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Results 26251-26280 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
13 December 1811, Washington. Recommends John Edwards King of Cumberland County, Kentucky, for the judicial vacancy in upper Louisiana. He is a lawyer of “experience, respectability & influe⟨nce⟩ & qualified for the office.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, misfiled under “Edwards”). 1 p. Docketed by Monroe. Damaged at margin.
What is common Law in England has been Subject to disputes enough. In Blackstones Commentaries and Fortescue Alands Preface to his Reports you may find the most intelligible Account. In general, Usage from time immemorial practiced and approved, is the Criterion It is denied by many and doubted by more whether The United States have any common Law There may be some Principles and Rules of Law...
On the receipt of your letter of the 8th. you were nominated to the Senate as Successor to Mr. Rodney. The inclosed Commission will inform you of the result. In expectation of the pleasure of seeing you as soon as you can make it convenient, I tender you assurances of my great esteem and sincere regard. RC ( NjP : Pinkney Papers). Docketed by Pinkney. Enclosure not found.
The late President Adams communicated to me yesterday, in a friendly interveiw at my house, the enclosed extract of a letter; & expressed great apprehension, that if all the propositions, for enforcing the non intercourse act, should be adopted, they will overthrow the republican governments of the New England States & make them compleatly federal. The searching houses, as proposed before the...
12 December 1811, Newton. States that Reuben Attwater’s term as secretary of the Michigan Territory will expire on 1 Mar. 1812. Has approved of Attwater’s conduct in office and would find his reappointment “highly satisfactory.” Presumes that there will be no objection to the reappointment but mentions it because Attwater is now the acting governor. “I do not expect to return to the Territory,...
J’ai reçu par M r Barlow , et avec bien de la reconnaissance, votre Lettre du 15 avril . Un Homme comme vous peut être retiré des Places, jamais des affaires. Vous êtes un Magistrat du Genre-humain. Tant mieux Si l’établissement des Manufactures dans votre Pays ne vous oblige pas de changer le Systême de vos Finances aussi promptement que l’on paraissait avoir lieu de le craindre. Mais le cas...
Le Département des Cérémonies a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madam Adams qu’Elle est invitée, ainsi que Mademoiselle Johnson, sa soeur, au Bal de Sa Majesté l’Impératrice Mère, le 12. de ce mois, à huit heures du soir. MHi : Adams Papers.
11 December 1811, Vincennes. Encloses a memorial from both branches of the Indiana territorial legislature “upon the subject of the Army lately under the Command of Governor Harrison.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p. Signed by Johnston as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Docketed by JM. For enclosure, see n. 1. Johnston enclosed a five-page memorial, dated December 1811, to the U.S....
I am now under the necessity of calling on you for the ballance of my account if convenient I would not trouble you now but I am building a House in front of F and 12 th Street three Story which I find that it will exhaust my little resources Indeed, Sir if I thought it was putting you to an inconvenience I would not trouble RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq r ”; endorsed by...
I feel Some Compunction, when I recollect the long time that has passed Since I wrote you a Line. Indeed I Could take no pleasure in Writing, nor you in reading continual Narrations of Wounds Bruises, Sicknesses Amputations and Deaths, among those you Love, as I did with the most ardent and well merited Affection. I could only recommend Epictetus’ Antoninus, and St Paul, all of whom you know...
I have recd. your letter of Novr. 23. covering an address from the Legislature of the State of Tennessee. The patriotic sentiments which it expresses are an honorable sample of those which animate the great body of our fellow Citizens. The wrongs which have been so long borne by our Country, in the hope that a sense of justice and the true policy inseparable from it would have put an end to...
As a Citizen of the United states, I feel it my duty to give you the following information. I trust that the nature of the communication I am about to make, will equally remove the idea of delation or mischief towards the individual; but if such were the impressions it is to produce, as my only object is to serve the Country and yourself, my personal respect for you shall outweigh this...
10 December 1811. “Dissatisfactions with the aboriginal inhabitants of these countries, [which] have been for some time engendering,” have “been kindled into an open flame, and their blood with that of the American citizen has stained the plains of the Wabash; the first which has been spilt in the north western territory, under public authority, since the pacification of Greeneville” on 3 Aug....
I have the honor of informing you, that I forwarded, to their address, the letters which you were pleased to confide to my care. That, for Mr. Mazzei , was forwarded to him by Mr. Cathalan , of Marseilles — I inclose a letter , from Mr Walsh , in reply to that you sent by me. General La Fayette says, that he will write to you by the frigate—
You have touched me in a sore place in your letter of the 4th instant. My Son Richard has accepted of the Office of Comptroller General, and is about to remove with his family to Washington in the Course of this month. Both his parents, all his brothers and Sisters—his Uncles Rush & Richd Stockton, and all his professional and personal friends remonstrated against it. I painted to him in as...
9 December 1811, New Brunswick. The undersigned inhabitants of New Brunswick, New Jersey, petition on behalf of William Hillyer of New Brunswick, who “contrary to the wishes of his friends” enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1808, and who, “soon dissatisfied with his situation,” deserted. “Now fearful of the punishment which awaits him, he has signified to his friends that unless he can obtain a...
I duly received your much esteemed favor of the 29 th , and should greatly prefer the mode which you are so good as to propose respecting the bond, but I had previously ask’d the favor of Doctor Wardlaw to join in it, who consented so willingly, that I should not like now to leave him out.— I leave this tomorrow for Norfolk , and expect the vessel in which I am to embark, (the Elizabeth Wilson...
I have not written you a Letter yet, but I promissed you one, and I now have the pleasure of inclosing a Letter from your Brother Charles to you. I had a Letter from your Father dated in Sepbr th 11: the day after your Sister was Baptized. she was call’d Louisa Catharine, the Rev’d Dr Pitt, Chaplain to the English Church in St Petersburgh performed the Service, and mr Harris our Consul there...
I have the pleasure to acknowledg Your Letter of the 30th of June, brought by the Pilifix , Captain Welsh, after a passage of 95 days—being No 21—this compleats my list of Regular numbers, and yesterday I received your Letter of the 10 Sep’br by Captain Barker of the Leopard. No 24 there are two Missing originals, a press coppy of 23 came inclosed in No 24, but the Characters of the first page...
Though I have felt the complicated affliction that has recently assailed my friends at Quincy, I have been silent;—nor should I now interrupt you from this unexpected Quarter, but from the interest I feel in her happiness, and the desire I have to know the situation of your amiable daughter.— I have never heard a word from her since her Brother was here,—the day after she passed through a...
It was very gratifying to learn from your letter that Harrison had arrived at Vincennes without any other rencontre with the indians than the battle near the Prophets town. I greatly apprehended that encumbered by his wounded, & badly supplied with provisions they might follow on his heels & gall his army in the most distressing manner. Their forbearance augurs well of their conduct during the...
I am not able to tell you how much pleasure I have received from the kind Letter which you did me the Honor to send to me by Mr Forrest. When I have said that I consider it as a full Pledge of the Continuance of your good opinion & Regard, I have said every thing. My professional prospects here are as flattering as I could have hoped or desired; and they assure me that, if I am spared for a...
8 December 1811, Washington. Recommends Thomas Hall Storm of New York, now acting as U.S. chargé d’affaires at Tripoli, for consul there. “Altho he has been in Europe for the last 7 years … and I have not a Personal acquaintance yet from the very Respectable Station his father and all his Family Connections stand in at New York … I am convinced he is a very worthy character. Mr. Davis I learn...
I find upon attending more particularly to the notes which you forwarded for renewal in the bank, that you have filled up the dates for every two months, without regard to the number of days in the month, & also without regard to the allowance of 3 days grace.—this in the absence both of M r Gibson & myself, might be attended with inconvenience, as the notes as filled up, would not fall due on...
jai Reçu, monsieur, votre lettre du 27 mars avec La Reconnoissance et la satisfaction que m’inspire tout ce que me vient de vous, et profite avec empressement de la confiance due au bâtiment de L’etat pour vous Repondre sur ce que concerne le Castanea sativa dont vous avès mangé le fruit a Paris . vous serès sans doute fort surpris d’aprendre que nous ne pouvons nous le procurer ni aux...
Having ascertained by an indirect inquiry that Mr. Pinkney had left Annapolis, I set out this morning direct for this place, where I found him. On reading your letter, he requested me to inform you, that he would accept with pleasure the appointment which you had been pleased to offer him, and that he would write you fully on the subject tomorrow. I shall leave this place tomorrow for...
I duly received Your favor of the 30 th of September , for which I return You many thanks.— An active agency of any extent in public undertakings would improperly intrude upon the leisure and retirement, which You have sought after the labours, in which You have for so many Years acted a distinguished and highly useful part.—For Your good wishes for the success of the company I am greatly...
This indenture made on the seventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and eleven between Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle on the one part and William Radford and Joel Yancey both of the county of Campbell on the other part, witnesseth that,
Permettez moi d’avoir l’honneur de vous présenter M. Correa de Serra , naturaliste portugais, mon honorable collegue à la Societé d’agriculture de Paris , à l’Institut de France , aux annales du Museum et mon respectable ami. Entrainé par une passion irresistible vers l’étude de la nature, de Ses loix et Surtout de Ses productions, il a voyagé dans diverses parties de l’Europe et S’est lié...
Yesterday I received from the Post Office in this Town, your favour of the thirtieth of November in answer to mine my Letter to you of the twenty fifth of that month I thank you Sir, for the Promptitude, Punctuallity and Accuracy of your Reply, which is fully Satisfactory. It is Such indeed as I know, it must be, from the immutability of Truth. With much respect, I have the Honor to / be Sir,...