Congress Your Bill on Mr. Grand will be paid. I am much obliged by your kind Letters, and pray you to continue them. I find it an Endless and fruitless Business to consider and give Opinions upon Propositions of Peace, drawn up by Persons who have no authority to treat. I hope You will therefore excuse my Silence on yours. I can at present only thank you.— We are in daily...
Yours of April 6. I have this day received. That of 28 Ultimo received. That of 20th not. Let me beg of you to send me duplicates, of Pamphlets, as they come out, when you send Letters to another Gentleman. Any Banker in London who will draw upon, Me or Mr. Grand the Banker for the Expence of them, shall be punctually paid, or I will get Mr. Grand to desire some Banker of his Correspondence to...
Copy: Library of Congress In Answer to yours relating to Capt. Cook, this may inform you that I sent Copies of the Enclos’d to all the American Cruizers then in the Ports of france and spain with orders to our Agents to communicate them to others that might touch there. I also sent it to holland to be printed in the Dutch Papers, as a means of making it more generally known to our Cruizers at...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the China portrait of Washington in good order, But no other you mention. Nor has the Picture of the good Bishop ever yet appeared, I begin to be in pain about it, having heard nothing of it from any Place on this Side of the Water, and I have more than one Reason for setting a high Value on it. Your Favour of the 20th. & 29th. past came duly to hand, and...
The Convoy, with sixty Sail of Merchantmen from St. Domingo, is arrived safe, which shows that Rodney’s good Fortune is not to comprehend all things, and gives great Spirits in this Country. Pray what foundation do You find for the Report of a Quintuple Alliance, between Sweeden, Denmark, Russia, Prussia and the United Provinces for the reciprocal Protection of their Flags from Insults? What...
I regularly recieve the Newspapers, but have not recieved the Books or Pamphlets of any kind. If a Majority of the People your Way think America still theirs, they are a Majority of Ideots. They might as sensibly think Gascoigne and Guienne still theirs —poor deluded Fools! how I pity them! Sir Jo. Y. is pelting the Dutch with Memorials, in the Stile of Bernard’s Speeches and Hillsboroughs...
Your favor of the 15th. came to me here, and certainly I should have been made happy by a visit from yourself in person had your health & convenience permitted it. your readiness in aiding our survey of the site for military works is duly estimated, and certainly our duty to the public as well as yourself requires that full justice shall be done you in the valuation. whether the law requires...
Genl Washington presents his compliments to Mr Digges, and will, with pleasure, exchange 20 bushels of the early white wheat with him when he gets it out of the straw; which is not the case at present—nor can be until the latter end of next week or beginning of the week following: which would be full early for sowing that kind of Wheat—Indeed any time in September is in good season. The...
a letter from the shadows of 41. to 43. (for these I suppose are the years of our births) is like one of those written from the banks of the Styx , it is so long since we have exchanged salutations, that I had almost been afraid to hazard mine to you without inclosing in it an Obolus as postage for Charon . I wish too that your letter had given a better account of your health and situation. to...